Now showing items 21-40 of 207

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      Applying the Kolmogorov–Zurbenko filter followed by random forest models to 7Be observations in Spain (2006–2021) 

      Nafarrate, Ander; Petisco Ferrero, Susana ORCID; Idoeta Hernandorena, Raquel; Herranz Soler, Margarita; Sáenz Aguirre, Jon ORCID; Ulazia Manterola, Alain ORCID; Ibarra Berastegi, Gabriel (Elsevier, 2024-05)
      n this study, we analysed 7Be weekly surface measurements from six Spanish laboratories from 2006 to 2021. The Kolmogorov–Zurbenko filter was applied to the six 7Be time series, and following an iterative process, the ...
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      Approach to scaling in axion string networks 

      Hindmarsh, Mark; Lizarraga Olano, Joanes ORCID; López Eiguren, Asier; Urrestilla Urizabal, Jon ORCID (APS, 2021-05-26)
      We study the approach to scaling in axion string networks in the radiation era, through measuring the root-mean-square velocity v as well as the scaled mean string separation x. We find good evidence for a fixed point in ...
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      Asymptotic structure of space-time and gravitational radiation in the presence of a non-negative cosmological constant 

      Fernández Álvarez, Francisco ORCID (2021-07-12)
      En la tesis se estudia la radiación gravitatoria y la estructura del infinito desde un punto de vista geométrico, dentro del contexto de la Relatividad General de Einstein. En particular, se emplean compactificaciones ...
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      Atomistic simulation on the nucleation of C-S-H. 

      Méndez Aretxabaleta, Xabier (2023-05-12)
      En este trabajo, hemos utilizado métodos computacionales para estudiar las primeras etapas de la nucleación del C-S-H a escala atómica. El cemento es el material de construcción más utilizado en el mundo, y el gel C-S-H ...
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      Beyond the infrared: a centenary of Heinrich Rubens's death 

      González de Arrieta Martinez, Iñigo ORCID (Springer, 2022)
      Heinrich Rubens (Wiesbaden, 1865, Berlin, 1922) was the first scientist to study the large gap between the conventional infrared range and the electrical wave regime, better known today as the terahertz gap. To this end, ...
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      Biochemical and Metabolomic Changes after Electromagnetic Hyperthermia Exposure to Treat Colorectal Cancer Liver Implants in Rats 

      Herrero de la Parte, Borja; Irazola Duñabeitia, Mireia; Pérez Muñoz, Jorge; Rodrigo Arrizabalaga, Irati; Iturrizaga Correcher, Sira; Mar Medina, Carmen; Castro Ortiz de Pinedo, Kepa ORCID; Etxebarria Loizate, Nestor; Plazaola Muguruza, Fernando ORCID; García Martínez, José Angel; García-Alonso Montoya, Ignacio ORCID; Echevarría Uraga, José Javier (MDPI, 2021-05-17)
      Background: Hyperthermia (HT) therapy still remains relatively unknown, in terms of both its biological and therapeutic effects. This work aims to analyze the effects of exposure to HT, such as that required in anti-tumor ...
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      Brane nucleation in supersymmetric models 

      Bandos, Igor; Blanco Pillado, José Juan; Sousa, Kepa ORCID; Álvarez Urquiola, Mikel ORCID (Springer Nature, 2023-10-11)
      This paper explores the process of vacuum decay in supersymmetric models related to flux compactifications. In particular, we describe these instabilities within supersymmetric Lagrangians for a single three-form multiplet. ...
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      Canonical quantization of superconducting circuits 

      Parra Rodríguez, Adrián (2021-03-30)
      Los circuitos superconductores han surgido como una de las implementaciones físicas más prometedorasen tecnologías cuánticas, fusionando la física, la ingeniería y las matemáticas. Esta tesis expone modeloshamiltonianos ...
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      Cellular patterns and dry convection in textured dust storms at the edge of Mars North Polar Cap 

      Sánchez Lavega, Agustín María ORCID; Erkoreka Pérez, Aitor; Hernández Bernal, Jorge; Del Río Gaztelurrutia, María Teresa; García Morales, Josu; Ordoñez Etxeberria, Iñaki ORCID; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Titov, Dimitri; Wood, Simon; Tirsch, Daniela; Hauber, E.; Matz, Klaus-Dieter (Elsevier, 2022-11)
      We present a study of textured local dust storms that develop at the northern polar cap boundary on Mars springtime. We have used images obtained with VMC and HRSC cameras onboard Mars Express and MARCI on MRO to analyze ...
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      Changes in the simulation of atmospheric instability over the Iberian Peninsula due to the use of 3DVAR data assimilation 

      González Rojí, Santos José; Carreno Madinabeitia, Sheila; Sáenz Aguirre, Jon ORCID; Ibarra Berastegi, Gabriel (Copernicus Publications, 2021-06-18)
      [EN] Abstract. The ability of two downscaling experiments to correctly simulate thermodynamic conditions over the Iberian Peninsula (IP) is compared in this paper. To do so, three parameters used to evaluate the unstable ...
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      Chiral torsional effects in anomalous fluids in thermal equilibrium 

