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      The case of a southern European glacier which survived Roman and medieval warm periods but is disappearing under recent warming 

      Moreno, A.; Bartolomé, Miguel; López-Moreno, J. I.; Pey, J.; Pablo Corella, J.; García-Orellana, J.; Sancho, C.; Leunda Esnaola, María; Gil Romera, Graciela; González Sampériz, Penélope; Pérez-Mejías, C.; Navarro, F.; Otero-García, J.; Lapazaran, J.; Alonso-González, E.; Cid, C.; López-Martínez, J.; Oliva-Urcia, B.; Faria, S. H.; Sierra, M. J.; Millán, R.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, Andrés; García-Ruíz, J.M. (Cryosphere, 2021)
      Mountain glaciers have generally experienced an accelerated retreat over the last 3 decades as a rapid response to current global warming. However, the response to previous warm periods in the Holocene is not well-described ...