Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Risk factors for dementia in the epidemiological study of Munguialde County (Basque Country-Spain) 

      Fernández Martínez, Manuel; Castro Flores, Jessica; Pérez de las Heras, Susana; Mandaluniz Lekumberri, Aitziber; Gordejuela Menocal, María; Zarranz Imirizaldu, Juan José (BioMed Central, 2008-10-15)
      Background: Prevalence of degenerative dementias and dementias associated with cerebrovascular disease is increasing. Dementia is one of the most significant public health problem. In recent years, the role of vascular ...
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      The COMT Val158 Met polymorphism as an associated risk factor for Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment in APOE 4 carriers 

      Fernández Martínez, Manuel; Elcoroaristizabal Martín, Xabier; Galdos Alcelay, Luis; Castro Flores, Jessica; Uterga Valiente, Juan MarÍa; Indakoetxea Juanbeltz, Begoña; Gómez Beldarrain, María Angeles; Moraza López, Josefa; González Fernández, María Carmen; Molano Salazar, Ana; Bereincua Gandarias, Rocío; Inglés Borda, Sandra; Ortiz Marqués, Nuria; Barandiaran Amillano, Miryam; Carrasco Zabaleta, María; Martínez de Pancorbo Gómez, María de los Angeles ORCID (BioMed Central, 2009-09)
      Background: The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the catechol-O-methyltranferase (COMT) gene (polymorphism Val158 Met) as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment of amnesic ...