Now showing items 1-20 of 20

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      A long term study of Mars mesospheric clouds seen at twilight based on Mars Express VMC images 

      Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Ravanis, Eleni; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Wood, Simon; Titov, Dimitri (Wiley, 2021)
      We present the first systematic study of clouds observed during twilight on Mars. We analyze images obtained by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on Mars Express between 2007 and 2020. Using an automated retrieval algorithm ...
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      A planetary-scale disturbance in a long living three vortex coupled system in Saturn's atmosphere 

      Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Antuñano Martín, Arrate ORCID; Legarreta Etxagibel, Jon Josu; García Melendo, Enrique José; Sayanagi, Kunio; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Wong, M.H.; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago ORCID; Rojas Palenzuela, José Félix ORCID; Simon, Amy; de Pater, Imke; Barry, Trevor (Elservier, 2017-12-22)
      The zonal wind profile of Saturn has a unique structure at 60°N with a double-peaked jet that reaches maximum zonal velocities close to 100 ms−1. In this region, a singular group of vortices consisting of a cyclone surrounded ...
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      An enduring rapidly moving storm as a guide to Saturn’s Equatorial jet’s complex structure 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; García Melendo, Enrique José; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago ORCID; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Wong, Michael H.; Simon, Amy A.; Sanz Requena, J. F. ORCID; Antuñano Martín, Arrate ORCID; Barrado Izagirre, Naiara; Garate López, Itziar ORCID; Rojas Palenzuela, José Félix ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Gómez-Forrellad, J. M.; de Pater, Imke; Li, L.; Barry, T. (Nature Publishing, 2016-11-08)
      Saturn has an intense and broad eastward equatorial jet with a complex three-dimensional structure mixed with time variability. The equatorial region experiences strong seasonal insolation variations enhanced by ring ...
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      An Extremely Elongated Cloud Over Arsia Mons Volcano on Mars: 2. Mesoscale Modeling 

      Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Spiga, A.; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Forget, F.; Millour, E. (American Geophysical Union, 2022-10)
      In a previous work (Hernandez-Bernal et al., 2021, ) we performed an observational analysis of the Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud (AMEC), which stands out due to its impressive size and shape, quick dynamics, and the fact that ...
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      An Extremely Elongated Cloud Over Arsia Mons Volcano on Mars: I. Life Cycle 

      Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Ravanis, Eleni; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Connour, K.; Tirsch, Daniela; Ordoñez Etxeberria, Iñaki ORCID; Gondet, Brigitte; Wood, Simon; Titov, Dimitri; Schneider, Nick; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Jaumann, R.; Hauber, E. (AGU, 2021-03-20)
      We report a previously unnoticed annually repeating phenomenon consisting of the daily formation of an extremely elongated cloud extending as far as 1,800 km westward from Arsia Mons. It takes place in the solar longitude ...
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      Cellular patterns and dry convection in textured dust storms at the edge of Mars North Polar Cap 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Erkoreka Pérez, Aitor; Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; García Morales, Josu; Ordoñez Etxeberria, Iñaki ORCID; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Titov, Dimitri; Wood, Simon; Tirsch, Daniela; Hauber, E.; Matz, Klaus-Dieter (Elsevier, 2022-11)
      We present a study of textured local dust storms that develop at the northern polar cap boundary on Mars springtime. We have used images obtained with VMC and HRSC cameras onboard Mars Express and MARCI on MRO to analyze ...
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      Cloud morphology and dynamics in Saturn’s northern polar region 

      Antuñano Martín, Arrate ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Rodríguez Aseguinolaza, Javier ORCID (Elsevier, 2017-07-29)
      We present a study of the cloud morphology and motions in the north polar region of Saturn, from latitude ∼ 70°N to the pole based on Cassini ISS images obtained between January 2009 and November 2014. This region shows a ...
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      Convective Vortices and Dust Devils Detected and Characterized by Mars 2020 

      Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Newman, Claire E.; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Munguira Ruiz, Asier ORCID; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Toledo, Daniel; Apestigue, Victor; Arruego, Ignacio; Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro; Martínez, Germán; Lemmon, Mark T.; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Richardson, Mark I.; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; de la Torre Juárez, Manuel; Rodríguez Manfredi, José Antonio; Tamppari, Leslie; Murdoch, Naomi; Navarro, Sara; Gómez Elvira, Javier; Baker, Mariah M.; Plá García, Jorge; Harri, Ari Matti; Hieta, Maria; Genzer, Maria; Polkko, J.; Jaakonaho, I.; Makinen, T.; Stott, Alexander E.; Mimoun, David; Chide, Baptiste; Sebastián, Eduardo; Banfield, Don; Lepinette, Alain (American Geophysical Union, 2023-02)
      We characterize vortex and dust devils (DDs) at Jezero from pressure and winds obtained with the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) instrument on Mars 2020 over 415 Martian days (sols) (Ls = 6°–213°). Vortices are ...
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      Dynamical Phenomena in the Martian Atmosphere Through Mars Express Imaging 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Spiga, A.; Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Larsen, E.; Tirsch, Daniela; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Machado, Pedro (Springer Nature, 2024)
      This review describes the dynamic phenomena in the atmosphere of Mars that are visible in images taken in the visual range through cloud formation and dust lifting. We describe the properties of atmospheric features traced ...
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      Dynamics of saturn's polar regions 

      Antuñano Martín, Arrate ORCID (2017-09-26)
      En esta tesis, estudiamos la dinámica de las regiones polares de Saturno a nivel de las nubes de amoniaco desde 60º a 90º latitud mediante el análisis de imágenes multiespectrales de muy alta resolución capturadas por las ...
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      Estudio de la variación interanual de la recesión de los casquetes polares de Marte a partir de imágenes de la cámara MEX-VMC 

      Angulo Manzanas, Ainhoa (2022-04-12)
      [ES] En el año 2018, aproximadamente en Ls = 180º del año marciano (MY) 34, se levantó una tormenta de polvo global que cubrió gran parte de Marte y parcialmente el casquete polar sur. Para este estudio se han empleado las ...
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      Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Studies of the Martian Atmosphere Over Jezero From Pressure Measurements 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; de la Torre Juárez, Manuel; Martínez, Germán M.; Harri, Ari Matti; Genzer, Maria; Hieta, Maria; Polkko, J.; Rodríguez Manfredi, José Antonio; Lemmon, Mark T.; Plá García, Jorge; Toledo, Daniel; Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Munguira Ruiz, Asier ORCID; Tamppari, Leslie; Newman, Claire E.; Gómez Elvira, Javier; Guzewich, Scott; Bertrand, Tanguy; Apestigue, Victor; Arruego, Ignacio; Wolff, Michael J.; Banfield, Don; Jaakonaho, I.; Makinen, T. (American Geophysical Union, 2023-01)
      The pressure sensors on Mars rover Perseverance measure the pressure field in the Jezero crater on regular hourly basis starting in sol 15 after landing. The present study extends up to sol 460 encompassing the range of ...
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      Meteorological phenomena on Mars studied with Mars Express VMC images 

      Hernández Bernal, Jorge (2022-12-22)
      En esta tesis se estudian varios fenómenos meteorológicos que tienen lugar en la atmósfera de Marte con imágenes de la cámara VMC de Mars Express. Otros instrumentos que vuelan en misiones en órbita de Marte se utilizan ...
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      Multilayer hazes over Saturn’s hexagon from Cassini ISS limb images 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; García Muñoz, Antonio; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago ORCID; Sanz Requena, J. F. ORCID; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Guerlet, S.; Peralta Calvillo, Javier (Nature, 2020-05-08)
      In June 2015, Cassini high-resolution images of Saturn's limb southwards of the planet's hexagonal wave revealed a system of at least six stacked haze layers above the upper cloud deck. Here, we characterize those haze ...
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      Nocturnal Turbulence at Jezero Crater as Determined From MEDA Measurements and Modeling 

