Examinar por departamento (eus.) "Adierazpen grafikoa eta ingeniaritzako proiektuak"
Now showing items 1-20 of 166
3D printing to enable the reuse of marine plastic waste with reduced environmental impacts
(Wiley, 2022-12)Over the years, our oceans have witnessed an enormous accumulation of marine plastic waste resulting from ocean-related economic activities. As plastic pollution adversely affects marine wildlife and habitat, our society ... -
A Comparison of Cartographic and Toponymic Databases in a Multilingual Environment: A Methodology for Detecting Redundancies Using ETL and GIS Tools
(MDPI, 2023-02-18)Toponymy, a transversal discipline for geography, linguistics, and history, finds one of its main supports in cartography. Due to exhaustiveness on the territory, cadastral cartography and its toponymy have the ideal ... -
A data-driven approach for a project management methodology for R&D Projects.
(2023-03-06)The thesis is based on the proposal of an R&D project management methodology based on the Earned Quality Method (EQM) and data analysis to improve the efficiency of R&D projects in a near-real production environment in a ... -
A new method to measure the accuracy of intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch: A pilot study
(Korean Academy Prosthodontics, 2019-12)PURPOSE. The purpose of this study is to assess the accuracy of three intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch and evaluate the feasibility of the assessment methodology for further in vivo analysis. MATERIALS AND ... -
A review on the thermomechanical properties and biodegradation behaviour of polyesters
(Elsevier, 2019-10-12)The increasing societal concerns about the environmental impact of plastic waste, together with the depletion of petroleum resources, makes it imperative to develop environmentally friendly products that would potentially ... -
A Robust Optimization Based Energy-Aware Virtual Network Function Placement Proposal for Small Cell 5G Networks with Mobile Edge Computing Capabilities
(Hindawi, 2017)In the context of cloud-enabled 5G radio access networks with network function virtualization capabilities, we focus on the virtual network function placement problem for a multitenant cluster of small cells that provide ... -
Accuracy analysis of complete-arch digital scans in edentulous arches when using an auxiliary geometric device
(Elsevier, 2019-03-31)Statement of problem. Obtaining reliable digital scans of edentulous patients is challenging because of the absence of anatomic landmarks/geometric variations along the dental arch. Whether adding an auxiliary geometric ... -
Accuracy Evaluation of Dense Matching Techniques for Casting Part Dimensional Verification
(MDPI, 2018-09)Product optimization for casting and post-casting manufacturing processes is becoming compulsory to compete in the current global manufacturing scenario. Casting design, simulation and verification tools are becoming crucial ... -
Accuracy of digital impressions for implant-supported complete-arch prosthesis, using an auxiliary geometry part - an in vitro study
(John Wiley & Sons, 2019-10-14)... -
Addressing the Joint Impact of Temperature and pH on Vibrio harveyi Adaptation in the Time of Climate Change
(MDPI, 2023-04-20)Global warming and acidification of the global ocean are two important manifestations of the ongoing climate change. To characterize their joint impact on Vibrio adaptation and fitness, we analyzed the temperature-dependent ... -
Advanced and traditional processing of thermoplastic polyurethane waste
(Elsevier, 2022-04)In this work different ways to valorise discarded ear tags made of TPU from livestock sector were studied. This singular residue does not require separation from other plastics like other industrial and urbane wastes, which ... -
Advances, challenges, and environmental impacts in metal-air battery electrolytes
(Elsevier, 2022-08)Efficient energy storage technologies are vital in the current efforts towards decarbonisation. Batteries, as one of the most versatile electrochemical energy storage systems, have the potential to shape the transition ... -
Aerosol Delivery by Inhalation Catheter and Trachea Digitalization
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is related with high mortality and morbidity in preterm infants and the best approach to treat it is an open research field. The use of perfluorocarbons (PFC) together with ... -
An Adaptable Train-to-Ground Communication Architecture Based on the 5G Technological Enabler SDN
(MDPI, 2019-06-12)Railway communications are closely impacted by the evolution and availability of new wireless communication technologies. Traditionally, the critical nature of railway services, the long lifecycle of rolling stock, and ... -
Analysis of the Air Quality of the Basque Autonomous Community Using Spatial Interpolation
(MDPI, 2020-05-20)This work presents the results obtained from a spatial modeling and analysis process on pollutants measured in the air through forty-three monitoring stations located in the three provinces of the Basque Autonomous Community ... -
Analysis of the impact of the facial scanning method on the precision of a virtual facebow record technique: An in vivo study
(Elsevier, 2023-09)Statement of problem. Virtual facebow record techniques typically record the relationship of a maxillary digital scan to facial landmarks by aligning it to a 3-dimensional face scan. Three-dimensional face scans can be ... -
Analysis of the influence of the facial scanning method on the transfer accuracy of a maxillary digital scan to a 3D face scan for a virtual facebow technique: an in vitro study
(Elsevier, 2022-11-30)Statement of problem. With the emergence of virtual articulators, virtual facebow techniques have been developed for mounting maxillary digital scans to virtual articulators. Different scanning methods can be used to obtain ... -
Análisis crítico de la enseñanza de visualización en primer ciclo de universidad y propuesta alternativa de orientación constructivista
(2004-01-22)Este trabajo se ha ocupado de la problemática educativa que se presenta en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de la visualización de piezas en la asignatura de Expresión Gráfica en el primer curso de Universidad en estudios ... -
Análisis de ciclo de vida en sistemas de certificación ambiental de edificios: estrategias para la descarbonización en Europa.
(2024-01-29)Impactos ambientales (huella de carbono, ecotoxicidad, pérdida de biodiversidad y daño a la salud humana) provocados por la edificación residencial española a través de la metodología de análisis de ciclo de vida en puntos ... -
Análisis de la relación entre el capital en reputación corporativa y el capital en sostenibilidad corporativa
(2021-03-04)En los últimos tiempos, las compañías, de forma generalizada, están implementando la ResponsabilidadSocial Corporativa (RSC) en su gestión desde un enfoque instrumental, quedando reducida a un simpleinstrumento al servicio ...