Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Providing access to urban green spaces: A participatory benefit-cost analysis in Spain 

      Garcia de Jalón, S.; Chiabai, A.; Tague, A.M.; Artaza, N.; De Ayala Bilbao, Amaya ORCID; Quiroga, S.; Kruize, H.; Suárez, C.; Bell, R.; Taylor, T. (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020)
      The opening up of green spaces could provide significant benefits to society. This study develops a framework to assess the economic benefits and costs of public interventions providing citizen access to urban green spaces. ...
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      Ten lessons for good practice for the INHERIT triple win: Health, equity, and environmental sustainability 

      Bell, R.; Khan, M.; Romeo-Velilla, M.; Stegeman, I.; Godfrey, A.; Taylor, T.; Morris, G.; Staatsen, B.; Van der, Vliet, N.; Kruize, H.; Anthun, K.S.; Lillefjell, M.; Espnes, G.A.; Chiabai, A.; de Jalón, S.G.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Máca, V.; Zverinová, I.; Scasny, M.; Marques, S.; Craveiro, D.; Westerink, J.; Spelt, H.; Karnaki, P.; Strube, R.; Merritt, A.-S.; Friberg, M.; Bélorgey, N.; Vos, M.; Gjorgjev, D.; Upelniece, I.; Costongs, C. (MDPI, 2019)
      The world s challenges of climate change, damage to ecosystems, and social and health inequalities require changes in human behaviours at every level of organisation, among governments, business, communities, and individuals. ...