Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Damping in ram based vertical lathes and portal machines 

      Astarloa Badiola, Asier; Semm, Thomas; Mancisidor Aizpurua, Iker; Fernandes Rodrigues, María Helena ORCID; Ellinger, Johannes; Dombovari, Zoltan; Muñoa, Jokin (Elsevier, 2022)
      Chatter vibrations originated by the machine structure are a major limitation for the productivity of ram based machines performing heavy duty operations. Consequently, the damping of the machine structure has a capital ...
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      Improvement of boring operations by means of mode coupling effect 

      Astarloa Badiola, Asier; Comak, Alptunc; Mancisidor Aizpurua, Iker; Fernandes Rodrigues, María Helena ORCID; Muñoa, Jokin; Dombovari, Zoltan (Elsevier, 2022-05)
      Boring bars are inherently slender tools which are prone to show chatter problems due to their low dynamic stiffness and damping, being this problem their main limitation in productivity. The onset of chatter is mainly ...
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      Improvement of boring operations through novel chatter suppression and chip breakage techniques. 

      Astarloa Badiola, Asier (2023-03-23)
      El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es proponer nuevas técnicas para reducir los problemas limitantes de las operaciones de mandrinado: la evacuación de viruta y las vibraciones autoexcitadas.Como herramienta para ...