Now showing items 1129-1148 of 3135

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      Génesis de la Ley Orgánica 19/94 de 23/12 de protección a testigos y peritos en causas criminales 

      Giménez Pericás, Antonio (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1997)
      [ES] La cualidad de testigo, en determinados procesos, es notablemente peligrosa. La imposibilidad de comparecencia de algún testigo puede conducir a dificultades probatorias, lo que, entre otros motivos, lleva a la ...
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      Give me a break! Unavoidable fatigue effects in cognitive pupillometry 

      McLaughlin, Drew J.; Zink, Maggie E.; Gaunt, Lauren; Reilly, Jamie; Sommers, Mitchell S.; Van Engen, Kristin J.; Peelle, Jonathan E. (Wiley, 2023)
      Pupillometry has a rich history in the study of perception and cognition. One perennial challenge is that the magnitude of the task-evoked pupil response diminishes over the course of an experiment, a phenomenon we ...
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      Global mapping of urban nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation 

      Goodwin, S.; Olazabal, M.; Castro, A.J.; Pascual, P. (Nature Sustainability, 2023)
      Many cities around the world are experimenting with nature-based solutions (NbS) to address the interconnected climate-, biodiversity- and society-related challenges they are facing (referred to as the climate–biodiversi ...
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      Global principles in local traditional knowledge: A review of forage plant-livestock-herder interactions 

      Sharifian, A.; Gantuya, B.; Wario, H.T.; Kotowski, M.A.; Barani, H.; Manzano, P.; Krätli, S.; Babai, D.; Biró, M.; Sáfián, L.; Erdenetsogt, J.; Qabel, Q.M.; Molnár, Z. (Journal of Environmental Management, 2023)
      An understanding of traditional ecological knowledge systems is increasingly acknowledged as a means of helping to develop global, regional and national, but locally relevant policies. Pastoralists often use lands that are ...
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      Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: The SAPFLUXNET database 

      Poyatos, R.; Granda, V; Flo, V.; Adorján, B.; Adams, M. A.; Aguadé, D.; Aidar, M. P. M.; Allen, S.; Alvarado-Barrientos, M. S.; Anderson-Teixeira, K. J.; Aparecido, L. M.; Altaf Arain, M.; Aranda, I.; Asbjornsen, H.; Baxter, R.; Beamesderfer, E.; Berry, Z. C.; Berveiller, D.; Blakely, B.; Boggs, J.; Bohrer, G.; Bolstad, P. V.; Bonal, D.; Bracho, R.; Brito, P.; Brodeur, J.; Casanoves, F.; Chave, J.; Chen, H.; Cisneros, C.; Clark, K.; Cremonese, E.; Dang, H.; David, J. S.; David, T. S.; Delpierre, N.; Desai, A. R.; Do, F. C.; Dohnal, N.; Domec, J. C.; Dzikiti, S.; Edgar, C.; Eichstaedt, R.; El-Madany, T. S.; Elbers, J.; Eller, C. B.; Euskirchen, E. S.; Ewers, B.; Fonti, P.; Forner, A.; Forrester, D. I.; Freitas, H. C.; Galvagno, M.; Garcia-Tejera, O.; Ghimire, C. P.; Gimeno, T. E.; Grace, J.; Granier, A.; Griebel, A.; Guangyu, Y.; Gush, M. B.; Hanson, P. J.; Hasselquist, N. J.; Heinrich, I.; Hernandez-Santana, V.; Herrmann, V; Hölttä, T.; Holwerda, F.; Irvine, J.; Na Ayutthaya, S. Y.; Jarvis, P. J.; Jochheim, H.; Joly, C. A.; Kaplick, J.; Kim, H. S.; Klemedtsson, L.; Kropp, H.; Lagergren, F.; Lane, P.; Lang, P.; Lapenas, A.; Lechuga, V.; Lee, M.; Leuschner, C.; Limousin, J. M.; Linares, J. C.; Linderson, M. L.; Lindroth, A.; Llorens, P.; López-Bernal, A.; Loranty, M. M.; Lüttschwager, D.; MacInnis-Ng, C.; Maréchaux, I.; Martin, T. A.; Matheny, A.; McDowell, N.; McMahon, S.; Meir, P.; Mészáros, I.; Migliavacca, M.; Mitchell, P.; Mölder, M.; Montagnani, L.; Moore, G. W.; Nakada, R.; Niu, F.; Nolan, R.H.; Norby, R.; Novick, K.; Oberhuber, W.; Obojes, N.; Oishi, A. C.; Oliveira, R. S.; Olen, R.; Ourcival, J. M.; Paljakka, T.; Perez Priego, O.; Peri, P. L.; Peters, R. L.; Pfautsch, S.; Pockman, W. T.; Preysler, I.; Rascher, K.; Robinson, G.; Rocheteau, A.; Rocha, H.; Röll, A.; Rosado, B. H. P.; Rowland, L.; Rubtsov, A. V.; Sabaté, S.; Salmón, Y.; Salomon, R. L.; Schäfer, K. V. R.; Sánchez-Costa, E.; Schuld, B.; Shashkin, A.; Stahl, C.; Stojanovic, M.; Suárez, J. C.; Szatniewska, J; Sun, G.; Tatarinov, F.; TesaÅ, M; Thomas, F. M.; Tor-Ngern, P.; Urban, J.; Valladares, F.; Van Der Tol, C.; Van Meerveld, I.; Varlagin, A.; Voigt, H.; Warren, J.; Werner, C. (Earth System Science Data, 2021-06-14)
      Plant transpiration links physiological responses of vegetation to water supply and demand with hydrological, energy, and carbon budgets at the land-atmosphere interface. However, despite being the main land evaporative ...
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      La globalización del crimen organizado 

