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      Lipidomimetic Compounds Act as HIV-1 Entry Inhibitors by Altering Viral Membrane Structure 

      Nieto Garai, Jon Ander; Glass, Bärbel; Bunn, Carmen; Giese, Matthias; Jennings, Gary; Brankatschk, Beate; Agarwal, Sameer; Börner, Kathleen; Contreras, F. Xabier; Knölker, Hans-Joachim; Zankl, Claudia; Simons, Kai; Schroeder, Cornelia; Lorizate Nogales, Maier; Kräusslich, Hans-Georg (Frontiers Media, 2018-09-04)
      The envelope of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) consists of a liquid-ordered membrane enriched in raft lipids and containing the viral glycoproteins. Previous studies demonstrated that changes in viral membrane ...