Now showing items 13-16 of 866
Development and evaluation of hydrogel-based bioinspired systems for drug delivery and tissue engineering
(2024-05-07)This doctoral thesis focuses on the development and evaluation of bioinspired hydrogel-based systems for tissue regeneration and drug delivery. For this purpose, different approaches of hydrogel-based systems are examined. ... -
GABAB receptor in oligodendrocytes and its therapeutic potential against demyelinating diseases
(2024-05-31)In this doctoral thesis, we have identified the differentiation mechanisms influenced by GABAB receptor (GABABR) in oligodendrocytes and we have examined its potential for (re)myelination. First, we evaluated the consequences ... -
Menús escolares en el área metropolitana de Bilbao: un análisis de su adecuación nutricional y de su ingesta
(2024-05-31)A pesar de que los menús escolares están bien diseñados, la ingesta real de alimentos ricos en fibra es deficiente, especialmente en verduras, hortalizas, legumbres y fruta, quedando por debajo de las recomendaciones del ... -
Zelula ezkatatsuen ahoko kartzinomaren analisi klinikopatologiko eta pronostikoa Galizian
(2024-05-13)[EU]Aho-minbizia gaixotasun ohikoa da gure inguruan. Onkologia arloko txosten epidemiologikoei erreparatuz gero, ikus dezakegu ezpain eta aho-barrunbeko minbizia, oro har, garrantzi handieneko minbizien ondoren kokatzen ...