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      Epochs, events and episodes: Marking the geological impact of humans 

      Waters, Colin N.; Williams, Mark; Zalasiewicz, Jan; Turner, Simon D.; Barnosky, Anthony D.; Head, Martin J.; Wing, Scott L.; Wagreich, Michael; Steffen, Will; Summerhayes, Colin P.; Cundy, Andrew B.; Zinke, Jens; Fialkiewicz-Koziel, Barbara; Leinfelder, Reinhold; Haff, Peter K.; McNeill, J. R.; Rose, Neil L.; Hajdas, Irka; McCarthy, Francine M. G.; Cearreta Bilbao, Alejandro; Galuszka, Agnieszka; Syvitski, Jaia; Han, Yongming; An, Zhisheng; Fairchild, Ian J.; Ivar do Sul, Juliana A.; Jeandel, Catherine (Elsevier, 2022-11)
      Event stratigraphy is used to help characterise the Anthropocene as a chronostratigraphic concept, based on analogous deep-time events, for which we provide a novel categorization. Events in stratigraphy are distinct from ...