Now showing items 21-40 of 113

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      Common-Mode Voltage Elimination in Multilevel Power Inverter-Based Motor Drive Applications 

      Robles Pérez, Endika ORCID; Fernández Zubizarreta, Markel ORCID; Zaragoza, Jordi; Aretxabaleta Astoreka, Iker; Martínez de Alegría Mancisidor, Iñigo ORCID; Andreu Larrañaga, Jon ORCID (IEEE, 2022-01-07)
      [EN] The industry and academia are focusing their efforts on finding more efficient and reliable electrical machines and motor drives. However, many of the motors driven by pulse-width modulated converters face the recurring ...
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      Communications and data science for the success of vehicle-to-grid technologies: Current state and future trends 

      Uribe Pérez, Noelia; González Garrido, Amaia; Gallarreta Canteli, Alexander; Justel, Daniel; González Pérez, Mikel; González Ramos, Jon; Arrizabalaga, Ane; Asensio De Miguel, Francisco Javier ORCID; Bidaguren, Peru (MDPI, 2024-05-15)
      Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology has emerged as a promising solution for enhancing the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the electric grid, offering benefits, such as distributed energy resource (DER) integration, ...
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      Compliance verification methodology for renewable generation integration. Application to island power grids 

      Etxegarai Madina, Agurtzane (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2015-07-14)
      This thesis proposes a new methodology to validate the integration of renewable generation to install in island power grids. In weak power grids, the penetration of non-synchronous power generation can be challenging. ...
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      Computational Modeling of a 2D Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Cell 

      Martínez López, Joseba; Aramendia Iradi, Iñigo; Fernández Gámiz, Unai; Sánchez Díez, Eduardo; Beloki, Aitor; Kurt, Erol; López Guede, José Manuel ORCID (Springer Nature, 2024-01)
      These days, the implementation of sustainable power generation has led to a difference in propensity in the energy creation and capacity frameworks, compelling them to conquer the hardships that it addresses. Considering ...
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      Contactless Rotor Ground Fault Detection Method for Brushless Synchronous Machines Based on an AC/DC Rotating Current Sensor 

      Pardo Vicente, Miguel Angel; Guerrero Granados, José Manuel ORCID; Platero, Carlos A.; Sánchez Férnandez, José Antonio (MDPI, 2023-11-09)
      Brushless synchronous machines (BSMs) are replacing conventional synchronous machines with static excitation in generation facilities due to the absence of sparking and lower maintenance. However, this excitation system ...
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      Current procedures and practices on grid code compliance verification of renewable power generation 

      Etxegarai Madina, Agurtzane; Eguia, Pablo ORCID; Torres Iglesias, Esther; Buigues Beraza, Garikoitz; Iturregi Aio, Araitz (Elsevier, 2017-05)
      Generation assets applying for grid connection must comply with certain grid code requirements. Grid code compliance verification shall include revision of documentation covering technical data and models, checking ...
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      Design and Performance of a XBee 900 MHz Acquisition System Aimed at Industrial Applications 

      Calvo Gordillo, Isidro; Gil-García Leiva, José Miguel; Villar, Eneko; Fernández, Aitor; Velasco, Javier; Barambones Caramazana, Oscar ORCID; Napole, Cristian; Fernández Bustamante, Pablo (MDPI, 2021-09-03)
      Wireless technologies are being introduced in industrial applications since they provide certain benefits, such as the flexibility to modify the layout of the nodes, improving connectivity with monitoring and decision ...
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      Design of an Anti-Corona Device for HVAC Substation Connectors 

      Larrea Valle, Ane Miren; de la Hoz Lambraño, Manuel Antonio; Etxegarai Madina, Agurtzane; Mazón Sainz-Maza, Angel Javier ORCID; Aranzabal Santamaria, Itxaso (MDPI, 2022-08-09)
      One of the aspects to consider during high-voltage (HV) equipment design is the reduction in the probability of corona effect onset. Indeed, the corona effect is related to high electric field values beyond the equipment’s ...
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      Determinación de Fe-55 y Ni-63 en Muestras Medioambientales 

      Abelairas Arce, Angel (2021-06-18)
      En esta Tesis se desarrolla e implementa un procedimiento para la determinación conjunta de Fe-55 y Ni-63 en muestras medioambientales.También se desarrolla y propone un procedimiento general de validación para procedimientos ...
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      Development of optimal energy management and sizing strategies for large-scale electrical storage systems supporting renewable energy sources. 

