Now showing items 1148-1167 of 3132

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      Gurasoen prestakuntza, familia, eskola eta komunitatearen arteko harremanen esparruan 

      Bartau Rojas, Isabel Ana ORCID; Maganto Mateo, Juana María (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2004)
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      Habilidades narrativas, valores y relatos personales digitales: una propuesta metodológica para Educación Primaria 

      Oregui González, Eider ORCID; Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana ORCID; Bermejo Berros, Jesús; Bartau Rojas, Isabel Ana ORCID (Universitat de Barcelona, 2017)
      La finalidad general de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta metodológica para la educación en valores a través de contenidos mediáticos de ficción, basada en una investigación previa sobre la relación entre el consumo ...
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      Habitat fragmentation and food security in crop pollination systems 

      Montoya, D.; Haegeman, B.; De Mazancourt, C.; Gaba, S.; Loreau, M. (Journal of Ecology, 2021-08-01)
      Ensuring stable food supplies is a major challenge for the 21st century. There is consensus that increased food production is necessary, but not sufficient, to achieve food security, and that agriculture should also aim ...
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      Habitat fragmentation is linked to cascading effects on soil functioning and CO2 emissions in Mediterranean holm-oak-forests 

      Flores-Rentería,Dulce; Rincón,Ana; Morán-López,Teresa; Heres, Ana María; Pérez-Izquierdo,Leticia; Valladares,Fernando; Curiel Yuste, Jorge (PeerJ, 2018)
      We studied key mechanisms and drivers of soil functioning by analyzing soil respiration and enzymatic activity in Mediterranean holm oak forest fragments with different influence of the agricultural matrix. For this, ...
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      Hacia una justicia victimal 

      Arias Ergueta, Pedro Luis (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2012)
      [ES] Dedicatoria y reflexión realizada con razón del Encuentro Internacional en homenaje de Antonio Beristain Ipiña.
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      Hacia una justicia victimal. En recuerdo de Antonio Beristain 

      Rodríguez Uribes, José Manuel (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2012)
      [ES] Dedicatoria realizada por José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes en memoria de Antonio Beristain Ipiña.
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      Hacia una nueva justicia para los menores 

      Renau i Manen, María Dolores (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1988)
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      Handedness and its genetic influences are associated with structural asymmetries of the cerebral cortex in 31,864 individuals 

      Sha, Zhiqiang; Pepe, Antonietta; Schijven, Dick; Carrión-Castillo, Amaia; Roe, James M.; Westerhausen, René; Joliot, Marc; Fisher, Simon E.; Crivello, Fabrice; Francks, Clyde (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021)
      Roughly 10% of the human population is left-handed, and this rate is increased in some brain-related disorders. The neuroanatomical correlates of hand preference have remained equivocal. We resampled structural brain ...
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      Harm reduction programs in the U.S.A.: emerging trends 

      Jensen, Eric L. (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2002)
      [ES] Actualmente, en E.E.U.U los esfuerzos a favor de los programas de reducción de daños en materia de drogas son mínimos, a pesar de que estos programas aparecieran en los años 70. El sistema de justicia penal se ha ...
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      Harmonising the land-use flux estimates of global models and national inventories for 2000-2020 

      Grassi, G.; Schwingshackl, C.; Gasser, T.; Houghton, R.A.; Sitch, S.; Canadell, J.G.; Cescatti, A.; Ciais, P.; Federici, S.; Friedlingstein, P.; Kurz, W.A.; Sanz Sanchez, M.J.; Abad Viñas, R.; Bultan, S.; Ceccherini, G.; Falk, S.; Kato, E.; Kennedy, D.; Knauer, J.; Korosuo, A.; Melo, J.; McGrath, M.J.; Nabel, J.E.M.; Poulter, B.; Romanovskaya, A.A.; Rossi, S.; Tian, H.; Walker, A.P.; Yuan, W.; Yue, X; Pongratz, J. (Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 2023-03-01)
      As the focus of climate policy shifts from pledges to implementation, there is a growing need to track progress on climate change mitigation at the country level, particularly for the land-use sector. Despite new tools and ...
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      “Hazy” or “jumbled”? Putting together the pieces of the bilingual puzzle 

      García-Pentón, Lorna; Fernández García, Yuriem; Costello, Brendan; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni; Carreiras, Manuel (Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2016)
      Six commentaries [Bialystok, E. (2015). How hazy views become full pictures. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. doi:10.1080/23273798.2015.1074255; de Bruin, A., & Della Sala, S. (2015) The importance of language use ...
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      Hábitos televisivos, personajes de identificación y valores percibidos por adolescentes con TDAH y estándar 