      Mañes Palacios, Juan Luis; Valle Basagoiti, Manuel Ángel ORCID; Vázquez Mozo, Miguel (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) ; Springer Verlag, 2021-05-24)
      [EN] Using the similarity between spacetime torsion and axial gauge couplings, we study torsional contributions to the equilibrium partition function in a stationary background. In the case of a charged fluid minimally ...
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      CMIP6 projections for global offshore wind and wave energy production (2015–2100) 

      Ibarra Berastegi, Gabriel; Sáenz Aguirre, Jon ORCID; Ulazia Manterola, Alain ORCID; Sáenz Aguirre, Jon ORCID; Esnaola Aldanondo, Ganix (Nature, 2023-10)
      Three-hourly CMIP6 projections have been used in conjuction with the CSIRO WaveWatchIII wave model to calculate the global trends in offshore wind and wave energy for the SSP585 and SSP126 scenarios until 2100. The results ...
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      Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin-Splitting Fields in Superconductor/Ferromagnetic Insulator Bilayers of Arbitrary Thickness 

      Hijano Mendizabal, Alberto; Ilic, Stefan; Rouco Martín, Mikel; González Orellana, Carmen; Ilyn, Maxim; Rogero Blanco, Celia; Virtanen, P.; Heikkila, T. T.; Khorshidian, S.; Spies, M.; Ligato, N.; Giazotto, F.; Strambini, E.; Bergeret Sbarbaro, F. Sebastian (American Physical Society, 2021-05-19)
      Ferromagnetic insulators (FI) can induce a strong exchange field in an adjacent superconductor (S) via the magnetic proximity effect. This manifests as spin splitting of the BCS density of states of the superconductor, an ...
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      Collective and non-collective molecular dynamics in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal studied by broadband dielectric spectroscopy 

      Ercoreca González, Aitor; Mertelj, Alenka; Huang, Mingjun; Aya, Satoshi; Martínez Perdiguero, Jesús ORCID; Sebastián, Nerea (AIP, 2023-10-23)
      A great deal of effort has been recently devoted to the study of dielectric relaxation processes in ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals, yet their interpretation remains unclear. In this work, we present the results of ...
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      Columnar liquid crystals based on antiaromatic expanded porphyrins 

      Nguyen, Duong D.; Labella, Jorge; Laforga Martín, Juan; Folcia Basa, César Luis ORCID; Ortega Aperribay, Josu ORCID; Torres, Tomás; Sierra, Teresa; Sessler, Jonathan L. (RSC, 2024-03)
      Three naphthorosarins, antiaromatic expanded porphyrins bearing different meso substituents (NRos 1–3), designed to self-assemble into columnar liquid crystalline (LC) structures, were synthesized and characterized using ...
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      Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle phi(3) using B+ -> D(K(S)(0)h(+)h(-))h(+) decays 

      Belle Collaboration; Schnell, Gunar (Springer, 2022)
      [EN] We present a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity triangle angle phi(3) (also known as gamma) using a model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of B+ -> D(K(S)(0)h(+)h(-))h(+), where D is either a D-0 ...
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      Computational methods to solve many-body problems from first priciples: a focus on the electron-phonon interaction. 

      Lafuente Bartolomé, Jon (2020-11-05)
      Los cálculos desde primeros principios, también denominados cálculos ab initio, están adquiriendo unpapel fundamental en el proceso de diseño y desarrollo de nuevos materiales, pues pueden aportarcomprensón a nivel atómico ...
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      Contribution of defects to the spin relaxation in copper nanowires 

      Villamor Lomas, Estitxu ORCID; Isasa Gabilondo, Miren; Hueso Arroyo, Luis Eduardo; Casanova Fernández, Félix (Americal Physical Society, 2013-03-18)
      The contributions to the spin relaxation in copper (Cu) nanowires are quantified by carefully analyzing measurements of both charge and spin transport in lateral spin valves as a function of temperature and thickness. The ...
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      Coupled spin and electron-phonon interaction at the Tl/Si(111) surface from relativistic first-principles calculations 

      García Goiricelaya, Peio; García de Gurtubay Galligo, Idoia ORCID; Eiguren Goyenechea, Asier ORCID (American Physical Society, 2018-12-28)
      We investigate the role played by the electron spin and the spin-orbit interaction in the exceptional electron-phonon coupling at the Tl/Si(111) surface. Our first-principles calculations demonstrate that the particular ...
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      Crossing the superfluid-supersolid transition of an elongated dipolar condensate 

      Alaña Álvarez de Eulate, Aitor; Antolini, Nicolò; Biagioni, Giulio; Egusquiza Egusquiza, Iñigo Luis; Modugno, Michele (American Physical Society, 2022-10)
      We provide a theoretical characterization of the dynamical crossing of the superfluid-supersolid phase transition for a dipolar condensate confined in an elongated trap, as observed in the recent experiment by Biagioni et ...