Now showing items 1-20 of 34

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      Actual Legal Background Concerning Curricular Sea Services in Spain 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Basterretxea Bitorika, Aingeru ORCID; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; López García, Eloy; Uriarte Aretxabala, José Ignacio ORCID; Pellón González, Inés ORCID; Alcedo Momoitio, Iñaki (IATED, 2015-03-04)
      More than thirty years ago Shipowners of Spanish flagged vessels were forced to sign on cadets coming from High Technical Schools of Nautical Sciences and Marine Engineering always provided that there was not another ...
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      Aerosol Delivery by Inhalation Catheter and Trachea Digitalization 

      Aramendia Iradi, Iñigo; Fernández Gámiz, Unai; López Arraiza, Alberto ORCID; Gómez Solaeche, Miguel Ángel ORCID; Barrenetxea Apraiz, Lander ORCID; Solaberrieta Méndez, Eneko; Mínguez Gabiña, Rikardo ORCID; Sancho Saiz, Javier ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is related with high mortality and morbidity in preterm infants and the best approach to treat it is an open research field. The use of perfluorocarbons (PFC) together with ...
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      Analysis of the turning circle manoeuvre from the point of view of an efficient managing of the main engine 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Vila Muñoz, Jesús Angel; Loroño Lucena, José Ignacio; Martín Gómez, Leopoldo (Spanish Society of Maritime Research (SEECMAR), 2010-08)
      The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of the 360 deg turn in theeconomy of the voyage and to find out the maximum efficiency by means of themain engine’s procedure. Moreover ...
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      Análisis de los desvios de una aguja náutica mediante el estudio de sus valores cuadrantales 

      Ramsden San Juan, Nicolás (2015-07-03)
      Se realiza un estudio en profundidad de los desvios cuadrantales relacionados con 8 datos de los rumbos (los 4 cardinales y los 4 cuadrantales) obteniendo los cinco coeficientes generados a partir de las 5 ecuaciones. Con ...
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      Angle of loll calculation by cubic spline 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Vila Muñoz, Jesús Angel; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Alcedo Momoitio, Iñaki (Spanish Society of Maritime Research (SEECMAR), 2013)
      Several years ago the Basque Government supported the programming of the software ARKITSAS in order to provideall existing vessels with a specific software to calculate stability, cargo and longitudinal strength data. The ...
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      Are the Biscayne Universitary Students Ready to go to the Beach Safely? 

      Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes (Elsevier, 2017-10-31)
      Beachgoers are not aware of many hazards they may find in the seawater. In 2015 58% of drowning that occurred in Spain took place on the beach. The risk may be reduced by action on the vulnerability and the exposition. ...
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      Beach management policy analysis concerning safety flag systems in Northern Spain 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Sánchez Beaskoetxea Gómez, Francisco Javier; Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes (Elsevier, 2022-10)
      The aim of this paper is to analyse the meaning of beach safety flags and their management along the Northern Spanish coast. There are more than 1000 small beaches, which are often in high demand by tourism during the ...
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      Control estadístico aplicado en motores diésel marinos 

      Boullosa Falces, David (2017-12-18)
      Frecuentemente, puede ser complejo, identificar cuando un proceso tiene una desviación desde sus condiciones de trabajo normal, cuando las variables están monitorizadas individualmente. La monitorización univariante, no ...
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      Determining Flinders' bar correction by heeling the ship 

      Vila Muñoz, Jesús Angel; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol (Spanish Society of Maritime Research (SEECMAR), 2013)
      The aim of this article is to provide the compass adjuster with an innovative method of determining thelength of Flinders’ bar while the ship’s latitude remains unaltered. In this way the definitive compass ad-justment may ...
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      Determining the likelihood of incidents caused by human error during dynamic positioning drilling operations 

      Sánchez Varela, Zaloa; Boullosa Falces, David; Larrabe Barrena, Juan Luis; Gómez Solaeche, Miguel Ángel ORCID (Cambridge University Press, 2021-03-23)
      [EN] The probability of a human-caused incident occurring during dynamic positioning (DP) drilling operations is determined in this paper using binary logistic regression models built with data on 42 incidents that took ...
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      Environment understanding, signage perception and safety education in Biscay beachgoers under the view of lifeguards 

      Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Sánchez Beaskoetxea Gómez, Francisco Javier; Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes (Elsevier, 2020-02-25)
      In Biscay beaches, the Biscay Regional Council (BRC) is in charge of looking after the safety of beachgoers. Its aim is to reduce drownings and accidents to zero. Lifeguard services during the summer seasons should be ...
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      Evolución de la navegación y situación astronómica hasta nuestros días: métodos del autor 

