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      The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on enrollment in undergraduate health-related studies in Spain 

      March Amengual, Jaume Miquel; Cambra Badii, Irene; Pineda Galán, Consolación; Busquets Alibés, Ester; Masó Aguado, Montse; Ramón Aribau, Anna; Feito Grande, Lydia; Comella Cayuela, Agustí; Terribas i Sala, Nuria; Andrade Gómez, Elena; Martínez Perez, Naiara; Jerez Roig, Javier (BMC, 2023-05-26)
      The aim of this study was to determine whether the pandemic has reinforced the choice of pursuing health-related bachelor’s degrees, and to identify underlying factors that could contribute to that impact. This is a ...