Browsing by Author "Yaldebere Irusta, Ane"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
A novel SPE-UHPLC-DAD method for the determination of fumagillin produced by Aspergillus fumigatus in cell culture media
González Mendia, Oscar ; Yaldebere Irusta, Ane; Guruceaga Sierra, Xabier; Ramírez García, Andoni; Rementeria Ruiz, Aitor Domingo; Alonso Rojas, Rosa María (Elsevier, 2021-10)[EN]Fumagillin is a biomolecule produced by Aspergillus fumigatus that is gaining relevance due to its connection with invasive aspergillosis. The determination of this molecule might help to understand the propagation of ... -
Kaspofungina antifungikoaren adsortzioaren azterketa beirazko materialean UHPLC-FLUOren bidez
Yaldebere Irusta, Ane (2020-12-15)[EUS] Farmakoen analisi egokia egiteko, egonkortasuna eta adsortzioa bezalako parametroak kontuan hartu behar dira. Kaspofungina antifungikoaren analisia erronka handia da farmakoak beirara eta plastikora itsasteko duen ... -
Study of antifungal agent caspofungin adsorption to laboratory materials
Uribe Oñate, Beatriz; Yaldebere Irusta, Ane; González Mendia, Oscar ; Guruceaga Sierra, Xabier; Ramírez García, Andoni; Rementeria Ruiz, Aitor Domingo; Ba, B. B.; Gaudin, Karen; Alonso Rojas, Rosa María (Elsevier, 2022-01-01)[EN] Treatment of invasive fungal infections with Caspofungin is used as the first-line antifungal agents. The minimum inhibitory concentration value is a test which indicates the degree of sensitivity of a strain regarding ...