Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      3D quasi-skyrmions in thick cylindrical and dome-shape soft nanodots. 

      Berganza Eguiarte, Eider; Fernández Roldán, José Ángel; Jaafar, Miriam; Asenjo, Agustina; Gusliyenko, Kostyantyn; Chubykalo-Fesenko, O. (Nature Research, 2022-03)
      [EN] Magnetic skyrmions are widely attracting researchers due to fascinating physics and novel applications related to their non-trivial topology. Néel skyrmions have been extensively investigated in magnetic systems with ...
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      Half-Hedgehog Spin Textures in sub-100 nm Soft Magnetic Nanodots 

      Berganza Eguiarte, Eider; Jaafar, Miriam; Fernández Roldán, José Ángel; Goiriena Goikoetxea, Maite; Pablo Navarro, Javier; García Arribas, Alfredo; Gusliyenko, Kostyantyn; Magen, Cesar; De Teresa Nogueras, José María; Chubykalo-Fesenko, O.; Asenjo, Agustina (Royal Society Of Chemistry, 2020-09-28)
      Topologically non-trivial structures such as magnetic skyrmions are nanometric spin textures of outstanding potential for spintronic applications due to their unique features. It is well known that Neel skyrmions of definite ...
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      Magnetization reversal in circular vortex dots of small radius 

      Goiriena Goikoetxea, Maite; Guslienko, Konstantin Y.; Rouco Martín, Mikel; Orue Goikuria, Iñaki ORCID; Berganza Eguiarte, Eider; Jaafar, Miriam; Asenjo, Agustina; Fernández Gubieda Ruiz, María Luisa; Fernández Barquín, Ana; García Arribas, Alfredo (RSC, 2017-07-25)
      We present a detailed study of the magnetic behavior of Permalloy (Ni80Fe20 alloy) circular nanodots with small radii (30 nm and 70 nm) and different thicknesses (30 nm or 50 nm). Despite the small size of the dots, the ...