Examinar por departamento (eus.) "Immunologia, mikrobiologia eta parasitologia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 248
A First Evaluation of the Usefulness of Kudzu Starch in Cultural Heritage Restoration
(Nature, 2020-09-24)In recent times, the use of natural and harmless products for the environment and restorer is taking place in the field of Cultural Heritage restoration. In this sense, wheat, rice and corn starches as adhesives, have ... -
A novel Candida albicans Als3, Hwp1 and Met6 derived complex peptide protects mice against hematogenously induced candidiasis
(Elsevier, 2024-08)Candida albicans can cause superficial or systemic infections in humans, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. Vaccination strategies targeting specific antigens of C. albicans have shown promise in providing ... -
A novel SPE-UHPLC-DAD method for the determination of fumagillin produced by Aspergillus fumigatus in cell culture media
(Elsevier, 2021-10)[EN]Fumagillin is a biomolecule produced by Aspergillus fumigatus that is gaining relevance due to its connection with invasive aspergillosis. The determination of this molecule might help to understand the propagation of ... -
A possible role for fumagillin in cellular damage during host infection by Aspergillus fumigatus
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-10-05)Virulence mechanisms of the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus are multifactorial anddepend on the immune state of the host, but little is known about the fungal mechanism thatdevelops during the process of lung ... -
A Practical Bioinformatics Workflow for Routine Analysis of Bacterial WGS Data
(MDPI, 2022-11-29)The use of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for bacterial characterisation has increased substantially in the last decade. Its high throughput and decreasing cost have led to significant changes in outbreak investigations and ... -
A structurally unique Fusobacterium nucleatum tannase provides detoxicant activity against gallotannins and pathogen resistance
(Wiley, 2022-02)Colorectal cancer pathogenesis and progression is associated with the presence of Fusobacterium nucleatum and the reduction of acetylated derivatives of spermidine, as well as dietary components such as tannin-rich foods. ... -
A Systematic Review on the Implication of Candida in Peri-Implantitis
(Springer, 2021-06-17)Background Candida is a heterogeneous fungal genus. Subgingival sulcus is a refuge for Candida, which has already been related to the pathogenic inflammation of periodontitis. This work aims to review the presence of Candida ... -
Actividad antifúngica de la combinación de fluconazol con otros fármacos: un enfoque terapéutico alternativo de las candidiasis
(2018-07-11)En los últimos años, el aumento de las infecciones causadas por especies diferentes de Candida albicans y la aparición de aislamientos resistentes o con sensibilidad reducida al fluconazol ha adquirido gran importancia. ... -
Actividad enzimática extracelular microbiana en el océano
(2020-09-04)La materia orgánica de alto peso molecular no es directamente accesible para los procariotas, ya que su tamaño impide el transporte a través de las envolturas celulares. Mediante la actividad enzimática extracelular esta ... -
Activity of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde, citral and thymol, and their monoolein-based liposomes against oral biofilm-producing Candida isolates
(2021-11-05)Las candidiasis orales son infecciones fúngicas comunes, causadas principalmente por Candida albicans. Sin embargo, actualmente otras especies de Candida menos sensibles a los fármacos antifúngicos han aumentado su ... -
Addressing the Joint Impact of Temperature and pH on Vibrio harveyi Adaptation in the Time of Climate Change
(MDPI, 2023-04-20)Global warming and acidification of the global ocean are two important manifestations of the ongoing climate change. To characterize their joint impact on Vibrio adaptation and fitness, we analyzed the temperature-dependent ... -
Aliarcobacter vitoriensis sp. nov., isolated from 1 carrot and urban wastewater
(Elsevier, 2020-05-19)Two isolates, one recovered from a carrot and another one from urban wastewater, were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that both isolates clustered ... -
An in vitro analysis of the interaction between infliximab and granulocyte–monocyte apheresis
(Elsevier, 2024-04)Objetivo La falta de respuesta primaria y la pérdida de respuesta secundaria a los agentes antifactor de necrosis tumoral (TNF) son comunes en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. El aumento de los niveles de fármaco ... -
Analysis of Escherichia coli and Vibrio harveyi gene expression
(2020-12-22)La clase Gammaproteobacteria es una de las más diversas del dominio Bacteria tanto taxonómica como metabólicamente. Gracias a su diversidad y plasticidad genómica, las gammaproteobacterias son ubicuas y pueden encontrarse ... -
Analysis of laccase-like enzymes secreted by fungi isolated from a cave in northern Spain
(Wiley, 2022-04)[EN] Laccases belong to a family of multicopper enzymes able to oxidize a broad spectrum of organic compounds. Despite the well-known property of laccases to carry out bleaching and degradation of industrial dyes and ... -
Analysis of the temperature-dependent adaptation of vibrio harveyi in seawater microcosms
(2018-01-18)En este trabajo se ha estudiado la capacidad de la bacteria marina Vibrio harveyi para adaptarse a la escasez de nutrientes a diversas temperaturas que puede encontrarse de forma natural en su ecosistema. Para ello se ... -
Analysis of Vibrio harveyiadaptation in sea water microcosms at elevated temperature provides insights into the putative mechanisms of its persistence and spread in the time of global warming
(Nature Publishing, 2019-01-22)Discovering the means to control the increasing dissemination of pathogenic vibrios driven by recent climate change is challenged by the limited knowledge of the mechanisms in charge of Vibrio spp. persistence and spread ... -
Análisis histológico e inmunohistoquímico de los subtipos de enfermedad liquenoide oral
(2014-03-17)[ES]INTRODUCCION: La enfermedad liquenoide oral (ELO) es un trastorno inflamatorio crónico que agrupa a distintos desórdenes orales potencialmente malignos (DOPM) con características clínica e histopatológicas similares, ...