Now showing items 337-356 of 3076

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      Boletín 1. Buletina 

      Bartau Rojas, Isabel Ana ORCID; Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana ORCID; Azpillaga Larrea, Verónica ORCID; Zalbide Beobide, Uxue (GANDERE, 2019)
      Lehen buletin honetan “Genero Sozializazioa eta Eskola Testuingurua: Hobekuntzarako Gakoak” izeneko Jardunaldia aurkezten da. Jardunaldia Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (UPV/EHU) Berdintasunerako Zuzendaritzak diruz lagundu ...
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      Boletín 2. Buletina 

      Uria Iriarte, Esther (GANDERE, 2020)
      Bigarren buletin honek titulutzat “Arte eszenikoak, hezkuntza eta generoa” dauka. Bere helburua, arte eszenikoen alorrean generoak dituen inplikazioei buruz gogoeta egitea da; praktika eta antzerki erreminta batzuk eskaintzea ...
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      Boletín 3. Buletina 

      Zubiri Esnaola, Harkaitz; Ugalde Lujambio, Leire (GANDERE, 2021)
      GANDERE Taldeak, lagungarriak izan daitezkeen baliabide eta ikerketak identifikatu, sustatu eta hedatu nahi ditu hezkuntza testuinguru desberdinetan: eskolan, familian, mediatikoan eta sozialean. Hirugarren buletin honek ...
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      Boletín 4. Buletina 

      Intxausti Intxausti, Nahia ORCID; Uria Iriarte, Esther; Rodríguez Miguel, Sandra; Larrazabal Arrieta, Ianire; Yarza González, Eider (GANDERE, 2022)
      Laugarren buletinak “Aniztasun funtzionalera hurbilduz genero perspektiba intersekzionaletik” izena dauka. Buletinaren helburua izan da aniztasun funtzionala duten emakumeen inguruko ikerketak, esperientziak eta baliabideak ...
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      Border Carbon Adjustments Based on Avoided Emissions: Addressing the Challenge of Its Design 

      Rocchi, P.; Serrano, M.; Roca, J.; Arto, I. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Carbon pricing is an essential instrument to address climate change. However international differences in carbon control policies may cause not only carbon leakage but also competitiveness disadvantages. In this context, ...
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      Brain activity patterns of phonemic representations are atypical in beginning readers with family risk for dyslexia 

      Vandermosten, Maaike; Correia, João M.; Vanderauwera, Jolijn; Wouters, Jan; Bonte, Milene (Developmental Science, 2020)
      There is an ongoing debate whether phonological deficits in dyslexics should be attributed to (a) less specified representations of speech sounds, like suggested by studies in young children with a familial risk for ...
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      Brain Networks Modulation in Young and Old Subjects During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Applied on Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex 

      Miraglia, Francesca; Vecchio, Fabrizio; Pellicciari, Maria Concetta; Cespon, Jesus; Rossini, Paolo Maria (World Scientific Publishing, 2022)
      Evidence indicates that the transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has the potential to transiently modulate cognitive function, including age-related changes in brain performance. Only a small number of studies ...
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      Brain Signatures of Embodied Semantics and Language: A Consensus Paper 

      Bechtold, Laura; Cosper, Samuel H.; Malyshevskaya, Anastasia; Montefinese, Maria; Morucci, Piermatteo; Niccolai, Valentina; Repetto, Claudia; Zappa, Ana; Shtyrov, Yury (UBIQUITY PRESS, 2023)
      According to embodied theories (including embodied, embedded, extended, enacted, situated, and grounded approaches to cognition), language representation is intrinsically linked to our interactions with the world around ...
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      Brain structure, phenotypic and genetic correlates of reading performance 

      Carrión-Castillo, Amaia; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M.; Carreiras, Manuel (NATURE RESEARCH, 2023)
      Reading is an evolutionarily recent development that recruits and tunes brain circuitry connecting primary- and language-processing regions. We investigated whether metrics of the brain’s physical structure correlate with ...
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      Brain-behavior relationships in incidental learning of non-native phonetic categories 

      Luthra, Sahil; Fuhrmeister, Pamela; Molfese, Peter J.; Guediche, Sara; Blumstein, Sheila E.; Myers, Emily B. (Brain and Language, 2019)
      Research has implicated the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in mapping acoustic-phonetic input to sound category representations, both in native speech perception and non-native phonetic category learning. At issue is ...
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      Brain-to-brain entrainment: EEG interbrain synchronization while speaking and listening 

      Pérez, Alejandro; Carreiras, Manuel; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Scientific Reports, 2017)
      Electroencephalographic hyperscanning was used to investigate interbrain synchronization patterns in dyads of participants interacting through speech. Results show that brain oscillations are synchronized between listener ...
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      Brain-wide representation of social knowledge 

