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      Correlation between biological responses in vitro and in vivo to Ca-doped sol-gel coatings assessed using proteomic analysis 

      García Arnáez, Iñaki; Romero Gavilán, Francisco; Cerqueira, Andreia; Elortza, Felix; Azkargorta, Mikel; Muñoz Guzón, Fernando María; Mata Roig, Manuel; Martín de Llano, José Javier; Suay, Julio; Gurruchaga Torrecilla, María Dolores ORCID; Goñi Echave, Isabel María del Coro ORCID (Elsevier, 2022-12)
      Poor correlation between the results of in vitro testing and the subsequent in vivo experiments hinders the design of biomaterials. Thus, new characterisation methods are needed. This study used proteomic and histological ...
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      Desarrollo de fondo transparente para madera curado con UV-LED 395 nm 

      Hidalgo Gallardo, Iker (2023-10-09)
      [ES] Esta investigación consistió, principalmente, en el desarrollo y/o adaptación de barnices transparentes para madera 100 % sólidos para curado, mediante lámparas UV-LED de 395 nm, con el objetivo de sustituir las ...
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      Desarrollo de recubrimientos para implantes dentales con sales de Ca y Sr, para optimizar los procesos iniciales de regeneración ósea. 

      García Arnáez, Iñaki (2021-07-07)
      Uno de los desafíos en la investigación de materiales consiste en desarrollar materiales y/o superficies que incrementen la tasa de éxito de los implantes dentales, pudiendo además recortar los tiempos de recuperación de ...
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      Development and characterisation of strontium-doped sol-gel coatings to optimise the initial bone regeneration processes 

      García Arnáez, Iñaki; Cerqueira, Andreia; Romero Gavilán, Francisco; Elortza, Felix; Azkargorta, Mikel; Iloro, Ibon; Suay, Julio; Goñi Echave, Isabel María del Coro ORCID; Gurruchaga Torrecilla, María Dolores ORCID (Elsevier, 2022-12)
      Strontium plays an important role in bone regeneration; it promotes the differentiation and maturation of os-teoblasts and inhibits the activity of osteoclasts. Our principal objective in this study was to formulate new ...
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      Development of osteoinductive Si-based coatings to improve dental implants' performance 

      Martínez Ibáñez, María (2015-12-17)
      Since Professor Brånemark introduced the new concept of osseointegration and the proposal of titanium as the best choice for implants production, many efforts have been done to modify their surface in order to improve the ...
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      Influence of Calcium Ion-Modified Implant Surfaces in Protein Adsorption and Implant Integration 

      Anitua Aldekoa, Eduardo; Cerqueira, Andreia; Romero Gavilán, Francisco; García Arnáez, Iñaki; Martínez Ramos, Cristina; Ozturan, Seda; Azkargorta, Mikel; Elortza, Felix; Gurruchaga Torrecilla, María Dolores ORCID; Goñi Echave, Isabel María del Coro ORCID; Suay, Julio; Tejero, Ricardo (Springer, 2021-04-21)
      Background Calcium (Ca) is a well-known element in bone metabolism and blood coagulation. Here, we investigate the link between the protein adsorption pattern and the in vivo responses of surfaces modified with calcium ...
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      New polymer electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium batteries 

      Aldalur Ceberio, Itziar (2019-10-18)
      Los electrolitos poliméricos se presentan como buenos candidatos para reemplazar a los electrolitos líquidos convencionales en dispositivos de almacenamiento de energía. Los polímeros presentan grandes ventajas tales como ...
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      Protein adsorption/desorption dynamics on Ca-enriched titanium surfaces: biological implications 

      Romero Gavilán, Francisco; Cerqueira, Andreia; Anitua Aldekoa, Eduardo; Tejero, Ricardo; García Arnáez, Iñaki; Martínez Ramos, Cristina; Ozturan, Seda; Izquierdo, Raúl; Azkargorta, Mikel; Elortza, Felix; Gurruchaga Torrecilla, María Dolores ORCID; Goñi Echave, Isabel María del Coro ORCID; Suay, Julio (Springer, 2021-08-27)
      Calcium ions are used in the development of biomaterials for the promotion of coagulation, bone regeneration, and implant osseointegration. Upon implantation, the time-dependent release of calcium ions from titanium implant ...
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      Proteomic Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Monocyte Co-Cultures Exposed to a Bioactive Silica-Based Sol–Gel Coating 

      Cerqueira, Andreia; Romero Gavilán, Francisco; Helmholz, Heike; Azkargorta, Mikel; Elortza, Felix; Gurruchaga Torrecilla, María Dolores ORCID; Goñi Echave, Isabel María del Coro ORCID; Willumeit-Römer, Regine; Suay, Julio (American Chemical Society, 2023-05)
      New methodologies capable of extensively analyzing the cell-material interactions are necessary to improve current in vitro characterization methods, and proteomics is a viable alternative. Also, many studies are focused ...
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      Recubrimientos antibacterianos basados en silicio para implantes dentales 

      Pallá Rubio, Beatriz (2016-09-27)
      El uso de implantes dentales en odontología está tan extendido hoy en día, que ya nadie discute su relevancia. Su tasa de éxitos es elevada (debido al criterio de selección de pacientes), si bien un porcentaje cercano al ...
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      Roughness affects the response of human fibroblasts and macrophages to sandblasted abutments 

      Romero Gavilán, Francisco; Arias Mainer, Carlos; Cerqueira, Andreia; Peñarrocha Oltra, David; Bernabeu Mira, Juan carlos; García Arnáez, Iñaki; Elortza, Felix; Muriach, María; Gurruchaga Torrecilla, María Dolores ORCID; Goñi Echave, Isabel María del Coro ORCID; Suay, Julio (BMC, 2024)
      Background A strong seal of soft-tissue around dental implants is essential to block pathogens from entering the peri-implant interface and prevent infections. Therefore, the integration of soft-tissue poses a challenge ...