      González Garrido, Amaia (2020-01-17)
      El desarrollo e integración de las fuentes de energía renovable (RES) conducirá a un futuro energético más sostenible. Las plantas renovables deberán mejorar su participación y operación a través de los mercados de ...
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      Double Fed Induction Generator Control Design Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Oscillating Water Column System 

      Napole, Cristian; Barambones Caramazana, Oscar ORCID; Derbeli, Mohamed; Cortajarena Echeverria, José Antonio ORCID; Calvo Gordillo, Isidro; Alkorta Egiguren, Patxi; Fernández Bustamante, Pablo (MDPI, 2021-06-12)
      Oscillating water column (OWC) systems are water power generation plants that transform wave kinetic energy into electrical energy by a surrounded air column in a chamber that changes its pressure through the waves motion. ...
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      Effect of Primary Cable Position on Accuracy in Non-Toroidal-Shaped Pass-Through Current Transformer 

      Guerrero Granados, José Manuel ORCID; Platero, Carlos A.; Blázquez, Francisco; Sánchez Férnandez, José Antonio (MDPI, 2024-08-26)
      Non-toroidal-shaped primary pass-through protection current transformers (CTs) are used to measure high currents. Their design provides them with a big airgap that allow the passing of several cables per phase though them, ...
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      Electric Arc in Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers: Experiments and Simulation 

      Iturregi Aio, Araitz; Barbu, Bogdan; Torres Iglesias, Esther; Berger, Frank; Zamora Belver, Inmaculada (IEEE, 2017-01)
      The aim of this paper is to present a further approach for analyzing the air electric arc in low-voltage circuit breakers (LVCBs). In order to achieve that, a new simulation model and experimental tests have been carried ...
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      Electric Vehicle into the Grid: Charging Methodologies Aimed at Providing Ancillary Services Considering Battery Degradation 

      Saldaña Mulero, Gaizka; San Martín Díaz, José Ignacio ORCID; Zamora Belver, Inmaculada; Asensio De Miguel, Francisco Javier ORCID; Oñederra Leyaristi, Oier ORCID (MDPI, 2019-06-25)
      The necessity of transport electrification is already undeniable due to, among other facts, global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and fossil-fuel dependency. In this context, electric vehicles (EVs) play a fundamental role. ...
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      Empirical calendar ageing model for electric vehicles and energy storage systems batteries 

      Saldaña Mulero, Gaizka; San Martín Díaz, José Ignacio ORCID; Zamora Belver, Inmaculada; Asensio De Miguel, Francisco Javier ORCID; Oñederra Leyaristi, Oier ORCID; González Pérez, Mikel (Elsevier, 2022-11)
      Transport electrification and energy storage are considered part of the solution to decrease CO2 emissions from the energy and transport sectors. In this context, batteries can be a promising technology, since advances in ...
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      Energy storage sizing for virtual inertia contribution based on ROCOF and local frequency dynamics 

      Alonso Sørensen, Dominique; Vázquez Pombo, Daniel; Torres Iglesias, Esther (Elsevier, 2023-05)
      Large integration of renewable energy sources has caused a dramatic reduction of inertia in modern power grids. Which has caused the development of virtual inertia techniques facilitating support from power electronic ...
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      Engineering instructor perception of Problem and Project Based Learning: Learning, success factors and difficulties 

      Garmendia Mujika, Mikel ORCID; Aginako Arri, Zaloa ORCID; Garicano Osinaga, Xabier; Solaberrieta Méndez, Eneko (OmniaScience, 2021)
      This work considers three research objectives: to analyze the perception of instructors of the incidence ofPBL/PjBL on content learning and skill development; to identify the success factors that they believepromote learning ...
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      European Cities in the Energy Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of 27 Cities 

      Villamor Lomas, Estitxu ORCID; Akizu Gardoki, Ortzi; Azurza Zubizarreta, Olatz; Urkidi Azkarraga, Leire ORCID; Campos Celador, Alvaro ORCID; Basurko, Izaro; Barcena Hynojal, Iñaki Bizente (MDPI, 2020-03-12)
      Nowadays, there is a wide scientific consensus about the unsustainability of the current energy system and at the same time, social awareness about climate change and the IPCC’s goals is increasing in Europe. Amongst ...
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      Field validation of gap-type overhead conductor creep 

      Fernández Herrero, Elvira ORCID; Albizu Flórez, Igor ORCID; Bedialauneta Landaribar, Miren Terese ORCID; Mazón Sainz-Maza, Ángel Javier; Etxegarai Madina, Agurtzane (Elsevier, 2018-09-11)
      Gap-type overhead conductor sag-tension calculations based on experimental conductor creep tests are based on stress-strain and metallurgical creep tests. Although for bi-metallic conductors, these tests are carried out ...
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      Flexible Strain-Tension Calculation Method for Gap-type Overhead Conductors 

      Albizu Flórez, Igor ORCID; Mazón Sainz-Maza, Angel Javier ORCID; Zamora Belver, Inmaculada (IEEE, 2009-07)
      Commercially available sag-tension programs give good results for most practical applications. However, they have some limitations concerning gap-type conductors. A separate aluminum and core creep calculation is needed ...