      Alcalá-López, Daniel; Mei, Ning; Margolles, Pedro; Soto, David ORCID (OXFORD, 2024)
      Understanding how the human brain maps different dimensions of social conceptualizations remains a key unresolved issue. We performed a functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study in which participants were exposed ...
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      Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience 

      Gau, Rémi; Noble, Stephanie; Heuer, Katja; Bottenhorn, Katherine L.; Bilgin, Isil P.; Yang, Yu-Fang; Huntenburg, Julia M.; Bayer, Johanna M.M.; Bethlehem, Richard A.I.; Rhoads, Shawn A.; Vogelbacher, Christoph; Borghesani, Valentina; Levitis, Elizabeth; Wang, Hao-Ting; Van Den Bossche, Sofie; Kobeleva, Xenia; Legarreta, Jon Haitz; Guay, Samuel; Atay, Selim Melvin; Varoquaux, Gael P.; Huijser, Dorien C.; Sandström, Malin S.; Herholz, Peer; Nastase, Samuel A.; Badhwar, AmanPreet; Dumas, Guillaume; Schwab, Simon; Moia, Stefano; Dayan, Michael; Bassil, Yasmine; Brooks, Paula P.; Mancini, Matteo; Shine, James M.; O’Connor, David; Xie, Xihe; Poggiali, Davide; Friedrich, Patrick; Heinsfeld, Anibal S.; Riedl, Lydia; Toro, Roberto; Caballero-Gaudes, César; Eklund, Anders; Garner, Kelly G.; Nolan, Christopher R.; Demeter, Damion V.; Barrios, Fernando A.; Merchant, Junaid S.; McDevitt, Elizabeth A.; Oostenveld, Robert; Craddock, R. Cameron; Rokem, Ariel; Doyle, Andrew; Ghosh, Satrajit S.; Nikolaidis, Aki; Stanley, Olivia W.; Uruñuela, Eneko; Community, The Brainhack (Neuron, 2021)
      Brainhack is an innovative meeting format that promotes scientific collaboration and education in an open, inclusive environment. This NeuroView describes the myriad benefits for participants and the research community and ...
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      Breaking Down the Bilingual Cost in Speech Production 

      Sadat, Jasmin; Martin, Clara D.; Magnuson, James S.; Alario, Françoi-Xabier; Costa, Albert (Cognitive Science, 2016)
      Bilinguals have been shown to perform worse than monolinguals in a variety of verbal tasks. This study investigated this bilingual verbal cost in a large-scale picture-naming study conducted in Spanish. We explored how ...
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      Breaking the 400 ppm barrier: Physical and Social implications of the recent CO2 rise 

      Faria, S. H.; Spadaro, Joseph V.; Markandya, Anil (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2013-12-20)
      The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has achieved its highest levels in the last 800,000 years, and probably even in the last 2.1 million years, recently topping briefly the atmospheric concentration ...
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      Breve relación de mi actividad como capellán penitenciario 

      Latuf, Angel (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1993-06)
      Breve relación del autor en su actividad como capellán penitenciario.
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      Bridging Science and Policy to Mitigate and Adapt Cities to Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of the Basque Declaration 

      Olazabal, Marta; Sainz de Murieta Zugadi, Elisa (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2016-05)
      A reduction in emissions and the adaptation of cities to climate change is a key point in the Basque Declaration-The potential of science making a valuable contribution to urban climate objectives-Possible divergence of ...
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      A Brief Grammar of Euskara, the Basque Language 

      Laka Mugarza, Itziar ORCID (Universidad del País Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Euskarazko Errektoreordetza, 1996)
      This is a short grammar of the Basque language, or Euskara as it is called by its speakers. What follows is a partial description of the syntax of Euskara. The text has been arranged in the following fashion: there is ...
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      Budget-Neutral Financing to Unlock Energy Savings Potential: An Analysis of the ESCO Model in Barcelona 

      Boobino, Samuel; Galvan, Hector; González-Eguino, Mikel (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2013-01-01)
      The objective of this article is to introduce an increasingly popular business model known as the Energy Service Company (ESCO) model and bring to light the principal barriers to its widespread implementation both ...
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      Build-To-Specification Vanillin and Phloroglucinol Derived Biobased Epoxy-Amine Vitrimers 

      Genua, Aratz; Montes, Sarah; Azcune, Itxaso; Rekondo, Alaitz; Malburet, Samuel; Daydé-Cazals, Bénédicte; Graillot, Alain (MDPI, 2020-10-22)
      Epoxy resins are widely used in the composite industry due to their dimensional stability, chemical resistance, and thermo-mechanical properties. However, these thermoset resins have important drawbacks. (i) The vast ...