Browsing by Author "Kaberdin, Vladimir"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Addressing the Joint Impact of Temperature and pH on Vibrio harveyi Adaptation in the Time of Climate Change
Gundogdu, Kaan; Orus Iturriza, Ander; Orruño Beltrán, Maite; Montánchez Alonso, Itxaso
; Eguiraun Martínez, Harkaitz; Martínez Galarza, María Iciar
; Arana Basabe, María Inés
; Kaberdin, Vladimir (MDPI, 2023-04-20)
Global warming and acidification of the global ocean are two important manifestations of the ongoing climate change. To characterize their joint impact on Vibrio adaptation and fitness, we analyzed the temperature-dependent ... -
Analysis of Escherichia coli and Vibrio harveyi gene expression
Hernández Plágaro, Ander (2020-12-22)La clase Gammaproteobacteria es una de las más diversas del dominio Bacteria tanto taxonómica como metabólicamente. Gracias a su diversidad y plasticidad genómica, las gammaproteobacterias son ubicuas y pueden encontrarse ... -
Analysis of laccase-like enzymes secreted by fungi isolated from a cave in northern Spain
Fernández Remacha, Daniel; González Riancho, Carmela; Lastra Osua, Miranda; González Arce, Aranzazu; Montánchez Alonso, Itxaso; García Lobo, Juan María; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Kaberdin, Vladimir (Wiley, 2022-04)
[EN] Laccases belong to a family of multicopper enzymes able to oxidize a broad spectrum of organic compounds. Despite the well-known property of laccases to carry out bleaching and degradation of industrial dyes and ... -
Analysis of the temperature-dependent adaptation of vibrio harveyi in seawater microcosms
En este trabajo se ha estudiado la capacidad de la bacteria marina Vibrio harveyi para adaptarse a la escasez de nutrientes a diversas temperaturas que puede encontrarse de forma natural en su ecosistema. Para ello se ... -
Analysis of Vibrio harveyiadaptation in sea water microcosms at elevated temperature provides insights into the putative mechanisms of its persistence and spread in the time of global warming
Montánchez Alonso, Itxaso; Ogayar Sandoval, Elixabet; Hernández Plágaro, Ander; Esteve-Codina, Anna; Gómez-Garrido, Jèssica; Orruño Beltrán, Maite
; Arana Basabe, María Inés
; Kaberdin, Vladimir (Nature Publishing, 2019-01-22)
Discovering the means to control the increasing dissemination of pathogenic vibrios driven by recent climate change is challenged by the limited knowledge of the mechanisms in charge of Vibrio spp. persistence and spread ... -
Análisis bioinformático de los genes de lacasas YfiH en clones virulentos de Acinetobacter baumannii
Díez Fernández de Bobadilla, Miguel (2016-04-27)[ES] Acinetobacter baumannii es una bacteria Gram negativa, patógena y multirresistente. Su alta capacidad de supervivencia en hospitales y su resistencia a químicos puede deberse a la producción de lacasas. Estas enzimas ... -
Assessing pH-dependent activities of virulence factors secreted by Candida albicans
Ramos Pardo, Asier; Castro Álvarez, Rocío; Quindós Andrés, Guillermo; Eraso Barrio, María Elena; Sevillano Peña, Elena; Kaberdin, Vladimir (Wiley, 2023-02)
Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen that can thrive under adverse conditions including suboptimal pH, nutrient scarcity, and low levels of oxygen. Its pathogenicity is associated with the production of virulence ... -
Combined Transcriptomic and Proteomic Profiling of E. coli under Microaerobic versus Aerobic Conditions: The Multifaceted Roles of Noncoding Small RNAs and Oxygen-Dependent Sensing in Global Gene Expression Control
Liou, Gunn-Guang; Chao Kaberdina, Anna; Wang, Wei-Syuan; Kaberdin, Vladimir; Lin-Chao, Sue (MDPI, 2022-02-25)Adaptive mechanisms that facilitate intestinal colonization by the human microbiota, including Escherichia coli, may be better understood by analyzing the physiology and gene expression of bacteria in low-oxygen environments. ... -
Composition and conservation of the mRNA-degrading machinery in bacteria
Kaberdin, Vladimir; Singh, Dharam; Lin-Chao, Sue (BioMed Central, 2011)RNA synthesis and decay counteract each other and therefore inversely regulate gene expression in pro- and eukaryotic cells by controlling the steady-state level of individual transcripts. Genetic and biochemical data ... -
Discovery and study of small RNAs in Escherichia coli using custom microarrays and next generation sequencing
Ruiz Larrabeiti, Olatz (2016-12-15)Los small RNAs (sRNAs) son moléculas de ARN no codificantes de corta longitud queregulan la estabilidad y traducción de ARN mensajeros (sus mRNA dianas), y que amenudo están implicados en el control de respuestas bacterianas ... -
Effects of avian malaria and Eimeria (Eucoccidiorida:Emeriideae) on body condition in Eurasian Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
San Juan Ansoleaga, Maitena (2021-12-02)[EN] Recently, there has been an interest in studying host-parasite predator-prey interactions due to the importance parasites have on host community structure and function. The Eurasian Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) is ... -
Harnessing the intragenomic variability of rRNA operons to improve differentiation of Vibrio species
Leunda Esnaola, Amaia; Bunin, Evgeni; Arrufat, Pablo; Pearman, Peter Bretton; Kaberdin, Vladimir (Nature, 2024)Although the 16S rRNA gene is frequently used as a phylogenetic marker in analysis of environmental DNA, this marker often fails to distinguish closely related species, including those in the genus Vibrio. Here, we investigate ... -
Influencia de las bajas temperaturas en la supervivencia y el perfil proteico de Vibrio harveyi
Oruño Beltrán, Maite; Garaizabal Ruiz, Idoia; Gallego Andrés, Lucía; Kaberdin, Vladimir; Arana Basabe, María Inés; Barcina López, María Isabel (Sociedad Española de Microbiología, 2011-07)
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Reprogramming of gene expression in Escherichia coli cultured on pyruvate versus glucose
Kaberdina, Anna Chao; Ruiz Larrabeiti, Olatz; Lin Chao, Sue; Kaberdin, Vladimir (Springer, 2019-07-30)Previous studies revealed important roles of small RNAs (sRNAs) in regulation of bacterial metabolism, stress responses and virulence. However, only a minor fraction of sRNAs is well characterized with respect to the spectra ... -
Respuesta bacteriana al estrés. Identificación de los factores celulares y moleculares que controlan la respuesta al estrés ambiental en bacterias autóctonas y alóctonas en los sistemas acuáticos
Barcina López, María Isabel; Arana Basabe, María Inés; Muela Blázquez, Alicia; Kaberdin, Vladimir; Oruño Beltrán, Maite; Garaizabal Ruiz, Idoia; Bravo, Zaloa; Parada Morais, Claudia Bruna; Basabe, Ohian; Nafarrate, Ibai; Pescador, Leyre; Oliveira, Cristina; Rodríguez, Virginia (2008-05)
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The Effect of Visible Light on Cell Envelope Subproteome during Vibrio harveyi Survival at 20 °C in Seawater
Orruño Beltrán, Maite; Parada Morais, Claudia Bruna; Kaberdin, Vladimir; Arana Basabe, María Inés
(MDPI, 2021-03-13)
A number of Vibrio spp. belong to the well-studied model organisms used to understand the strategies developed by marine bacteria to cope with adverse conditions (starvation, suboptimal temperature, solar radiation, etc.) ...