CFD model-based analysis and experimental assessment of key design parameters for an integrated unglazed metallic thermal collector façade
Lopez, Alex
Chica Páez, José Antonio
Renewable Energy 146 : 1766-1780 (2020)
Active façade systems incorporating solar thermal collectors currently offer very promising energetic solutions. From among the available systems, a simple solution is the unglazed heat collector for potential integration in low-temperature applications. However, when adopting system definitions, the modification of some design parameters and their impact has to be fully understood. In this study, the case of an unglazed collector integrated into a sandwich panel is assessed and a specific analysis is performed for a proper assessment of the influence of key design parameters. Based on that case study of the real built system, a CFD model is developed and validated and a parametric assessment is then performed, by altering the configurations of both the panel and the hydraulic circuit. In this way, the potential of each measure to harness solar energy can be evaluated and each parameter with its different level of impact can be highlighted, to identify those of higher relevance. A characterization of the real solution completes the study, by providing the efficiency curves and the total energy collected during the experimental campaign. The maximum estimate of the efficiency of a 6 m2 façade was within a range between 0.47 – 0.34 and the heat loss factor was between 4.8 – 7.5. The case study exercises reveal the real energy efficiency and solar production patterns. There was also an opportunity to consider significant improvements to increase the output of the active façade. The main conclusions concerned the different criteria that improved the definition of the system and greater comprehension of alternative designs that may be integrated in the underlying concept.