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      A UHPLC-Mass Spectrometry View of Human Melanocytic Cells Uncovers Potential Lipid Biomarkers of Melanoma 

      Pérez Valle, Arantza; Abad García, Beatriz; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Barreda Gómez, Gabriel; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia; Asumendi Mallea, Aintzane ORCID; Astigarraga Arribas, Egoitz; Fernández González, José Andrés ORCID; Boyano López, María Dolores ORCID; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña (MDPI, 2021-10-08)
      Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer due to its ability to colonize distant sites and initiate metastasis. Although these processes largely depend on the lipid-based cell membrane scaffold, our understanding of ...
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      Adenosine: direct and indirect actions on gastric acid secretion 

      Arin Laquidain, Rosa María Engracia ORCID; Gorostidi, Adriana; Navarro Imaz, Hiart; Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña (Frontiers Media, 2017-09-22)
      Composed by a molecule of adenine and a molecule of ribose, adenosine is a paradigm of recyclable nucleoside with a multiplicity of functions that occupies a privileged position in the metabolic and regulatory contexts. ...
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      Anatomical distribution of lipids in human brain cortex by imaging mass spectrometry 

      Veloso Fernández, Antonio; Astigarraga Arribas, Egoitz; Barreda Gómez, Gabriel; Manuel Vicente, Iván ORCID; Ferrer, Isidro; Giralt, María Teresa; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Rodríguez Puertas, Rafael ORCID; Fernández González, José Andrés ORCID (Springer Verlag, 2011-01-28)
      [ES] Las imágenes de masa molecular de los tejidos estarán sesgadas si las diferencias en las propiedades fisicoquímicas del microentorno afectan a la intensidad de los espectros. Para abordar esta cuestión, hemos realizado ...
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      Application of Bioactive Thermal Proteome Profiling to Decipher the Mechanism of Action of the Lipid Lowering 13(2)-Hydroxy-pheophytin Isolated from a Marine Cyanobacteria 

      Carrasco del Amor, Ana María; Freitas, Sara; Urbatzka, Ralph; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Cristobal Barragán, Susana (MDPI, 2019-06-21)
      The acceleration of the process of understanding the pharmacological application of new marine bioactive compounds requires identifying the compound protein targets leading the molecular mechanisms in a living cell. The ...
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      Atorvastatin Provides a New Lipidome Improving Early Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy in Osteopontin Deficient Mice 

      Núñez García, Maitane; Gómez Santos, Beatriz; Saenz de Urturi Indart, Diego; Mestre, Daniela; González Romero, Francisco; Buqué García, Xabier ORCID; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID; Syn, Wing-Kin; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia (Nature Publishing Group, 2018-10-02)
      Osteopontin (OPN), a multifunctional cytokine that controls liver glycerolipid metabolism, is involved in activation and proliferation of several liver cell types during regeneration, a condition of high metabolic demands. ...
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      Behazun-gatzen garraioaren fisiologia 

      Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011)
      Heste mehera isurtzen diren behazun-gatzek lipidoen digestioan eta xurgapenean laguntzen dute. Behazun-gatzak hepatozitoek sintetizatzen dituzte kolesterola erabiliz; beren izaera anfipatikoa eta egitura molekularra ...
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      Expression of Adenosine A2B Receptor and Adenosine Deaminase in Rabbit Gastric Mucosa ECL Cells 

      Arin Laquidain, Rosa María Engracia ORCID; Vallejo, Ana Isabel; Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña (MDPI, 2017-04)
      Adenosine is readily available to the glandular epithelium of the stomach. Formed continuously in intracellular and extracellular locations, it is notably produced from ATP released in enteric cotransmission. Adenosine ...
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      Giltzurrun zelulen kartzinoma sarkomatoidea. Kasu baten azterketarako berrikuspen bibliografikoa 

      Sanz Mulero, Leire
      [EU] Giltzurrun kartzinoma tumore urologiko ohikoenen artean hirugarrena da, baina horietatik heriotza tasa handiena duena. Desdiferentziazio sarkomatoidea giltzurrun kartzinomen %5ean agertzen den aldaera histologikorik ...
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      Lipid fingerprint-based histology accurately classifies nevus, primary melanoma, and metastatic melanoma samples 