      Plá García, Jorge; Munguira Ruiz, Asier ORCID; Rafkin, Scot; Newman, Claire E.; Bertrand, Tanguy; Martínez, Germán; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Stott, Alexander E.; Murdoch, Naomi; de la Torre Juárez, Manuel; Lemmon, Mark T.; Chide, Baptiste; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Savijärvi, Hannu; Richardson, Mark I.; Marín Jiménez, Mercedes; Sebastián, Eduardo; Lepinette, Alain; Mora Sotomayor, Luis; Rodríguez Manfredi, José Antonio (Wiley, 2023-08)
      Mars 2020 Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) instrument data acquired during half of a Martian year (Ls 13°–180°), and modeling efforts with the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) and the Mars Climate ...
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      The 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm over the South Polar Region studied with MEx/VMC 

      Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Ravanis, Eleni; De Burgos-Sierra, Abel; Titov, Dimitri; Wood, Simon (AGU, 2019-08-13)
      We study the 2018 Martian global dust storm (GDS 2018) over the Southern Polar Region using images obtained by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on board Mars Express (MEx) during June and July 2018. Dust penetrated into ...
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      The diverse meteorology of Jezero crater over the first 250 sols of Perseverance on Mars 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Munguira Ruiz, Asier ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; MEDA Team (Wiley, 2023)
      NASA's Perseverance rover's Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer is collecting data at Jezero crater, characterizing the physical processes in the lowest layer of the Martian atmosphere. Here we present measurements from ...
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      The dynamic atmospheric and aeolian environment of Jezero crater, Mars 

      Newman, Claire E.; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo ORCID; Lemmon, Mark T.; Munguira Ruiz, Asier ORCID; Vicente Retortillo, Álvaro; Apestigue, Victor; Martínez, Germán; Toledo, Daniel; Sullivan, Rob; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; de la Torre Juárez, Manuel; Richardson, Mark I.; Stott, Alexander E.; Murdoch, Naomi; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Wolff, Michael J.; Arruego, Ignacio; Sebastián, Eduardo; Navarro, Sara; Gómez Elvira, Javier; Tamppari, Leslie; Viúdez Moreiras, Daniel; Harri, Ari Matti; Genzer, Maria; Hieta, Maria; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Conrad, Pan; Gómez, Felipe; McConnochie, Timothy; Mimoun, David; Tate, Christian; Bertrand, Tanguy; Bell, James; Maki, Justin N.; Rodríguez Manfredi, José Antonio; Wiens, Roger C.; Chide, Baptiste; Maurice, Sylvestre; Zorzano, María Paz; Mora Sotomayor, Luis; Baker, Mariah M.; Banfield, Don; Plá García, Jorge; Beyssac, Olivier; Brown, Adrian; Clark, Ben; Lepinette, Alain; Montmessin, Franck; Fischer, Erik; Patel, Priyaben; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Fouchet, Thierry; Francis, Raymond; Guzewich, Scott (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2022-05)
      Despite the importance of sand and dust to Mars geomorphology, weather, and exploration, the processes that move sand and that raise dust to maintain Mars' ubiquitous dust haze and to produce dust storms have not been well ...
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      The Onset and Growth of the 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Delcroix, Marc (AGU, 2019-05-21)
      We analyze the onset and initial expansion of the 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm (GDS 2018) using ground-based images in the visual range. This is the first case of a confirmed GDS initiating in the Northern Hemisphere. A ...
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      Vientos y turbulencia atmosférica en el hemisferio sur de Saturno 

      Zulueta Barbadillo, Asier (2021-11-23)
      A fin de estudiar la naturaleza de las estructuras de vientos en Saturno, se presenta un análisis de la turbulencia del hemisferio sur del planeta a través del cálculo de la potencia espectral de los trazadores pasivos ...