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      A novel brain partition highlights the modular skeleton shared by structure and function 

      Diez Palacio, Ibai; Bonifazi, Paolo; Escudero, Iñaki; Mateos, Beatriz; Muñoz, Miguel A.; Stramaglia, Sebastiano; Cortés Díaz, Jesús María (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-06-03)
      Elucidating the intricate relationship between brain structure and function, both in healthy and pathological conditions, is a key challenge for modern neuroscience. Recent progress in neuroimaging has helped advance our ...
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      A quantitative witness for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement 

      Eltschka, Christopher; Siewert, Jens ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2012-12)
      Along with the vast progress in experimental quantum technologies there is an increasing demand for the quantification of entanglement between three or more quantum systems. Theory still does not provide adequate tools for ...
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      Adenylate Cyclase Toxin promotes bacterial internalisation into non phagocytic cells 

      Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Etxaniz Iriondo, Asier; Belloso Uribe, Kepa; Etxebarria Gallego, Aitor; González Bullón, David ORCID; Arluzea de Jauregizar, Jon Andoni ORCID; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Arechaga Martínez, Juan Miguel ORCID; Ostolaza Echabe, Elena Amaya (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-09-08)
      Bordetella pertussis causes whooping cough, a respiratory infectious disease that is the fifth largest cause of vaccine-preventable death in infants. Though historically considered an extracellular pathogen, this bacterium ...
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      Advanced-Retarded Differential Equations in Quantum Photonic Systems 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Pérez Leija, Armando; Egusquiza Egusquiza, Iñigo Luis; Gräfe, Markus; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Szameit, Alexander; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2017-02-23)
      We propose the realization of photonic circuits whose dynamics is governed by advanced-retarded differential equations. Beyond their mathematical interest, these photonic configurations enable the implementation of quantum ...
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      Analysis of SUMOylated proteins using SUMO-traps 

      Da Silva Ferrada, Elisa; Xolalpa, Wendy; Lang, Valerie; Aillet, Fabienne; Martín-Ruiz, Itziar; De la Cruz-Herrera, Carlos F.; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Carracedo Pérez, Arkaitz ORCID; Goldenberg, Seth J.; Rivas, Carmen; England, Patrick; Rodríguez, Manuel S. (Nature Publishing Group, 2013-04-22)
      SUMO-modified proteins are recognized by SUMO interacting motifs (SIMs), thus triggering diverse cellular responses. Here SIMs were used to develop SUMO-traps to capture endogenous SUMOylated proteins. Our results show ...
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      Una aproximación a la situación de la mujer en los estudios universitarios de informática 

      Fernández, Victoria; Larraza Mendiluze, Edurne; Ruiz Vázquez, María Consuelo; Marichalar Anglada, Montserrat ORCID (CSIC, 2008-09)
      [ES]En los últimos años, la baja participación de la mujer y la tendencia al descenso de los porcentajes de alumnas matriculadas en los estudios universitarios de informática ha sido objeto de estudio para investigadoras/es ...
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      Artificial Life in Quantum Technologies 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2016-02-08)
      We develop a quantum information protocol that models the biological behaviours of individuals living in a natural selection scenario. The artificially engineered evolution of the quantum living units shows the fundamental ...
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      Biomimetic Cloning of Quantum Observables 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-05-09)
      We propose a bio-inspired sequential quantum protocol for the cloning and preservation of the statistics associated to quantum observables of a given system. It combines the cloning of a set of commuting observables, ...
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      Corona y poderes urbanos en la Cornisa Cantábrica, siglos XVI y XVII 

      Porres Marijuán, Rosario ORCID (Universidade de Vigo, Departamento de Historia, Arte e Xeografía, 2011)
      [ES]La formación de oligarquías municipales es un fenómeno que, arrancando de la Baja Edad Media, va alcanzando madurez durante la época de los Austrias. En ese tiempo fue posible hacer compatible el crecimiento del poder ...
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      Digital Quantum Rabi and Dicke Models in Superconducting Circuits 

