Now showing items 1-13 of 13

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      A geometric and physical study of Riemann's non-diferentiable function. 

      Eceizabarrena Pérez, Daniel (2020-07-08)
      Riemann's non-differentiable function is a classic example of a continuous but almost nowheredifferentiable function, whose analytic regularity has been widely studied since it was proposedin the second half of the 19th ...
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      Advanced mathematical modelling of pancreatic B-cells 

      Marinelli, Isabella (2019-12-10)
      [EN*Insulin-secreting pancreatic ß-cells are responsible for maintaining the whole body glucosehomeostasis. Dysfunction or loss of ß-cell mass results in impaired insulin secretion and, in somecases, diabetes. In this ...
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      Finite element simulations: computations and applications to aerodynamics and biomedicine. 

      Leoni, Massimiliano (2020-12-11)
      Las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales describen muchos fenómenos de interés práctico y sus solucionessuelen necesitar correr simulaciones muy costosas en clústers de cálculo.En el ámbito de los flujos turbulentos, en ...
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      Front propagation in random media. 

      Trucchia, Andrea (2019-10-25)
      This PhD thesis deals with the problem of the propagation of fronts under random circumstances. Astatistical model to represent the motion of fronts when are evolving in a media characterized bymicroscopical randomness is ...
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      Mathematical models for glioma growh and migration inside the brain 

      Conte, Martina (2021-01-15)
      Los gliomas forman el subtipo más prevalente, agresivo e invasivo de tumores cerebrales primarios,caracterizados por una rápida proliferación celular y una elevada capacidad de infiltración. A pesar de los avances de la ...
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      On adomian based numerical schemes for euler and navier-stokes equations, and application to aeroacoustic propagation 

      García de Beristain, Imanol ORCID (2018-03-09)
      En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un nuevo método de integración en tiempo de tipo derivadas sucesivas (multiderivative), llamado ABS y basado en el algoritmo de Adomian. Su motivación radica en la reducción del coste de ...
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      Singular perturbations of the dirac hamiltonian 

      Pizzichillo, Fabio (2017-12-15)
      This thesis is devoted to the study of the Dirac Hamiltonian perturbed by delta-type potentials andCoulomb-type potentials. We analysed on the delta-shell interaction on bounded and smooth domainsand its approximation by ...
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      Spectral analysis of Dirac operators on bounded domains. 

      Benhellal, Badreddine ORCID (2022-07-07)
      This thesis is devoted to the spectral study of two types of perturbation of theDirac operator, which are singular from the point of view of scaling.In the first part of this thesis, we consider the coupling of the Dirac ...
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      Stochastic processes for anomalous diffusion 

      Molina García, Daniel (2019-10-24)
      Con difusión anómala se hace referencia a procesos de difusión en los cuales el desplazamiento cuadrático medio (MSD) no es una función lineal de la variable tiempo (lo que se conoce como difusión normal). Cuando la relación ...
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      The forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation 

      Zubeldia Plazaola, Miren (2014-03-12)
      [EN]We consider the Helmholtz equation in Rd, d 3, with electric and magnetic potentials. The aim of this thesis is to study the direct problem of such an equation for potentials that decay at in nity, but also have ...
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      The random diffusivity approach for diffusion in heterogeneous systems. 

      Sposini, Vittoria (2020-12-16)
      The two hallmark features of Brownian motion are the linear growth of the meansquared displacement (MSD) with diffusion coefficient D in d spatial dimensions, andthe Gaussian distribution of displacements. With the increasing ...
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      The Schrödinger Equaton and Uncertainty Principles 

      Aguirre Alonso, Mikel (2020-09-02)
      The main task of this thesis is the analysis of the initial data u0 of Schrödinger’s initial value problem in order to determine certain properties of its dynamical evolution. First, we consider the elliptic Schrödinger ...
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      Vortex Filament Equation for some Regular Polygonal Curves 

      Kumar, Sandeep (2020-06-15)
      Uno de los fenómenos más interesantes en la literatura sobre fluidos es la aparición yevolución de filamentos de vórtice. Algunos de sus ejemplos en el mundo real son los anillosde humo, los remolinos y los tornados. En ...