Now showing items 1006-1025 of 3135

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      Experiential Learning of Local Relational Tasks for Global Sustainable Development by Using a Behavioral Simulation 

      Craps, M.; Brugnach, M. (Frontiers in Sustainability, 2021-07-23)
      The interdependent character of sustainability challenges calls for collaboration among actors with different capabilities, interests, and knowledge frames. Behavioral simulations offer good opportunities to learn about ...
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      Experiential Learning of Local Relational Tasks for Global Sustainable Development by Using a Behavioral Simulation 

      Craps, M.; Brugnach, M. (Frontiers in Sustainability, 2021-01-01)
      The interdependent character of sustainability challenges calls for collaboration among actors with different capabilities, interests, and knowledge frames. Behavioral simulations offer good opportunities to learn about ...
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      Exploitation of soil biota ecosystem services in agriculture: a bioeconomic approach 

      Foudi, Sébastien (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2012-02-02)
      This paper analyzes the interactions between soil biota and agricultural practices in the exploitation of soil ecosystem services. A theoretical bioeconomic model stylized this set of interactions and combined a production ...
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      Exploring Different Types of Inhibition During Bilingual Language Production 

      Borragan, Maria; Martin, Clara D.; de Bruin, Angela; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Frontiers in Psychology, 2018)
      Multilinguals have to control their languages constantly to produce accurate verbal output. They have to inhibit possible lexical competitors not only from the target language, but also from non-target languages. Bilinguals’ ...
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      Exploring effects of social information on talker-independent accent adaptation 

      McLaughlin, Drew J; Van Engen, Kristin J (ASA, 2023)
      The present study examined whether race information about speakers can promote rapid and generalizable perceptual adaptation to second-language accent. First-language English listeners were presented with Cantonese-accented ...
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      Exploring low-carbon futures: A web service approach to linking diverse climate-energy-economy models 

      Belete, G.F.; Voinov, A.; Arto, I.; Dhavala, K.; Bulavskaya, T.; Niamir, L.; Moghayer, S.; Filatova, T. (MDPI, 2019)
      The use of simulation models is essential when exploring transitions to low-carbon futures and climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. There are many models developed to understand socio-environmental processes ...
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      Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well-being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it? 

      Carmenta, R.; Zaehringer, J.G.; Balvanera, P.; Betley, E.; Dawson, N.M.; Estrada-Carmona, N.; Forster, J.; Hoelle, J.; Lliso, B.; Llopis, J.C.; Menon, A.; Moeliono, M.; Mustin, K.; Pascual, U.; Rai, N.D.; Schleicher, J.; Shelton, C.; Sigouin, A.; Sterling, A.; Steward, A.M.; Tauro, A.; White, C.; Woodhouse, E.; Yuliani, E.L. (People and Nature, 2023-12-01)
      Globally, land and seascapes across the bioculturally diverse tropics are in transition. Impacted by the demands of distant consumers, the processes of global environmental change and numerous interventions seeking climate, ...
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      Exploring the roles of storage technologies in the Spanish electricity system with high share of renewable energy 

      Huclin, S.; Chaves, J.P.; Ramos, A.; Rivier, M.; Freire-Barceló, T.; Martín-Martínez, F.; Román, T.G.S.; Miralles, Á.S. (Energy Reports, 2022)
      At operational level, fossil fuel phase-out and high shares of non-dispatchable renewable energy resources (RES) will challenge the system operator's (SO) ability to balance generation, and the demand at any time. The ...
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      Exploring the temporal dynamics of speech production with EEG and group ICA 

      Janssen, Niels; van der Meij, Maartje; López-Pérez, Pedro Javier; Barber, Horacio A. (Scientific Reports, 2020)
      Speech production is a complex skill whose neural implementation relies on a large number of different regions in the brain. How neural activity in these different regions varies as a function of time during the production ...
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      Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: Experience across IPBES assessments 

      Sitas, N.; Harmácková, Z.V.; Anticamara, J.A.; Arneth, A.; Badola, R.; Biggs, R.; Blanchard, R.; Brotons, L.; Cantele, M.; Coetzer, K.; Dasgupta, R.; Den, Belder, E.; Ghosh, S.; Guisan, A.; Gundimeda, H.; Hamann, M.; Harrison, P.A.; Hashimoto, S.; Hauck, J.; Klatt, B.J.; Kok, K.; Krug, R.M.; Niamir, A.; O'farrell, P.J.; Okayasu, S.; Palomo, I.; Pereira, L.M.; Riordan, P.; Santos-Martín, F.; Selomane, O.; Shin, Y.-J.; Valle, M. (The Resilience Alliance, 2019)
      Scenario analyses have been used in multiple science-policy assessments to better understand complex plausible futures. Scenario archetype approaches are based on the fact that many future scenarios have similar underlying ...
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      Exposure to green areas: Modelling health benefits in a context of study heterogeneity 

      Chiabai, A.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Suárez, C.; García de Jalón, S.; Taylor, T. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Although the beneficial health effects of green areas are gaining recognition, epidemiological studies show mixed results with significance varying considerably by study and context, indicating that there is no unique and ...
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      Extranjería y prisión: ¿igualdad material en un sistema penitenciario intercultural? 

      Varona Martínez, Gema ORCID (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1994)
      [ES] Después de diversas consideraciones jurídico-sociológicas sobre la situación de presos extranjeros desde una perspectiva internacional, se interpreta el aumento numérico de ellos en muchos países, se analizan las ...
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      Extranjeros en prisión 

      Giménez-Salinas i Colomer, Esther (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1994-12)
      [ES] Se estudia la evolución de los movimientos migratorios en España destacando que se ha convertido en un país receptor. Asimismo, se exponen las características de la situación de los extranjeros en el ámbito penitenciario ...
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      Extremismo político juvenil: estrategias de intervención desde el prisma criminológico 

      Stangeland, Per (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2004)
      [ES] Entre los jóvenes las actividades de odio o violencia son episodios puntuales y accidentales. Sin embargo, en situaciones de gran polarización política, como es el caso del País Vasco, algunos movimientos de jóvenes ...
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      ¿La ética civil supera a la eclesial? 

      Beristain Ipiña, Antonio (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1992-12)
      El trasvase de la ética eclesial a la ética civil.
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      Ética e integridad policial 

      Vicchio, Stephen John (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1998)
      [ES] Partiendo de un estudio sobre la confianza que la sociedad tiene en la Policía, tanto en sus agentes como en la institución, se muestra que dicha confianza se basa en la percepción de la integridad de sus agentes. ...
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      Ética global 

      Parlamento Mundial de Religiones (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1994)
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      Ética y derechos humanos 

      Aranguren, José Luis L. (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1996)
      [ES] Se recoge la ponencia presentada por José Luis L. Aranguren durante el Curso de Verano, que el IVAC-KREI organizó en San Sebastián durante 1989 sobre "Protección de los Derechos Humanos en Derecho penal internacional ...
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      Ética, razón y empatía en el proceso de socialización 

      Urra Portillo, Javier (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1996)
      [ES] La socialización es el proceso por el que nace y se desarrolla la personalidad individual en relación con el medio social que le es transmitido. A través de la educación conseguimos esta socialización por medio no ...
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      El factor religioso: aplicación al País Vasco 

      Elzo, Javier (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2004)
      [ES] Se comentan los datos de varios estudios realizados en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca y en Navarra sobre los valores dominantes en los vascos y navarros, así como su evolución en la última década. A la luz de los resultados ...