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      A note on bargaining power and managerial delegation in multimarket oligopolies 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; García Enríquez, Javier ORCID; Gutiérrez Hita, Carlos (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012-11)
      In a two-stage delegation game model with Nash bargaining between a manager and an owner, an equivalence result is found between this game and Fershtman and Judd's strategic delegation game (Fershtman and Judd, 1987). ...
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      A Simple Model of Anticompetitive Vertical Integration 

      Sandonís, Joel; Faulí Oller, Ramón (2003-01)
      The result of neutrality of vertical integration for competition postulated by the Chicago School can be supported by a benchmark model with (1) an upstream monopolist, (2) homogeneous goods downstream and (3) observable ...
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      A Supply Function Competition Model for the Spanish Wholesale Electricity Market 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2005-10)
      We model the Spanish wholesale market as a multiplant linear supply function competition model. According to the theory, the larger generators should have supply curves for each plant which are to the left of the supply ...
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      Ad valorem housing subsidies may reduce house building 

      Usategui Díaz de Otalora, José María ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2008-03)
      In this paper it is shown that an ad valorem housing subsidy set by a central regulator (or a raise in the ad valorem housing subsidy rate) may reduce the number of houses built in the market and increase the price paid ...
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      An austerity-driven energy reform 

      Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2013-12)
      In July 2013, the government approved a major overhaul of the Spanish electricity sector to correct existing imbalances that have led to an exponential increase of regulated electricity costs and a huge tariff deficit. The ...
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      El análisis del entorno político y legal en el marco de la planificación estratégica en el sector turístico y hotelero 

      Fernández Alles, Maria Teresa (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2011)
      [ES] Las empresas turísticas se encuentran inmersas en un entorno cambiante, caracterizado por los avances tecnológicos, al aumento de la competencia global y a las consecuencias derivadas de la crisis económica mundial. ...
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      Análisis estratégico de la industria de la construcción en España 

      Martín García, Rodrigo; González Arias, Julio (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2011)
      [ES] El sector de la construcción tiene, en España, una notable importancia, por su aportación al PIB (del entorno del 10%) y al empleo (en torno al 10%) y porque aglutina un amplio tejido empresarial. El deterioro de la ...
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      Aplicando netnografía a la obtención del mapa de posicionamiento para empresas de distribución alimentaria 

      Clemente Ricolfe, José S.; Escribá Pérez, Carmen (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), 2014-05)
      [ES] Las comunidades online se han convertido en un lugar de encuentro muy popular para los consumidores que les permite compartir información. En este artículo se presenta una técnica de información novedosa como la ...
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      La arqueología comercial en España: ¿un sistema sectorial de innovación? 

      Parga-Dans, Eva; Castro-Martínez, Elena; Fernández de Lucio, Ignacio (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2012)
      [ES] La publicación de la Ley de Patrimonio Histórico Español en 1985 y el desarrollo de la construcción, especialmente de grandes infraestructuras, en la primera década del siglo XXI han sido los factores desencadenantes ...
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      Capacidades tecnológicas y certificaciones de calidad: Aplicación empírica a las pymes familiares de La Rioja 

      Ayala Calvo, Juan Carlos; Rubén, Fernández Ortiz; González Menorca, Mª Leonor (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2004)
      [ES] El concepto de calidad ha surgido con mucha fuerza en los últimos años. Las pymes familiares riojanas, al igual que el resto de empresas, se han visto obligadas a implicarse en esta cultura de excelencia empresarial, ...
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      Choice of Flexible Production Technologies Under Strategic Delegation 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID (2004-09)
      This work analyzes a managerial delegation model in which firms can choose between a flexible production technology which allows them to produce two different products and a dedicated production technology which limits ...
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      Choice of Product Variety for the Durable Goods Monopolist 

      Casado Izaga, Francisco Javier ORCID; Saracho de la Torre, Ana Isabel (1999-01)
      This paper analyzes the strategic choice of variety by a monopolist seller of a durable good as a means to mitigate his commitment problem. The monopolist chooses his product variety with a goal of ensuring that a strong ...
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      "Las claves del éxito de Toyota". LEAN, más que un conjunto de herramientas y técnicas 

      Toledano de Diego, Asier; Mañes Sierra, Nagore; García, Sergio Julián (Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2009)
      [ES] Cuando se habla de LEAN, inmediatamente se piensa en Toyota y en su continuo éxito. De ahí que hayan sido muchas las empresas que han intentado seguir su modelo: el TPS (Sistema de Producción Toyota) o el modelo LEAN, ...
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      Commitment Power in a Non-Stationary Durable-Good Market 

      Usategui Díaz de Otalora, José María ORCID (2001-05)
      This paper derives and evaluates the decisions of a durable good monopolist in a context where demand for the services of the durable good changes over time. It shows that, if the size of the market decreases over time, ...
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      Competition, regulation, and pricing behavior in the Spanish retail gasoline market 

      Contín Pilart, Ignacio; Correljé, Aad F.; Palacios, María Blanca (2006)
      The restructuring of the Spanish oil industry produced a highly concentrated oligopoly in the retail gasoline market. In June 1990 the Spanish government introduced a system of ceiling price regulation in order to ensure ...
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      Competitive Pressure and Job Interview Lying: A Game Theoretical Analysis 

      Midjord, Rune (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)
      We consider a job contest in which candidates go through interviews (cheap talk) and are subject to reference checks. We show how competitive pressure - increasing the ratio of "good" to "bad" type candi- dates - can ...
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      Computing abuse related damages in the case of new entry: An illustration for the Directory Enquiry Services market 

      Martínez Granado, María Teresa ORCID; Siotis, Georges (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2006-07)
      A number of European countries, among which the UK and Spain, have opened up their Directory Enquiry Services (DQs, or 118AB) market to competition. We analyse the Spanish case, where both local and foreign firms challenged ...
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      Comunicaciones integradas feriales o como planificar con éxito una feria industrial 

      Mesonero De Miguel, Mikel; Garmendia Aguirre, Fermín (Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales, 2004)
      En este artículo se explica que la feria es una herramienta comercial utilizada habitualmente en el área de Marketing Industrial y que, a pesar de las ventajas que ofrece, recibe diversas críticas. Los frenos a su utilización ...
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      Cost-Saving production technologies and strategic delegation 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID (2004-02)
      This work analyzes a managerial delegation model in which firms that produce a differentiated good can choose between two production technologies: a low marginal cost technology and a high marginal cost technology. For ...
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      Countervailing incentives in adverse selection models. A synthesis 

      Aguirre Pérez, Iñaki ORCID; Beitia Ruiz de Mendarozqueta, María Aranzazu ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2014-12)
      In this paper we propose a simple method of characterizing countervailing incentives in adverse selection problems. The key element in our characterization consists of analyzing properties of the full information problem. ...