Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      LDLR and PCSK9 Are Associated with the Presence of Antiphospholipid Antibodies and the Development of Thrombosis in aPLA Carriers 

      Ochoa Ruiz, Eguzkine; Iriondo Orensanz, Mikel ORCID; Manzano Basabe, Carmen ORCID; Fullaondo Elordui-Zapaterieche, Asier ORCID; Villar, Irama; Ruiz Irastorza, Guillermo; Zubiaga Elordieta, Ana María ORCID; Estomba Recalde, Miren Andone ORCID (Public Library Science, 2016-01-28)
      Introduction The identification of the genetic risk factors that could discriminate non-thrombotic from thrombotic antiphospholipid antibodies (aPLA) carriers will improve prognosis of these patients. Several human ...
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      MethylCal: Bayesian Calibration of Methylation Levels 

      Ochoa Ruiz, Eguzkine; Zuber, Verena; Fernández Jiménez, Nora ORCID; Bilbao Catalá, José Ramón ORCID; Clark, Graeme R.; Maher, Eamonn R.; Bottolo, Leonardo (Oxford University Press, 2019-08-22)
      Bisulfite amplicon sequencing has become the primary choice for single-base methylation quantification of multiple targets in parallel. The main limitation of this technology is a preferential amplification of an allele ...
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      Thrombotic Antiphospholipid Syndrome Shows Strong Haplotypic Association with SH2B3-ATXN2 Locus 

      Ochoa Ruiz, Eguzkine; Iriondo Orensanz, Mikel ORCID; Bielsa, Ana; Ruiz Irastorza, Guillermo; Estomba Recalde, Miren Andone ORCID; Zubiaga Elordieta, Ana María ORCID (Public Library of Science, 2013-07-03)
      Background : Thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome is defined as a complex form of thrombophilia that is developed by a fraction of antiphospholipid antibody (aPLA) carriers. Little is known about the genetic risk factors ...