Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Anti-Inflammatory and Immunosuppressive Drugs and Reproduction 

      Ostensen, Monika; Khamashta, Munther; Lockshin, Michael; Parke, Ann; Brucato, Antonio; Carp, Howard; Doria, Andrea; Rai, Raj; Meroni, Pierluigi; Cetin, Irene; Derksen, Ronald; Branch, Ware; Motta, Mario; Gordon, Caroline; Ruiz Irastorza, Guillermo; Spinillo, Arsenio; Friedman, Deborah; Cimaz, Rolando; Czeizel, Andrew; Piette, Charles Piette; Cervera, Ricard; Levy, Roger A.; Clementi, Maurizio; De Carolis, Sara; Petri, Michelle; Shoenfeld, Yehuda; Faden, David; Valesini, Guido; Tincani, Angela (Biomed Central, 2006-05-11)
      Rheumatic diseases in women of childbearing years may necessitate drug treatment during a pregnancy, to control maternal disease activity and to ensure a successful pregnancy outcome. This survey is based on a consensus ...
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      What are the Topics You Care about Making Trials in Lupus More Effective? Results of an Open Space Meeting of International Lupus Experts 

      Mucke, Johanna; Alarcón Riquelme, Marta; Andersen, Jeanette; Aringer, Martin; Bombardieri, Stefano; Brinks, Ralph; Cervera, Ricard; Chehab, Gamal; Cornet, Alain; Costedoat Chalumeau, Nathalie; Czirják, László; Doria, Andrea; Fischer Betz, Rebecca; Furie, Richard A.; Gatto, Mariele; Houssiau, Frédéric A.; Ines, Luis; Liang, Matthew H.; Morand, Eric; Mosca, Marta; Pego Reigosa, José María; Rúa Figueroa, Iñigo; Ruiz Irastorza, Guillermo; Terrier, Benjamin; Voss, Anne; Schneider, Matthias (BMJ Publishing Group, 2021-05-20)
      Despite promising candidates for new therapeutic options in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), many clinical trials have failed in the past few years. The disappointing results have been at least partly ...