Examinar TD-Arte y Humanidades por departamento (cas.) "Lengua Vasca y Comunicación"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Aldibereko interpretazioa eta Eusko Legebiltzarreko diskurtsoa: enuntziatu parentetikoen eta modalizazioaren azterketa corpus elebidun eta hirukoitz batean
(2024-04-26)Tesi honen helburu nagusia da aldibereko interpretazioa testuarekin izeneko interpretazio-modalitatean sakontzea haren funtzionamendu diskurtsiboa hobeto ulertzeko. Interpretazio-modalitate horretan diskurtso beraren hiru ... -
Changes in brain activity during language learning in adults measured by magnetoencephalography
(2017-09-08)The main goal of this thesis was to characterize language-related short-term learning changes in the adult brain. Previous studies have mainly used longitudinal and cross-sectional designs and therefore they captured brain ... -
EEG and MEG evidence of a predominant number code in bilinguals and its significance for developmental dyscalculia
(2017-07-11)When talking about bilinguals it is evident that they manage with two codes for the language. However, bilinguals also manage two codes for the representation of numerical facts and, even balanced bilinguals, have a ... -
Euskal telebistaren sorrera, garapena eta funtzioa euskararen normalizazioaren testuinguruan
(2019-05-08)Tesian, Euskal Telebistaren 1982tik 2018ra arteko historiaren azterketa egin dugu, euskararen normalizazioaren ikuspegitik begiratuta. Euskal Telebista 1982an eratu zen, euskal gizarteak irrikatzen zuen burujabetza neurri ... -
Euskarazko denbora-egituren azterketa eta corpusaren sorrera/Analysis of Basque temporal constructions and creation of a corpus.
(2018-11-21)Ikerketa-lan honetan euskarazko denbora-informazioaren prozesamenduan le\-hen urratsak egin ditugu. Horretarako, beste hizkuntzetan egin diren lanetan eta euskarazko denbora-egituren analisi linguistikoan oinarritu gara. ... -
Euskarazko egitura sintaktiko konplexuen analisirako eta testuen sinplifikazio automatikorako proposamena
(2016-06-23)Tesi-lan honetan, euskarazko testuen konplexutasuna eta sinplifikazioa automatikoki aztertzeko lehen urratsak egin ditugu. Testuen konplexutasuna aztertzeko, testuen sinplifikazio automatikoa helburu duten beste hizkuntzetako ... -
Human thalamocortical connections and their involvement in language systems.
(2022-09-30)During evolution the expansion of the neocortex has been linked with the emergence of higher level cognitive functions, such as reasoning, abstract thinking, or language in human beings. Current research on cognitive ... -
Influence of Early Bilingual Exposure in the Developing Human Brain.
(2020-11-23)La adquisición del lenguaje es un proceso que ese encuentra determinado tanto por mecanismos de desarrollo cognitivo, como por la experiencia lingüística durante los primeros años de vida. Aunque se trata de un proceso ... -
Lexical access in bimodal bilinguals
(2021-06-18)En esta tesis se investiga el impacto de la modalidad lingüística (auditivo-oral en lenguas orales, viso-gestual en lenguas signadas) a través del papel que desempeñan las unidades sub-léxicas en el acceso léxico en ... -
Neural and behavioral signatures of language control in highly proficient bilinguals: Evidence from healthy individuals and brain tumor patients
(2023-10-31)The bilingual population can provide a unique insight into bilingual language processing. One area debated in the literature is how a bilingual brain manages the known languages and what happens when damage occurs. The ... -
Neural Plasticity of Language Systems: evidence from fMRI experiments with adult language learners
(2021-09-07)Functional specialisation and plasticity are fundamental organising principles of the brain. Language is a uniquely human phenomenon that requires a delicate balance between neural specialisation and plasticity, and language ... -
Oscillatory characterization of sensory wordform pre-activation in the visual and auditory domains.
(2019-11-29)Prediction has been proposed to be a fundamental cognitive mechanism. However, empirical data regarding the neural correlates of the predictions themselves are still scarce. One outstanding question, especially within the ... -
Reading acquisition: from digital screening to neurocognitive bases in a transparent orthography
(2021-09-15)El aprendizaje de la lectura es un área activa de investigación en la psicología y la neurociencia cognitiva. En las últimas décadas se ha avanzado enormemente en la comprensión de los procesos neurocognitivos subyacentes ... -
Reconocimiento de palabras en una segunda lengua: efectos interlingüísticos en las modalidades visual y auditiva.
(2022-04-04)En la presente tesis doctoral se examinará el reconocimiento, tanto visual como auditivo, de palabras por bilingües tardíos de castellano-inglés con un nivel medio-alto en su segunda lengua (L2¿inglés). Se desarrollarán ... -
Semantic richness, semantic context, and language learning
(2021-07-21)Sabemos que haber adquirido una segunda lengua con una exposición limitada y artificial hace que el aprendizaje de nueva información y vocabulario en ese idioma sea particularmente difícil. El propósito de esta tesis es ... -
Subject-verb agreement in real time: active feature maintenances as syntactic prediction.
(2020-01-10)The current dissertation tests whether the long-distance subject-verb establishment is maintained active over the course of the sentence, by maintaining morphosyntactic information such as syntactic category and number ... -
The dynamic nature of conceptual representations in the human brain: Insights from aging and decoded neurofeedback
(2023-11-03)La comunicación humana y comprensión del mundo dependen en gran medida de las palabras y conceptos que empleamos. En el marco de esta tesis, mi investigación se enfoca en comprender la naturaleza dinámica de las representaciones ... -
The Influence of Literacy on Speech. The Orthographic Consistency Effect in Auditory Language Perception and Language Production
(2022-10-06)The present thesis presents a series of experiments that explore of the Orthographic Consistency Effect (OCE) in auditory language perception and production. The OCE is a psycholinguistic effect that shows a facilitation ... -
The processing of gender information in languages of distinct morphosyntactic gender marking systems
(2017-07-10)When talking about people, gender information is taken as an essential feature during language processing. The gender here may be definitional (e.g., King is male or Queen is female), stereotypical (e.g., doctor, male-biased) ...