Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Anisotropic Inflation With Derivative Couplings 

      Holland, Jonathan; Kanno, Sugumi; Zavala, Ivonne (American Physical Society, 2018-05-29)
      We study anisotropic power-law inflationary solutions when the inflaton and its derivative couple to a vector field. This type of coupling is motivated by D-brane inflationary models, in which the inflaton, and a vector ...
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      Quantum entanglement in de Sitter space with a wall and the decoherence of bubble universes 

      Albrecht, Andreas; Kanno, Sugumi; Sasaki, Misao (American Physical Society, 2018-04-30)
      We study the effect of a bubble wall on the entanglement entropy of a free massive scalar field between two causally disconnected open charts in de Sitter space. We assume there is a delta-functional wall between the open ...
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      Vacuum state of the Dirac field in de Sitter space and entanglement entropy 

      Kanno, Sugumi; Sasaki, Misao; Tanaka, Takahiro (Springer, 2017-03-13)
      We compute the entanglement entropy of a free massive Dirac field between two causally disconnected open charts in de Sitter space. We first derive the Bunch-Davies vacuum mode functions of the Dirac field. We find there ...