Structural effects of oxidation on sugars: glucose as a precursor of gluconolactone and glucuronolactone
Ikusi/ Ireki
Parra Santamaría, Maider
Insausti Beiro, Aran
Alonso Alonso, Elena Rita
Cocinero Pérez, Emilio José
Chemical Communications 60(40) : 5302-5305 (2024)
Although structural information on sugars is wide, experimental studies on the oxidation products of sugars in the gas phase, free from solvent interactions, have been rarely reported. We present an experimental work on the changes in the structure and interactions of two products of glucose oxidation (D-glucono-1,5-lactone (GlcL) and D-glucurono-6,3-lactone (GlcurL)) with respect to their precursor. Features such as intramolecular interactions, ring puckering and tautomerism were observed.