      Rueda Espinés, José (1999-04-30)
      La presente tesis pretende exponer la evolución que ha experimentado a lo largo de los siglos los distintos sistemas de situación desde el momento que el hombre empezó a navegar. En los diferentes capítulos hacemos una ...
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      Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Aerosol Delivery for Preterm Infants 

      Aramendia Iradi, Iñigo; Fernández Gámiz, Unai; López Arraiza, Alberto ORCID; Rey Santano, María Carmen; Mielgo, Victoria; Basterrechea Elguezabal, Francisco José ORCID; Sancho Saiz, Javier ORCID; Gómez Solaeche, Miguel Ángel ORCID (MDPI, 2018-03)
      Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) represents one of the major causes of mortality among preterm infants, and the best approach to treat it is an open research issue. The use of perfluorocarbons (PFC) along with non-invasive ...
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      Experimental Evaluation of Perfluorocarbon Aerosol Generation with Two Novel Nebulizer Prototypes 

      Aramendia Iradi, Iñigo; Fernández Gámiz, Unai; López Arraiza, Alberto ORCID; Rey Santano, María Carmen; Mielgo, Victoria; Basterrechea Elguezabal, Francisco José ORCID; Sancho Saiz, Javier ORCID; Gómez Solaeche, Miguel Ángel ORCID (MDPI, 2019-01-05)
      The potential of non-invasive ventilation procedures and new minimally invasive techniques has resulted in the research of alternative approaches as the aerosolization for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome ...
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      Experiments on a lab scale TES unit using eutectic metal alloy as PCM 

      Blanco Rodríguez, P.; Rodríguez Aseguinolaza, Javier ORCID; Gil Pujol, Antoni; Risueño Vilches, Elena; D'Aguanno, Bruno; Loroño Lucena, José Ignacio; Martín Gómez, Leopoldo (Elsevier, 2015-05)
      The behavior of a magnesium and zinc eutectic metal alloy used as thermal energy storage (TES) material is tested in a laboratory scale TES unit. The TES unit consists of two concentric tubes with the central tube surrounded ...
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      Fibre–Wood Laminate Biocomposites: Seawater Immersion Effects on Flexural and Low Energy Impact Properties 

      Valencia, Fabuer R.; Castillo López, Germán; Aurrekoetxea, Jon; López Arraiza, Alberto ORCID (MDPI, 2022-09-27)
      The present paper explores a new concept of a hybrid eco-composite by substituting the natural fibre plies with thin wood veneers. The new composite, named Fibre–Wood Laminate (FWL), is inspired by fibre–metal ...
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      Human error in marine accidents: Is the crew normally to blame? 

      Sánchez Beaskoetxea Gómez, Francisco Javier; Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes (Elsevier, 2021-02-17)
      This paper analyses the marine accident reports published by the USA National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) between June 1975 and September 2017, in order to ascertain the exact influence of the crew and/or other ...
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      In Vitro Surfactant and Perfluorocarbon Aerosol Deposition in a Neonatal Physical Model of the Upper Conducting Airways 

      Goikoetxea, Estibalitz; Murgia, Xabier; Serna-Grande, Pablo; Valls Soler, Adolfo; Rey Santano, María Carmen; Rivas, Alejandro; Antón, Raúl; Basterrechea Elguezabal, Francisco José ORCID; Miñambres Durán, Lorena; Méndez Alija, Estíbaliz; López Arraiza, Alberto ORCID; Larrabe Barrena, Juan Luis; Gómez Solaeche, Miguel Ángel ORCID (Public Library Science, 2014-09-11)
      Objective: Aerosol delivery holds potential to release surfactant or perfluorocarbon (PFC) to the lungs of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome with minimal airway manipulation. Nevertheless, lung deposition in ...
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      Latitude error in compass deviation: mathematical method to determine the latitude error in magnetic compass deviation 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Vila Muñoz, Jesús Angel; Pérez Labajos, Carlos Angel (Gdansk University of Technology, 2014-10)
      This article aims to provide the seafarer with a tool to calculate the deviation for a righted ship in any geographical position using only the information available on board. In this way the accidental errors in the ...
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      Managing bathers’ capacity at overcrowded beaches: A case on the Spanish North Atlantic coast 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes (Elsevier, 2018-11-09)
      Tourism development at small beaches leads to overcrowding and, consequently, tends to increase the hazards for bathers. The techniques to manage the bathers' capacity include the knowledge of the area where the bathers ...