Examinar TD-Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas por departamento (eus.) "Euskal Hizkuntza eta Komunikazioa"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Argument structure processing in bilinguals and bilingual speakers with aphasia: A cross-linguistic investigation
(2023-12-18)Previous research has shown that costs associated with verb argument structure processing scale with the number of arguments and/or as a result of non-canonical argument mapping. Increased difficulty associated with these ... -
Assessing the representation of seen and unseen contents in human brains and deep artificial networks
(2022-11-26)The functional scope of unconscious visual information processing and its implementation in the human brain remains a highly contested issue in cognitive neuroscience. The influential global workspace and higher-order ... -
Cross-modal semantic context boosts optimal reading at differents stages of reading development and in different orthographies.
(2024-03-22)The current thesis examines how an auditory semantic input can be leveraged to cross-modally support visual orthographic processes in reading. More specifically, the three studies were designed to test whether an auditory ... -
Expectation suppression across sensory modalitites: a MEG investigation
(2022-03-29)In the last few decades, a lot of research focus has been to understand how the human brain generates expectation about the incoming sensory responses and how it deals with surprise or unpredictable input. It is evident ... -
Exploring the effects of accent on cognitive processes: behavioral and electrophysiological insights
(2023-09-27)Previous research has found that speaker accent can have an impact on a range of offline and online cognitive processes (Baus, Bas, Calabria, & Costa, 2017; McAleer, Todorov, & Belin, 2014; Stevenage, Clarke, & McNeill, ... -
Foreigner directed speech. From speech adaptation to cortical tracking of the speech register directed to non-native listeners.
(2023-10-02)Foreigner Directed Speech (FDS) is the result of speech accommodation produced by native speakers of a certain language while addressing non-native listeners of that language. By studying FDS, we aimed to explore the ... -
Investigation of the development of neural and behavioural auditory rhythmic sensitivity and of its contribution to reading acquisition
(2018-12-14)The main goal of the current doctoral dissertation was to examine the contribution of brain and behavioural rhythmic sensitivity during pre-reading stages to the development of future reading. To achieve this goal, we ... -
Neural dynamics underlying object and action naming across languages: Insights from health and disease
(2023-10-30)Words representing objects (nouns) and words representing actions (verbs) are essential components of speech across languages. Previous studies have shown that the lexico-semantic processing of object and action knowledge ... -
Phonetic detail of voicing categories in Basque-Spanish bilinguals. Evidence from production and perception
(2023-05-04)El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar las categorías fonéticas de personas bilingües en sus dos idiomas. La pregunta en la que se fundamenta esta investigación es la siguiente: ¿las personas bilingües cuyos ... -
Sensitivity to letter sequences in word processing and word learning.
(2020-07-08)El marcaje ortográfico (secuencias de letras características en una lengua) es muy importante para reducir la competición léxica, agilizar la decisión de lengua en bilingües y en el aprendizaje de palabras nuevas. Por eso, ... -
Temporal structure in language production and processing: a crossmodal comparison of spoken and sign language
(2023-03-10)Este trabajo de doctorado investiga el efecto de la modalidad, acústica y visual, en la estructura te mporal del lenguaje. Comparamos el español europeo hablado y la lengua de signos española( que utilizan respectivamente ... -
The brain signature for reading in high-skilled deaf adults: behavior and electrophysiological evidence
(2020-06-15)La presente tesis investiga cómo se da el procesamiento de la información sintáctica y semántica en lectores sordos competentes. En primer lugar, investigamos qué similitudes y/o diferencias comparten los lectores sordos ... -
The development of audiovisual vowel processing in monolingual and bilingual infants: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
(2019-05-22)The aim of the current dissertation is to investigate to what extent infants acquiring one language (monolinguals) and infants acquiring two languages (bilinguals) share their strategies during audiovisual speech processing. ... -
The impact of human language on perceptual categorization: electrophysiological insights.
(2021-11-18)How does learning cultural systems like language impact cognition and perception? The last few years have seen increased interest into this topic, yet with little theoretical advance. One fundamental question concerns the ... -
The Neural Representation of Concepts in Bilinguals: An Evaluation of Factors Influencing Cross-language Overlap Using fMRI-based Multivariate Pattern Analysis
(2023-07-13)The neurocognitive mechanisms that support the generalization of semantic representations across different languages remain to be determined. Current psycholinguistic models propose that semantic representations are likely ... -
The relationships between context and conceptual access.
(2020-07-14)An important question in the cognitive neuroscience of language regards the nature of the conceptual representations that make up semantic memory. Amodal accounts argue that conceptual representations of objects and their ... -
The role of metacognitive monitoring in regulating learning in early readers
(2021-12-10)Metacognition refers to the capacity of reflecting upon our own cognitive processes. There is an ongoing discussion in the literature on the role of metacognitive monitoring in learning and academic achievement. However, ... -
The role of quantity and quality of linguistic exposure on language development during childhood
(2023-03-23)El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral es estudiar el impacto que factores del contexto lingüístico en el que crecen niñas y niños tienen en su desarrollo del lenguaje. Para ahondar en dicho objetivo, nos centramos en ...