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      Organic-Acid Mediated Bulk Polymerization of e-Caprolactam and Its Copolymerization with e-Caprolactone 

      Sánchez Sánchez, Ana; Basterrechea Gorostiza, Andere; Mantione, Daniele; Etxeberria Lizarraga, Agustín ORCID; Elizetxea, Cristina; De la Calle, Amaia; García Arrieta, Sonia; Sardon Muguruza, Haritz; Mecerreyes Molero, David (Wiley, 2016-03-09)
      Polyamides (PA) constitute one of the most important classes of polymeric materials and have gained strong position in different areas, such as textiles, fibers, and construction materials. Whereas most PA are synthesized ...