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      Decreased Striatal Adenosine A(2A)-Dopamine D(2)Receptor Heteromerization in Schizophrenia 

      Valle León, Marta; Callado Hernando, Luis Felipe ORCID; Aso, Ester; Cajiao Manrique, María del Mar; Sahlholm, Kristoffer; López Cano, Marc; Soler, Concepcio; Altafaj, Xavier; Watanabe, Masahiko; Ferre, Sergi; Fernández Dueñas, Víctor; Menchón, José Manuel; Ciruela, Francisco (Springer Nature, 2020-10-03)
      According to the adenosine hypothesis of schizophrenia, the classically associated hyperdopaminergic state may be secondary to a loss of function of the adenosinergic system. Such a hypoadenosinergic state might either be ...