Now showing items 1-5 of 5

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      Channel phase processing in wireless networks for human activity recognition 

      Díaz San Martín, Guillermo; Sobron Polancos, Iker ORCID; Eizmendi Izquierdo, Iñaki ORCID; Landa Sedano, Iratxe ORCID; Coyote, Johana; Velez Elordi, Manuel María ORCID (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      The phase of the channel state information (CSI) is underutilized as a source of information in wireless sensing due to its sensitivity to synchronization errors of the signal reception. A linear transformation of the phase ...
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      Characterization of non-intentional emissions from distributed energy resources up to 500 kHz: A case study in Spain 

      Fernández Pérez, Igor ORCID; Uribe Pérez, Noelia; Eizmendi Izquierdo, Iñaki ORCID; Angulo Pita, Itziar ORCID; De la Vega Moreno, David ORCID; Arrinda Sanzberro, Amaia; Arzuaga, Txetxu (Elsevier, 2019-09-06)
      [EN] Narrow Band Power Line Communications (NB-PLC) systems are currently used for smart metering and power quality monitoring as a part of the Smart Grid (SG) concept. However, non-intentional emissions generated by the ...
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      Extracción de servicios TS en receptor profesional de DVB-T2. 

      Herrero Meiro, Javier (2016-01-05)
      [Es]Este documento explica el procedimiento seguido para desarrollar la última etapa de un decodificador de DVB-T2, que consiste en la extracción de un archivo de vídeo desde un archivo binario resultante del resto del ...
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      Implementation Issues of Adaptive Energy Detection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 

      Sobron Polancos, Iker ORCID; Eizmendi Izquierdo, Iñaki ORCID; Martins, Wallace Alves; Diniz, Paulo S. R.; Ordiales Basterrechea, Juan Luis ORCID; Velez Elordi, Manuel María ORCID (MDPI AG, 2017-04-23)
      Abstract Spectrum sensing (SS) enables the coexistence of non-coordinated heterogeneous wireless systems operating in the same band. Due to its computational simplicity, energy detection (ED) technique has been widespread ...
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      Planificación de red IoT-LoRa en la CAV. 

      Ibarguen Uribarrena, Aitor (2018-11-26)
      Este proyecto se ha desarrollado en la empresa Itelazpi S.A empresa pública perteneciente 100% al Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza (EJGV). Itelazpi es la empresa que gestiona gran parte de la infraestructura de ...