Dynamic screening and electron dynamics in low-dimensional metal systems
Silkin, Vyacheslav M.
Quijada Van den Berghe, Marina
Vergniory, Maia G.
Alducín Ochoa, Maite
Borisov, Andrei G.
Díez Muiño, Ricardo
Juaristi Oliden, Joseba Iñaki
Sánchez Portal, Daniel
Chulkov, Evgueni V.
Echenique Landiribar, Pedro Miguel
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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 258(1) : 72–78 (2007)
Recent advances in the theoretical description of dynamic screening and electron dynamics in metallic media are reviewed. The time-dependent building-up of screening in different situations is addressed. Perturbative and non-perturbative theories are used to study electron dynamics in low-dimensional systems, such as metal clusters, image states, surface states and quantum wells. Modification of the electronic lifetimes due to confinement effects is analyzed as well.