      Mezzacapo, Antonio; Las Heras García, Urtzi; Simón Pedernales, Julen Jon; Di Carlo, L.; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-15)
      We propose the analog-digital quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi and Dicke models using circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). We find that all physical regimes, in particular those which are impossible to realize in ...
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      Digital-analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models with superconducting circuits 

      Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2017-03-03)
      We propose a digital-analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models with superconducting circuits, including Fermi- Bose condensates, biased and pulsed Dicke models, for all regimes of light-matter coupling. We ...
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      Efficient Gate-tunable light-emitting device made of defective boron nitride nanotubes: from ultraviolet to the visible 

      Attaccalite, Claudio; Wirtz, Ludger; Marini, Andrea; Rubio Secades, Angel (Nature Publishing Group, 2013-09)
      Boron nitride is a promising material for nanotechnology applications due to its two-dimensional graphene-like, insulating, and highly-resistant structure. Recently it has received a lot of attention as a substrate to grow ...
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      Energetics and Structural Characterization of the large-scale Functional Motion of Adenylate Kinase 

      Formoso Estensoro, Elena; Limongelli, Vittorio; Parrinello, Michele (Nature Publishing, 2015-02-12)
      Adenylate Kinase (AK) is a signal transducing protein that regulates cellular energy homeostasis balancing between different conformations. An alteration of its activity can lead to severe pathologies such as heart failure, ...
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      Environmental judgment in early childhood and its relationship with the understanding of the concept of living beings 

      Villarroel Villamor, José Domingo (Springer, 2013)
      The evidence collected concerning the biocentric judgment that young children express when evaluating human actions on the environment leads some scholars to suggest that an essential understanding of the notion of living ...
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      Fault-tolerant almost exact state transmission 

      Wang, Zhao-Ming; Wu, Lianao; Modugno, Michele; Yao, Wang; Shao, Bin (Nature Publishing Group, 2013-11)
      We show that a category of one-dimensional XY-type models may enable high-fidelity quantum state transmissions, regardless of details of coupling configurations. This observation leads to a fault-tolerant design of a state ...
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      From transistor to trapped-ion computers for quantum chemistry 

      Yung, M. H.; Casanova Marcos, Jorge; Mezzacapo, Antonio; McClean, J.; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Aspuru Guzik, A.; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-01)
      Over the last few decades, quantum chemistry has progressed through the development of computational methods based on modern digital computers. However, these methods can hardly fulfill the exponentially-growing resource ...
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      Higher order vortex gyrotropic modes in circular ferromagnetic nanodots 

      Ding, Junjia; Kakazei, Gleb N.; Liu, Xinming; Gusliyenko, Kostyantyn; Adeyeye, Adekunle O. (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-04-25)
      Magnetic vortex that consists of an in-plane curling magnetization configuration and a needle-like core region with out-of-plane magnetization is known to be the ground state of geometrically confined submicron soft magnetic ...
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      La «hora del XVIII». Cambios sociales y contrastes culturales en la modernidad política española 

      Imízcoz Beunza, José María ORCID (Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2011)
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      How central are clients in sexual networks created by commercial sex? 

      Hsieh, Chih-Sheng; Kovarik, Jaromir ORCID; Logan, Trevon (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-12-18)
      Sex workers are traditionally considered important vectors of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI). The role of clients is commonly overlooked, partially due to the lack of evidence on clients' position ...
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      Insight on how fishing bats discern prey and adjust their mechanic and sensorial features during the attack sequence 

      Aizpurua Arrieta, Ostaizka ORCID; Alberdi Estibaritz, Antton ORCID; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-07-21)
      Several insectivorous bats have included fish in their diet, yet little is known about the processes underlying this trophic shift. We performed three field experiments with wild fishing bats to address how they manage to ...