      Oregui González, Eider ORCID; Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012)
      La cultura multipantalla actual ofrece respuestas rápidas y refuerzos inmediatos, pero puede dificultar construir el significado de los mensajes a los más jóvenes y, en particular, a aquellos con Trastorno por Déficit de ...
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      Hábitos y valores del alumnado en centros de primaria de alta eficacia escolar 

      Azkarate Morales, Ander ORCID; Bartau Rojas, Isabel Ana ORCID; Lizasoain Hernández, Luis ORCID (Universidad de Navarra, 2019-11-07)
      Diversas investigaciones concluyen que la educación en valores es una parte inseparable de la enseñanza efi caz y que se vincula con mejoras en el aprendizaje y el bienestar emocional y social del alumnado. Este trabajo ...
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      Health co-benefits and mitigation costs as per the Paris Agreement under different technological pathways for energy supply 

      Sampedro, J.; Smith, S.J.; Arto, I.; González-Eguino, M.; Markandya, A.; Mulvaney, K.M.; Pizarro-Irizar, C.; Van Dingenen, R. (Elsevier, 2020)
      This study assesses the reductions in air pollution emissions and subsequent beneficial health effects from different global mitigation pathways consistent with the 2 °C stabilization objective of the Paris Agreement. We ...
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      Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study 

      Markandya, A.; Sampedro, J.; Smith, S.J.; Van Dingenen, R.; Pizarro-Irizar, C.; Arto, I.; González-Eguino, M. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Background: Although the co-benefits from addressing problems related to both climate change and air pollution have been recognised, there is not much evidence comparing the mitigation costs and economic benefits of air ...
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      Heat exposure following encoding can interfere with subsequent recognition memory 

      Cudeiro, Jesús; Soto, David ORCID; Gutiérrez, Emilio (NATURE, 2023)
      Correlational studies suggest that high temperatures may impair online cognitive performance and learning processes. Here, we tested the hypothesis that heat exposure blocks offline memory consolidation. We report two ...
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      Heat stress risk in European dairy cattle husbandry under different climate change scenarios-uncertainties and potential impacts 

      Hempel, S.; Menz, C.; Pinto, S.; Galán, E.; Janke, D.; Estellés, F.; Müschner-Siemens, T.; Wang, X.; Heinicke, J.; Zhang, G.; Amon, B.; del Prado, A.; Amon, T. (EGU Publications, 2019)
      In the last decades, a global warming trend was observed. Along with the temperature increase, modifications in the humidity and wind regime amplify the regional and local impacts on livestock husbandry. Direct impacts ...
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      Hemodynamic Deconvolution Demystified: Sparsity-Driven Regularization at Work 

      Uruñuela, Eneko; Bolton, Thomas A.W.; Van De Ville, Dimitri; Caballero-Gaudes, César (OHBM, 2023)
      Deconvolution of the hemodynamic response is an important step to access short timescales of brain activity recorded by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Albeit conventional deconvolution algorithms have been ...
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      Herbivory baseline estimates in Spanish protected areas, and environmental implications 

      Serrano-Zulueta, R.; Pardo, G.; Pauné, F.; del Prado, A.; Manzano, P. (Landscape Ecology, 2023-12-01)
      Context: There are no estimations of herbivory baselines in Spain. Due to the bioclimatic conditions, ungulates have maintained Open Ecosystems until the Holocene. Pastoral tradition later fulfilled the niche of wild ...
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      Heritability and reliability of automatically segmented human hippocampal formation subregions 

      Whelan, Christopher D.; Hibar, Derrek P.; van Velzen, Laura S.; Zannas, Anthony S.; Carrillo-Roa, Tania; McMahon, Katie; Prasad, Gautam; Kelly, Sinéad; Faskowitz, Joshua; deZubiracay, Greig; Iglesias, Juan E.; van Erp, Theo G.M.; Frodl, Thomas; Martin, Nicholas G.; Wright, Margaret J.; Jahanshad, Neda; Schmaal, Lianne; Sämann, Philipp G.; Thompson, Paul M.; for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (NeuroImage, 2016)
      The human hippocampal formation can be divided into a set of cytoarchitecturally and functionally distinct subregions, involved in different aspects of memory formation. Neuroanatomical disruptions within these subregions ...