      Huergo Baños, Cristina; Velasco, Verónica; Garate Yeregui, Jone; Fernández Regueira, Roberto Antonio ORCID; Martín Allende, Javier; Zabalza Estévez, Ignacio; Artola Igarza, Juan Luis; Martí Laborda, Rosa María; Asumendi Mallea, Aintzane ORCID; Astigarraga, Egoitz; Barreda Gómez, Gabriel; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña; Boyano López, María Dolores ORCID; Fernández González, José Andrés ORCID (Wiley, 2024-02)
      Probably, the most important factor for the survival of a melanoma patient is early detection and precise diagnosis. Although in most cases these tasks are readily carried out by pathologists and dermatologists, there are ...
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      Nonionic Surfactants can Modify the Thermal Stability of Globular and Membrane Proteins Interfering with the Thermal Proteome Profiling Principles to Identify Protein Targets 

      Berlin, Emmanuel; Lizano Fallas, Verónica; Carrasco del Amor, Ana María; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Cristobal Barragán, Susana (American Chemical Society, 2023-02)
      The membrane proteins are essential targets for understanding cellular function. The unbiased identification of membrane protein targets is still the bottleneck for a system-level understanding of cellular response to ...
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      Osteopontin: a key regulator of liver lipid metabolism 

      Nuñez García, Maitane (2016-04-25)
      Osteopontin deficiency protects from obesity-related hepatosteatosis and liver fibrosis. Here we have investigated the role of osteopontin as a direct regulator of liver metabolism and whether osteopontin could be a ...
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      Proteinen desnaturalizazio termalaren bidezko analisia konposatu bioeraginkor berriak aurkitzeko 

      Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID; Navarro Imaz, Hiart; Rekondo, Irati; Cristobal, Susana; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2020)
      Bioactive compounds are either natural or synthetic chemicals that can affect both the cellular and/or physiological activity in living organisms. Included among these are, for example, drugs that can have beneficial effects ...
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      SND1en gainadierazpenaren eragina hepatoma zeluletan: lipidoen metabolismoa eta tumoreen garapena 

      Navarro Imaz, Hiart (2018-01-08)
      SND1 is an evolutionarily conserved multifunctional protein. Although its function has not been fully elucidated yet, is considered a multifunctional protein participating, among others, in mRNA metabolism, gene transcription ...
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      The E2F2 Transcription Factor Sustains Hepatic Glycerophospholipid Homeostasis in Mice 

      Maldonado, Eduardo N; Delgado Balzategui, Igotz ORCID; Furland, Natalia E.; Buqué García, Xabier ORCID; Iglesias Ara, Ainhoa ORCID; Aveldaño, Marta I.; Zubiaga Elordieta, Ana María ORCID; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña (Public Library Science, 2014-11-14)
      Increasing evidence links metabolic signals to cell proliferation, but the molecular wiring that connects the two core machineries remains largely unknown. E2Fs are master regulators of cellular proliferation. We have ...
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      Tri-Reagent Homogenate Is a Suitable Starting Material for UHPLC-MS Lipidomic Analysis 

      Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Abad García, Beatriz; Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID (MDPI, 2022-09-27)
      Background: Transcriptomic and lipidomic dual analyses usually initiate with independent extractive procedures. That entails a difficulty in aligning results from both omics platforms, especially in the case of highly ...
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      Using the Synergy between HPLC-MS and MALDI-MS Imaging to Explore the Lipidomics of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma 

      Martín Saiz, Lucía; Abad García, Beatriz; Solano Iturri, Jon Danel; Mosteiro González, Lorena; Martín Allende, Javier; Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID; Pérez Fernández, Amparo; Unda Urzaiz, Jesús Miguel; Coterón Ochoa, Pedro; Goya, Aintzane; Saiz, Alberto; Martínez, Jennifer; Ochoa Olascoaga, Begoña; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz; Larrinaga Embeita, Gorka ORCID; Fernández González, José Andrés ORCID (American Chemical Society, 2023-01)
      Lipid imaging mass spectrometry (LIMS) has been tested in several pathological contexts, demonstrating its ability to segregate and isolate lipid signatures in complex tissues, thanks to the technique’s spatial resolution. ...
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      Zitosoleko lipido-tanten sorrera eta erabilera 

      Navarro Imaz, Hiart; Arisqueta, Lino; Rueda Estévez, Yuri ORCID; Fresnedo Aranguren, María Olatz (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2017)
      Although lipid droplets (LD) have traditionally been considered inert lipid deposits nowadays they are considered true organelles given their complexity and involvement in metabolism and other cellular processes. LDs ...