Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Team Emotional Intelligence in Working Contexts: Development and Validation of the Team-Trait Meta Mood Scale (T-TMMS) 

      Aritzeta Galán, Aitor ORCID; Mindeguía Petrirena, Rosa; Soroa Martínez, Goretti; Balluerka Lasa, Nekane ORCID; Gorostiaga Alonso, Miren Arantzazu ORCID; Elorza, Unai; Aliri Lazcano, Jone ORCID (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      The collective construct of Team Emotional Intelligence (TEI) has been widely used and discussed. However, although several studies have examined the relationship between individual emotional intelligence and transformational ...
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      Team Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Processes as a Link Between Managers and Workers 

      Mindeguía Petrirena, Rosa; Aritzeta Galán, Aitor ORCID; Garmendia, Alaine; Martínez Moreno, Edurne; Elorza, Unai; Soroa Martínez, Goretti (Frontiers Media, 2021-03-24)
      Research has shown that transformational leaders are able, through emotional contagion mechanisms, to transmit their emotions and boost positive feelings among their followers. Although research on leadership and team ...