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      SuperCam calibration targets: design and development 

      Manrique, José Antonio; López Reyes, Guillermo; Cousin, Agnes; Rull, Fernando; Maurice, Sylvestre; Wiens, Roger C.; Madsen, Morten; Madariaga Mota, Juan Manuel; Gasnault, Olivier; Aramendia Gutiérrez, Julene ORCID; Arana Momoitio, Gorka; Beck, Pierre; Bernard, Sylvain; Bernardi, Pernelle; Bernt, M.H.; Berrocal, A.; Beyssac, Olivier; Cais, Philippe; Castro, C.; Castro Ortiz de Pinedo, Kepa ORCID; Clegg, Sam; Cloutis, Edward; Dromart, Gilles; Drouet, C.; Dubois, Bruno; Escribano, D.; Fabre, Cecile; Fernández, A.; Forni, Olivie; García Baonza, Valentín; Gontijo, Ivair; Johnson, Jeffrey R.; Laserna, Javier; Lasue, Jeremie; Madsen, Soren; Mateo Martí, Eva; Medina, J.; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Montagnac, Gilles; Moral, Andoni; Moros, J.; Ollila, Ann M.; Ortega, C.; Prieto Ballesteros, Olga; Reess, Jean-Michel; Robinson, S.; Rodríguez, J.; Saiz, J.; Sanz Arranz, J. A.; Sard, I.; Sautter, Violaine; Sobrón, Pablo; Toplis, Michael J.; Veneranda, Marco (Springer Nature, 2020-11-26)
      SuperCam is a highly integrated remote-sensing instrumental suite for NASA’s Mars 2020 mission. It consists of a co-aligned combination of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Time-Resolved Raman and Luminescence ...
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      The SuperCam Instrument Suite on the Mars 2020 Rover: Science Objectives and Mast-Unit Description 

      Maurice, Sylvestre; Wiens, Roger C.; Bernardi, Pernelle; Cais, Philippe; Robinson, Scott H.; Nelson, T.; Gasnault, Olivier; Reess, Jean-Michel; Deleuze, Muriel; Rull, Fernando; Manrique, José Antonio; Abbaki, S.; Anderson, Ryan B.; Andre, Yves; Angel, S. M.; Arana Momoitio, Gorka; Battault, T.; Beck, Pierre; Benzerara, Karim; Bernard, Sylvain; Berthias, J. P.; Beyssac, Olivier; Bonafous, M.; Bousquet, Bruno; Boutillier, M.; Cadu, A.; Castro Ortiz de Pinedo, Kepa ORCID; Chapron, F.; Chide, Baptiste; Clark, Kevin; Clavé, E.; Clegg, Sam; Cloutis, Edward; Collin, C.; Cordoba, Elizabeth C.; Cousin, Agnes; Dameury, J. C.; D'Anna, W.; Daydou, Y.; Debus, A.; Deflores, Lauren; Dehouck, E.; Delapp, Dorothea; De Los Santos, G.; Donny, Christophe; Doressoundiram, A.; Dromart, Gilles; Dubois, Bruno; Dufour, A.; Dupieux, M.; Egan, Miles; Ervin, Joan; Fabre, Cecile; Fau, Amaury; Fischer, Woodward; Forni, Olivie; Fouchet, Thierry; Frydenvang, Jens; Gauffre, S.; Gauthier, M.; Gharakanian, V.; Gilard, O.; Gontijo, Ivair; González, R.; Granena, D.; Grotzinger, John; Hassen Khodja, R.; Heim, M.; Hello, Y.; Hervet, G.; Humeau, O.; Jacob, Xavier; Jacquinod, Sophie; Johnson, Jeffrey R.; Kouach, D.; Lacombe, G.; Lanza, Nina; Lapauw, L.; Laserna, Javier; Lasue, Jeremie; Le Deit, L.; Le Comte, E.; Lee, Q. M.; Legett, Carey; Leveille, Richard; Lewin, Eric; Leyrat, C.; López Reyes, Guillermo; Lorenz, Ralph; Lucero, Briana; Madariaga Mota, Juan Manuel; Madsen, Soren; Madsen, Morten; Mangold, Nicolas; Manni, F.; Mariscal, J. F.; Martínez Frías, Jesús; Mathieu, K.; Mathon, R.; McCabe, Kevin P.; McConnochie, Timothy H.; McLennan, Scott M.; Mekki, J.; Melikechi, Noureddine; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Micheau, Y.; Michel, Y.; Michel, John M.; Mimoun, David; Misra, Anupam; Montagnac, Gilles; Montaron, C.; Montmessin, Franck; Moros, J.; Mousset, Valerie; Morizet, Y.; Murdoch, Naomi; Newell, Raymond T.; Newsom, Horton; Tuong, N. N.; Ollila, Ann M.; Orttner, G.; Oudda, L.; Pares, Laurent; Parisot, J.; Parot, Yann; Pérez, R.; Pheav, D.; Picot, L.; Pilleri, Paolo; Pilorget, C.; Pinet, Patrick; Pont, Gabriel; Poulet, Francois; Quantin-Nataf, C.; Quertier, Benjamin; Rambaud, D.; Rapin, William; Romano, Philip J.; Roucayrol, L.; Royer, Clement; Ruellan, M.; Sandoval, Benigno; Sautter, Violaine; Schoppers, Marcel J.; Schroder, S.; Seran, H. C.; Sharma, Shiv K.; Sobrón, Pablo; Sodki, M.; Sournac, A.; Sridhar, Vishnu; Standarovsky, D.; Storms, Steven; Striebig, N.; Tatat, M.; Toplis, Michael J.; Torre Fernández, Imanol ORCID; Toulemont, N.; Velasco, C.; Veneranda, Marco; Venhaus, Dawn; Virmontois, C.; Viso, M.; Willis, Peter; Wong, K. W. (Springer, 2021-04)
      On the NASA 2020 rover mission to Jezero crater, the remote determination of the texture, mineralogy and chemistry of rocks is essential to quickly and thoroughly characterize an area and to optimize the selection of samples ...
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      The SuperCam Instrument Suite on the NASA Mars 2020 Rover: Body Unit and Combined System Tests 

