Tesis de Master
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On the interaction between syntax, semantics and working memory during sentence processing: an eye-tracking study
(2019)During language processing, we constantly make predictions about the upcoming words (their semantics, syntactic category). Similarly, during agreement processing different features of information of the antecedent have ... -
Design and Build of a Custom Private Cloud
(2025-01-16)The main objective of this research is the design and build of a custom private cloud. It is based on different points, which in turn define the scope of the work: _ • Research and choose the best way to create a private ... -
Utopia eraikiz: Hego Euskal Herriko praxi ekofeministara hurbilpen bat
(2024-11-15)Lan honen xedea Hego Euskal Herrian garatzen ari den praxi ekofeminista utopikora hurbilpen bat egitea da. Horretarako, bi helburu nagusi finkatu ditut: alde batetik, lurraren defentsa eta feminismoa uztartzen dituzten ... -
Onlyfans: el trabajo sexual digitalizado. ¿Empoderamiento sexual y neoliberalismo patriarcal?
(2024-11-11)La plataforma digital Onlyfans ha permitido y facilitado a millones de mujeres la mercantilización de su cuerpo y su sexualidad a cambio de una remuneración económica. El sistema patriarcal intersecciona una vez más con ...