Now showing items 1-20 of 56

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      A geometric and physical study of Riemann's non-diferentiable function. 

      Eceizabarrena Pérez, Daniel (2020-07-08)
      Riemann's non-differentiable function is a classic example of a continuous but almost nowheredifferentiable function, whose analytic regularity has been widely studied since it was proposedin the second half of the 19th ...
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      Advanced mathematical modelling of pancreatic B-cells 

      Marinelli, Isabella (2019-12-10)
      [EN*Insulin-secreting pancreatic ß-cells are responsible for maintaining the whole body glucosehomeostasis. Dysfunction or loss of ß-cell mass results in impaired insulin secretion and, in somecases, diabetes. In this ...
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      Algorithms for large orienteering problems 

      Kobeaga Urriolabeitia, Gorka ORCID (2021-02-25)
      Tesi lan honetan, tamaina handiko Orientazio Problemak ebazteko algoritmoak garatu ditugu. Orientazio Problema optimizazio konbinatorioko problema bat da: herri multzo bat eta hauen arteko distantzia emanik, herri bakoitzak ...
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      Automorphisms of rooted trees. 

      Di Domenico, Elena (2022-03-24)
      Groups acting on p-adic trees have been well studied over the past decades since they represent a source of examples with interesting properties in group theory. Groups with intermediate growth or counterexamples to the ...
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      Cohomological uniqueness of finite groups of prime power order 

      Guerrero Sánchez, Lander (2024-05-31)
      Group cohomology originates, along with homological algebra, from algebraic topology and the study of cohomology groups of certain topological spaces. Given a finite group G, we can associate to it a classifying space BG, ...
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      Cohomology of uniserial p-adic space groups and Carlson's conjecture 

      Garayalde Ocaña, Oihana (2016-10-14)
      Sea p un número primo y sea F_p el cuerpo finito de p elementos. Sea G un p-grupo de orden p^n y clase de nilpotencia m. Entonces, la coclase de G es c=n-m. En 2005, J.F. Carlson, demuestra que sólo hay un número finito ...
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      Contributions to Time Series Classification: Meta-Learning and Explainability 

      Abanda Elustondo, Amaia (2022-01-14)
      La presente tesis incluye 3 contribuciones de diferentes tipos al área de la clasificación supervisada de series temporales, un campo en auge por la cantidad de series temporales recolectadas día a día en una gran variedad ...
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      Damage identification in bridges combining deep learning and computational mechanic 

      Fernández Navamuel del Olmo, Ana ORCID (2022-12-02)
      [EN]Civil infrastructures, such as bridges, are critical assets for society and the economy. Many of them have already reached their expected life and withstand loadings that exceed the design specifications. Besides, ...
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      Deep Learning for Inverting Borehole Resistivity Measurements. 

      Rivera González, Jon Ander (2022-11-25)
      El subsuelo terrestre está formado por diferentes materiales, principalmente por rocas porosas que posiblemente contienen minerales y están rellenas de agua salada y/o hidrocarburos. Por lo general, las formaciones que ...
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      Development and validation of prediction models for complex sampling data 

      Iparragirre Letamendi, Amaia (2024-03-08)
      Complex survey data are becoming increasingly well-known among researchers from different fields,including social and health sciences. This type of data is obtained by sampling the target populationthrough a complex sampling ...
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      Easy-to-implement hp-adaptivity for non-elliptic goal-oriented problems 

      Caro Gutiérrez, Felipe Vinicio (2023-11-29)
      En este trabajo, desarrollamos algoritmos automáticos orientados a un objetivo hp diseñados para problemas no elípticos. Estos algoritmos se destacan en términos de robustez y simplicidad en su implementación, atributos ...
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      Engel Elements in groups of automorphisms of rooted trees. 

      Noce, MariaLaura (2019-12-02)
      Zuhaitz d-adiko errotuen automorfismoen taldeak sakonki aztertuak izan dira azken urteetan, propietate interesgarriak dituzten taldeen iturri aberatsa baitira. Esate baterako, horien azpitalde asko Burnsideren Problema ...
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      Enhancing sampling in computational statistics using modified hamiltonians 

      Radivojevic, Tijana (2016-11-18)
      The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) method has been recognized as a powerful sampling tool in computational statistics. In this thesis,we showthat performance ofHMCcan be dramatically improved by replacing Hamiltonians in ...
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      Equilibrium and transport properties of quantum many-body systems 

      Ratsimanetrimanana, Antsa Tiana (2019-10-30)
      Equilibrium and Transport Properties of Quantum Many-BodySystemsThis thesis is a study of equilibrium and dynamical properties ofmacroscopic quantum many-body problems. An important part of themanuscript concerns the study ...
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      Exploring Uncertainty Quantification via Deep Learning in Inverse Problems 

      Rodríguez Meléndez, Óscar Alberto (2024-05-07)
      With advancements in geophysics, there is a concerted effort to identify subsurface properties without invasive measures. Current methods allow the estimation of these properties based on surface measurements, and estimating ...
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      Finite element simulations: computations and applications to aerodynamics and biomedicine. 

      Leoni, Massimiliano (2020-12-11)
      Las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales describen muchos fenómenos de interés práctico y sus solucionessuelen necesitar correr simulaciones muy costosas en clústers de cálculo.En el ámbito de los flujos turbulentos, en ...
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      From habitat to management: a simulation framework for improving statistical methods in fisheries science 

      Cítores Martínez, Leire (2021-07-15)
      Monte Carlo simulation consists in computer experiments that involve creating data by pseudo-random sampling and has shown to be a powerful tool for studying the performance of statistical methods. In this thesis Monte ...
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      Front propagation in random media. 

      Trucchia, Andrea (2019-10-25)
      This PhD thesis deals with the problem of the propagation of fronts under random circumstances. Astatistical model to represent the motion of fronts when are evolving in a media characterized bymicroscopical randomness is ...
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      Generalized Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities 

      Martínez Perales, Javier (2020-12-15)
      Las desigualdades de Poincaré-Sobolev son herramientas muy potentes en análisis matemático que han sido ampliamente utilizadas para el estudio de ecuaciones diferenciales y su validez está íntimamente relacionada con la ...
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      Geometric Harmonic Analysis. Cp weights, John Nirenberg estimates and Hajlasz capacity density conditions 

      Canto Llorente, Javier (2021-12-17)
      En esta tesis, se desarrollan varios temas dentro del análisis armónico. El primer tema tiene que ver conlos pesos de clase Cp. Por un lado, estudiamos propiedades intrínsecas de estos pesos, como ladesigualdad débil de ...