Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      On conciseness and profinite RAAGs 

      Pintonello, Matteo (2023-12-15)
      En esta tesis doctoral estudiamos dos problemas diferentes en grupos abstractos y profinitos.Primero, desarrollamos las herramientas básicas de los problemas de concisión, luego obtenemosnuevas palabras concisas y demostramos ...
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      Subgroups of direct products of limit groups over coherent right-angled Artin groups 

      Lopez de Gamiz Zearra, Jone (2022-07-08)
      During the last 40 years, a large body of work has been directed to study the connection betweenfiniteness properties of groups and their algebraic and algorithmic properties. One of the early results isdue to Baumslag and ...