Now showing items 1-7 of 7

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      Anti-miR-518d-5p Overcomes Liver Tumor Cell Death Resistance Through Mitochondrial Activity 

      Fernández Tussy, Pablo; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Fernández Ramos, David; Barbier Torres, Lucía; Zubiete Franco, Imanol; López de Davalillo, Sergio; Herráez Aguilar, Elisa; Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; Simón Espinosa, Jorge; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; McCain, Misti V.; Perugorria Montiel, María Jesús; Mabe Alvarez, Jon; Navasa, Nicolás; Rodrigues, Cecilia M. P.; Fabregat, Isabel; Boix, Loreto; Sapena, Victor; Anguita Castillo, Juan de Dios; Lu, Shelly C.; Mato, José M.; Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús María ORCID; Villa, Erica; Reeves, Helen L.; Bruix, Jordi; Reig, María; Marín, José J. G.; Cardoso Delgado, Teresa de Jesús; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID (Springer Nature, 2021-05-28)
      Dysregulation of miRNAs is a hallmark of cancer, modulating oncogenes, tumor suppressors, and drug responsiveness. The multi-kinase inhibitor sorafenib is one of the first-line drugs for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma ...
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      Magnesium Accumulation Upon Cyclin M4 Silencing Activates Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein Improving NASH 

      Simón Espinosa, Jorge; Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Serrano Maciá, Marina; Fernández Ramos, David; Saenz de Urturi Indart, Diego; Gruskos, Jessica J.; Fernández Tussy, Pablo; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; González Recio, Irene; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; Rodríguez Iruretagoyena, Begoña; Varela Rey, Marta; Giménez Mascarell, Paula; Mercado Gómez, María; Gómez Santos, Beatriz; Fernández Rodríguez, Carmen; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Bizkarguenaga, Maider; Dames, Sibylle; Schaeper, Ute; Martin, Franz; Sabio, Guadalupe; Iruzubieta, Paula; Crespo, Javier; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia; Chu, Kevan H. Y.; Buccella, Daniela; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Cardoso Delgado, Teresa de Jesús; Martínez de la Cruz, Alfonso; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-07)
      Background & Aims: Perturbations of intracellular magnesium (Mg2+) homeostasis have implications for cell physiology. The cyclin M family, CNNM, perform key functions in the transport of Mg2+ across cell membranes. Herein, ...
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      Mitochondrial bioenergetics boost macrophage activation, promoting liver regeneration in metabolically compromised animals 

      Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Serrano Maciá, Marina; Delgado, Teresa C.; Simón Espinosa, Jorge; Fernández Ramos, David; Barriales, Diego; Cornide, María E.; Jiménez, Mónica; Pérez Redondo, Marina; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Bizkarguenaga, Maider; Diego Zalamea, Juan; Pasco, Samuel T.; Caballero Díaz, Daniel; Alfano, Benedetta; Bravo Garmendia, Miren; González Recio, Irene; Mercado Gómez, María; Gil Pitarch, Clàudia; Mabe Alvarez, Jon; Gracia Sancho, Jordi; Abecia Aliende, Leticia ORCID; Lorenzo, Oscar; Martín Sanz, Paloma; Abrescia, Nicola G. A. ORCID; Sabio, Guadalupe; Rincón, Mercedes; Anguita Castillo, Juan de Dios; Miñambres, Eduardo; Martín, César; Berenguer, Marina; Fabregat, Isabel; Casado, Marta; Peralta, Carmen; Varela Rey, Marta; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID (Wiley, 2022-03)
      [EN] Background and Aims Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is the leading cause of early posttransplantation organ failure as mitochondrial respiration and ATP production are affected. A shortage of donors has ...
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      Multi-Omics Integration Highlights the Role of Ubiquitination in CCl4-Induced Liver Fibrosis 

      Mercado Gómez, María; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Azkargorta, Mikel; Serrano Maciá, Marina; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Fernández Ramos, David; Bizkarguenaga, Maider; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; Lectez, Benoit; Aloria Escolastico, Kerman; Arizmendi Bastarrika, Jesús María ORCID; Simón Espinosa, Jorge; Alonso, Cristina; Lozano, Juan José; Ávila, Matías A. ORCID; Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús María ORCID; Marin, Jose J. G.; Beraza, Naiara; Mato, José M.; Elortza, Felix; Barrio Olano, María Rosa; Sutherland, James D.; Mayor Martínez, Ugo ORCID; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID; Cardoso Delgado, Teresa de Jesús (MDPI, 2020-11-27)
      Liver fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins that occurs in chronic liver disease. Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification that is crucial for a plethora of physiological ...
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      Neddylation inhibition ameliorates steatosis in NAFLD by boosting hepatic fatty acid oxidation via DEPTOR-mTOR axis 

      Serrano Maciá, Marina; Simon, Jorge; González Rellán, María Jesús; Azkargorta, Mikel; Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Saenz de Urturi Indart, Diego; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; Mercado Gómez, María; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; Bizkarguenaga, Maider; Fernández Ramos, David; Buqué García, Xabier ORCID; Baselli, Guido A.; Valenti, Luca; Iruzubieta, Paula; Crespo, Javier; Villa, Erica; Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús María ORCID; Ávila, Matías A. ORCID; Marin, José J. G.; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia; Sutherland, James D.; Barrio Olano, María Rosa; Mayor Martínez, Ugo ORCID; Elortza, Felix; Xirodimas, Dimitri; Nogueiras Pozo, Rubén; Delgado, Teresa C.; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-06-18)
      [EN] Objective: Neddylation is a druggable and reversible ubiquitin-like post-translational modification upregulated in many diseases, including liver fibrosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and more recently, non-alcoholic ...
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      Restoring cellular magnesium balance through Cyclin M4 protects against acetaminophen-induced liver damage 

      González Recio, Irene; Simón Espinosa, Jorge; Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Serrano Maciá, Marina; Mercado Gómez, María; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; Gil Pitarch, Clàudia; Fernández Rodríguez, Carmen; Castellana, Donatello; Latasa, María Ujué; Abecia Aliende, Leticia ORCID; Anguita Castillo, Juan de Dios; Delgado, Teresa C.; Iruzubieta, Paula; Crespo, Javier; Hardy, Serge; Petrov, Petar D.; Jover, Ramiro; Ávila, Matías A. ORCID; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Schaeper, Ute; Tremblay, Michel L.; Dear, James W.; Masson, Steven; McCain, Misti Vanette; Reeves, Helen L.; Andrade, Raúl; Lucena, M. Isabel; Buccella, Daniela; Martínez de la Cruz, Alfonso; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID (Nature, 2022-11)
      Drug induced liver injury (DILI) is an important cause acute liver failure. Here the authors report that serum Mg2+ serum levels decrease in patients with DILI as well as in preclinical animal models treated with acetaminophen ...
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      Role of the mitochondrial protein MCJ in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 

      Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía (2018-04-18)
      [EN] Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in Western world, affecting 20-30% of the general population. NAFLD comprises a broad range of clinical disorders from pure steatosis ...