FPL potentzia-bihurgailuen analisia akats elektrikoetan zehar
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Dávila Peña, Asier
Cortajarena Echeverria, Jose Antonio
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Ekaia 45 : 279-291 (2024)
Distribution lines are dealing with several challenges such as the increase in power consumption, the integration of renewable resources, etc. which are driving them to more intelligent grids or smart grids. In these smart grids the use of power electronics is essential for adding new required functionalities such as the mitigation of electrical faults. In this sense, mitigation of electrical faults carries out the generation of unbalanced voltages which implies the use of specific power converter topologies. In the case of MV lines, Flexible Power Links (FPL) are a suitable option due to the advantages they report such as bidirectionally of power flow and the possibility of generating unbalanced voltages. This paper analyzes the main topologies used in FPL power converters and studies their behavior when dealing with single-phase faults mitigation. Simulation results are carried out in order to obtain the benefits and disadvantages of each analyzed topology.; Banaketa-sarea hainbat erronkari aurre egiten ari da, hala nola, kontsumo elektrikoaren hazkundeari, baliabide berriztagarrien integrazioari eta abarri, eta horiek gaur egungo banaketa-sarea, sare adimenduagoetara bideratzen ari dira. Sare adimendu horietan, potentzia-elektronika erabiltzea beharrezko funtzionalitate berriak gehitzeko ezinbestekoa da. Alde horretatik, akats elektrikoak arintzean tentsio desorekatuak sortzen dira eta potentzia-bihurgailuak erabili daitezke tentsioak orekatzeko. Goi-tentsioko lineen kasuan, Flexible Power Links (FPL) aukera egokia da, energia fluxua bi norabideetan kontrolatzeko gai izateaz gain, tentsio desorekatuak sor baititzake. Artikulu honek FPL potentzia-bihurgai-luetan erabiltzen diren topologia nagusiak aztertzen ditu eta akats monofasikoak arintzean haien portaera aztertzen du. Simulazioaren emaitzak aztertu dira topologia bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak lortuz.