This paper aims to introduce the biogeographic distribution of felids (Felis, Lynx and Panthera). The analysed period is within the last glacial phases. This period was quite unstable, changing climatic conditions affected mammals biogeographic distribution. I would like to focus this analysis on the Iberian Peninsula, the southwestern most region of Europe. However, it is a complex geography with different climatic areas affect / ing the species distribution. Eight felid species have been identified on the Iberian Peninsula, from small carnivores such as the wildcat (Felis silvestris), up to the middle-sized lynx (Lynx pardinus, Lynx lynx and Lynx spelaea), and big carnivores such as the leopard (Panthera pardus) and several species of lion (Panthera leo clueti, Panthera spelaea and Panthera sp.). A diachronic and biogeographic analysis of this carnivore family allows a better comprehension of mammal adaptations to changing environments.