      Bermejo Marcos, Fernando (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2009)
      Una parte importante de los conocimientos que la mayoría de la gente tiene sobre el crimen organizado se sustenta en representaciones sociales cimentadas por dos grandes vías de conocimiento: los ...
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      Globalización económica y drogas 

      Brochu, Serge; Zambrana, Claudia (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2005)
      [ES] El concepto de “globalización” se refiere a la creación de recursos globales; los mercados están permanentemente relacionados y funcionan a escala global. Como las drogas constituyen productos destinados a un gran ...
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      Globalización, anti-globalización y políticas de reducción de daños y riesgos 

      Romaní, Oriol (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2005)
      [ES] Se analizan las características básicas de la globalización y su relación con la cuestión de las drogas y, por otra parte, la emergencia de políticas de reducción de daños y riesgos. El tráfico ilegal de drogas se ...
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      Globalizacón, desigualdad y racismo: implicaciones el el ámbito educativo e investigador 

      Oliveri Albisu, Inaxio (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1995)
      [ES] Se realiza un estudio del racismo y de la intolerancia, explicando cómo la integración y la exclusión aparecen como fenómenos contradictorios, considerándose esencial hacer frente, desde la Ética, a las tensiones ...
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      Gradient Activation of Speech Categories Facilitates Listeners’ Recovery From Lexical Garden Paths, But Not Perception of Speech-in-Noise 

      Kapnoula, Efthymia C.; Edwards, Jan; McMurray, Bob (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2021)
      Listeners activate speech-sound categories in a gradient way, and this information is maintained and affects activation of items at higher levels of processing (McMurray et al., 2002; Toscano et al., 2010). Recent ...
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      Green Criminological Dialogues: Voices from Asia 

      Goyes, D. R.; Komatsubara, O.; Droz, L.; Wyatt, T. (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 2022-01-01)
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      Greener and Fairer: A Progressive Environmental Tax Reform for Spain 

      Boehringe;, Christoph; Garcia-Muros, Xaquin; Gonzalez-Eguino, Mikel (IAEE, 2019)
      Environmental externalities call for the use of environmental taxes to get prices right and thereby reduce environmental pressures. To date, however, the Spanish government makes only limited use of environmental ...
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      Greenhouse gas observation network design for Africa 

      Nickless, A.; Scholes, R.J.; Vermeulen, A.; Beck, J.; López-Ballesteros, A.; Ardö, J.; Karstens, U.; Rigby, M.; Kasurinen, V.; Pantazatou, K.; Jorch, V.; Kutsch, W. (TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY, 2020)
      An optimal network design was carried out to prioritise the installation or refurbishment of greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring stations around Africa. The network was optimised to reduce the uncertainty in emissions across ...
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      Grey Matter Reshaping of Language-Related Regions Depends on Tumor Lateralization 