      Wiens, Roger C.; Maurice, Sylvestre; Robinson, Scott H.; Nelson, Anthony E.; Cais, Philippe; Bernardi, Pernelle; Newell, Raymond T.; Clegg, Sam; Sharma, Shiv K.; Storms, Steven; Deming, Jonathan; Beckman, Darrel; Ollila, Ann M.; Gasnault, Olivier; Anderson, Ryan B.; Andre, Yves; Michael Angel, S.; Arana Momoitio, Gorka; Auden, Elizabeth; Beck, Pierre; Becker, Joseph; Benzerara, Karim; Bernard, Sylvain; Beyssac, Olivier; Borges, Louis; Bousquet, Bruno; Boyd, Kerry; Caffrey, Michael; Carlson, Jeffrey; Castro Ortiz de Pinedo, Kepa ORCID; Celis, Jorden; Chide, Baptiste; Clark, Kevin; Cloutis, Edward; Cordoba, Elizabeth C.; Cousin, Agnes; Dale, Magdalena; Deflores, Lauren; Delapp, Dorothea; Deleuze, Muriel; Dirmyer, Matthew; Donny, Christophe; Dromart, Gilles; Duran, George M.; Egan, Miles; Ervin, Joan; Fabre, Cecile; Fau, Amaury; Fischer, Woodward; Forni, Olivie; Fouchet, Thierry; Fresquez, Reuben; Frydenvang, Jens; Gasway, Denine; Gontijo, Ivair; Grotzinger, John; Jacob, Xavier; Jacquinod, Sophie; Johnson, Jeffrey R.; Klisiewicz, Roberta A.; Lake, James; Lanza, Nina; Laserna, Javier; Lasue, Jeremie; Le Mouelic, Stephane; Legett, Carey; Leveille, Richard; Lewin, Eric; López Reyes, Guillermo; Lorenz, Ralph; Lorigny, Eric; Love, Steven P.; Lucero, Briana; Madariaga Mota, Juan Manuel; Madsen, Morten; Madsen, Soren; Mangold, Nicolas; Manrique, José Antonio; Martínez, J. P.; Martínez Frías, Jesús; McCabe, Kevin P.; McConnochie, Timothy H.; McGlown, Justin M.; McLennan, Scott M.; Melikechi, Noureddine; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Michel, John M.; Mimoun, David; Misra, Anupam; Montagnac, Gilles; Montmessin, Franck; Mousset, Valerie; Murdoch, Naomi; Newsom, Horton; Ott, Logan A.; Ousnamer, Zachary R.; Pares, Laurent; Parot, Yann; Pawluczyk, Rafal; Peterson, C. Glen; Pilleri, Paolo; Pinet, Patrick; Pont, Gabriel; Poulet, Francois; Provost, Cheryl; Quertier, Benjamin; Quinn, Heather; Rapin, William; Reess, Jean-Michel; Regan, Amy H.; Reyes Newell, Adriana L.; Romano, Philip J.; Royer, Clement; Rull, Fernando; Sandoval, Benigno; Sarrao, Joseph H.; Sautter, Violaine; Schoppers, Marcel J.; Schroeder, Susanne; Seitz, Daniel; Shepherd, Terra; Sobrón, Pablo; Dubois, Bruno; Sridhar, Vishnu; Toplis, Michael J.; Torre Fernández, Imanol ORCID; Trettel, Ian A.; Underwood, Mark; Valdez, Andrés; Valdez, Jacob; Venhaus, Dawn; Willis, Peter (Springer, 2021-02)
      The SuperCam instrument suite provides theMars 2020 rover, Perseverance, with a number of versatile remote-sensing techniques that can be used at long distance as well as within the robotic-arm workspace. These include ...