      Manso-Ortega, Lucía; De Frutos-Sagastuy, Laura; Gisbert-Muñoz, Sandra; Salamon, Noriko; Qiao, Joe; Walshaw, Patricia; Quiñones, Ileana; Połczynska, Monika M. (MDPI, 2023)
      A brain tumor in the left hemisphere can decrease language laterality as assessed through fMRI. However, it remains unclear whether or not this decreased language laterality is associated with a structural reshaping of the ...
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      Group-level cortical functional connectivity patterns using fNIRS: assessing the effect of bilingualism in young infants 

      Blanco, Borja; Molnar, Monika; Carreiras, Manuel; Collins-Jones, Liam H.; Vidal, Ernesto; Cooper, Robert J.; Caballero-Gaudes, César (Neurophotonics, 2021)
      Significance: Early monolingual versus bilingual experience induces adaptations in the development of linguistic and cognitive processes, and it modulates functional activation patterns during the first months of life. ...
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      Growth and resilience responses of Scots pine to extreme droughts across Europe depend on predrought growth conditions 

      Bose, A.K.; Gessler, A.; Bolte, A.; Bottero, A.; Buras, A.; Cailleret, M.; Camarero, J.J.; Haeni, M.; Heres, Ana María; Hevia, A.; Lévesque, M.; Linares, J.C.; Martinez-Vilalta, J.; Matías, L.; Menzel, A.; Sánchez-Salguero, R.; Saurer, M.; Vennetier, M.; Ziche, D.; Rigling, A. (GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2020)
      Global climate change is expected to further raise the frequency and severity of extreme events, such as droughts. The effects of extreme droughts on trees are difficult to disentangle given the inherent complexity of ...
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      Guia didactica de educación popular e investigación-acción para la soberanía alimentaria 

      Martínez García, César ORCID; Casado Baides, Beatriz; Stronzake, Janaina (2023-06-15)
      Esta guía se divide en dos apartados fundamentales. El primer apartado introduce fundamentos y nociones que caracterizan a la educación popular y la investigación-acción como propuestas pedagógicas y políticas. También ...
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      Guidelines for modeling and reporting health effects of climate change mitigation actions 

      Hess, J. J.; Ranadive, N.; Boyer, C.; Aleksandrowicz, L.; Anenberg, S. C.; Aunan, K.; Belesova, K.; Bell, M. L.; Bickersteth, S.; Bowen, K.; Campbell-Lendrum, D.; Burden, M.; Carlton, E.; Cissé, G.; Cohen, F.; Dai, H.; Dangour, A. D.; Dasgupta, P.; Frumkin, H.; Gong, P.; Gould, R. J.; Haines, A.; Hales, S.; Hamilton, I.; Hasegawa, T.; Hashizume, M.; Honda, Y.; Horton, D. E.; Karambelas, A.; Kim, H.; Kim, S. E.; Kinney, P. L.; Knowlton, K.; Kone, I.; Lelieveld, J.; Limaye, V. S.; Madaniyazi, L.; Liu, Q.; Mauzerall, D. L.; Martínez, M. E.; Milner, J.; Neville, T.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Pachauri, S.; Perera, F.; Pineo, H.; Remais, J. V.; Saari, R. K.; Scheelbeek, P.; Sampedro, J.; Schwartz, J.; Shindell, D.; Shyamsundar, P.; Taylor, T. J.; Tonne, C.; Van Vuuren, D.; Wang, D.; Watts, N.; West, J. J.; Wilkinson, P.; Woodcock, J; Wood, S. A.; Woodward, A.; Xie, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Ebi, K. L. (Environmental Health Perspectives, 2020-11-01)
      BACKGROUND: Modeling suggests that climate change mitigation actions can have substantial human health benefits that accrue quickly and locally. Documenting the benefits can help drive more ambitious and health-protective ...
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      Guidelines for small ruminant production systems under climate emergency in Europe 

      Pardo, G.; del Prado, A. (SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, 2020)
      Projected climate change will involve an additional threat for the sustainability of small ruminant production systems in Europe. Aiming to understand its implications, we conducted a literature review on climate change ...
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      Guiding cities under increased droughts: The limits to sustainable urban futures 

      Cremades, R.; Sanchez-Plaza, A.; Hewitt, R. J.; Mitter, H.; Baggio, J. A.; Olazabal, M.; Broekman, A.; Kropf, B.; Tudose, N. C. (Ecological Economics, 2021-11-01)
      Climate change is likely to increase droughts. The vulnerability of cities to droughts is increasing worldwide. Policy responses from cities to droughts lack consideration of long-term climatic and socio-economic scenarios, ...