Now showing items 808-827 of 3135

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      Las drogas en la formación médica universitaria 

      Etxeberria Gabilondo, Francisco ORCID (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1990-04)
      El problema de las drogodependencias como materia de estudio en los programas de formación universitarios desde el marco general de los estudios de Medicina.
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      Drogas y conflicto armado: el caso colombiano y el paradigma de seguridad global 

      Vargas, Ricardo (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 2005)
      [ES] En Colombia, el problema de las drogas aparece intrínsecamente unido al problema de la seguridad y de la lucha antiterrorista. El control de los cultivos, a través de la militarización de la lucha contra la ...
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      Drogas y derecho penal 

      Muñoz Conde, Francisco; Aunión Acosta, Bella (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1991)
      [ES] El fracaso de la actual política penal represiva en materia de tráfico de drogas demuestra la necesidad de buscar políticas alternativas que, igual que sucede con las llamadas “drogas legales”, atribuyan al Estado en ...
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      Las drogas, la delincuencia y la cárcel: un punto de vista no jurídico 

      Sáenz de Buruaga, Javier (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1990)
      [ES] Se realiza una exposición sobre el fenómeno de las drogodependencias y la problemática que plantea, en particular, dentro de los centros penitenciarios.
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      Las drogas: contenido imprescindible en la enseñanza de la Criminología 

      Laguardia Zubia, Jesús (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1990-04)
      Texto sobre la idea de que el mundo de las drogas no se puede obviar al abordar la enseñanza de la criminología.
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      Dry deposition of air pollutants on trees at regional scale: A case study in the Basque Country 

      García de Jalón, S.; Burgess, P.J; Curiel Yuste, J.; Moreno, G.; Graves, A.; Palma, J.H.N.; Crous-Duran, J.; Kay, S.; Chiabai, A. (Elsevier, 2020)
      There is increased interest in the role of trees to reduce air pollution and thereby improve human health and well-being. This study determined the removal of air pollutants by dry deposition of trees across the Basque ...
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      Dureza emocional prematura 

      Urra Portillo, Javier (Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1996)
      [ES] La sociedad está haciendo niños muy duros emocionalmente, niños que sienten y quieren vivenciar la violencia. Cada vez su edad es más corta, su extracción social más variable implicándose en acciones irracionales y ...
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      Dynamic EEG analysis during language comprehension reveals interactive cascades between perceptual processing and sentential expectations 

      Sarrett, McCall E.; McMurray, Bob; Kapnoula, Efthymia C. (Brain and Language, 2020)
      Understanding spoken language requires analysis of the rapidly unfolding speech signal at multiple levels: acoustic, phonological, and semantic. However, there is not yet a comprehensive picture of how these levels relate. ...
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      Dynamic relationship analysis between NAFTA stock markets using nonlinear, nonparametric, non-stationary methods 

      Polanco-Martínez, J.M. (Springer Nature, 2019)
      This paper seeks to investigate the dynamic relationship between daily stock market indices in NAFTA countries from 8 November 1991 to 16 March 2018, using for the first time nonlinear, nonparametric, non-stationary methods. ...
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      Dynamic wavelet correlation analysis for multivariate climate time series 

      Polanco-Martínez, J.M.; Fernández Macho, Francisco Javier ORCID; Medina-Elizalde, M. (Scientific Reports, 2020)
      The wavelet local multiple correlation (WLMC) is introduced for the first time in the study of climate dynamics inferred from multivariate climate time series. To exemplify the use of WLMC with real climate data, we analyse ...
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      EAEko familia etorkinen aukerak lehen hezkuntzan: eskola eta hizkuntza eredua 

      Intxausti Intxausti, Nahia ORCID; Etxeberria Sagastume, Feli; Joaristi Olariaga, Luis Maria (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2010)
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      Early and late indications of item-specific control in a Stroop mouse tracking study 

      Bundt, Carsten; Ruitenberg, Marit F. L.; Abrahamse, Elger L.; Notebaert, Wim (PLoS ONE, 2018)
      Previous studies indicated that cognitive conflict continues to bias actions even after a movement has been initiated. The present paper examined whether cognitive control also biases actions after movement initiation. ...
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      Early dissociation of numbers and letters in the human brain 

      Aurtenetxe, Sara; Molinaro, Nicola; Davidson, Doug; Carreiras, Manuel (Cortex, 2020)
      Numbers and letters are culturally created symbols which are learned through repeated training. This experience leads to a functional specialization of the perceptual system of our brain. Recent evidence suggests a neural ...
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      Early language dissociation in bilingual minds: magnetoencephalography evidence through a machine learning approach 

      Molinaro, Nicola; Nara, Sanjeev; Carreiras, Manuel (OXFORD, 2024)
      Does neural activity reveal how balanced bilinguals choose languages? Despite using diverse neuroimaging techniques, prior studies haven’t provided a definitive solution to this problem. Nonetheless, studies involving ...
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      Early language experience modulates the tradeoff between acoustic-temporal and lexico-semantic cortical tracking of speech 

      Pérez-Navarro, Jose; Klimovich-Gray, Anastasia; Lizarazu, Mikel; Piazza, Giorgio; Molinaro, Nicola; Lallier, Marie (ELSEVIER, 2024)
      Cortical tracking of speech is relevant for the development of speech perception skills. However, no study to date has explored whether and how cortical tracking of speech is shaped by accumulated language experience, the ...
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      Early-warning signals of individual tree mortality based on annual radial growth 

      Cailleret, M.; Dakos, V.; Jansen, S.; Robert, E.M.R.; Aakala, T.; Amoroso, M.M.; Antos, J.A.; Bigler, C.; Bugmann, H.; Caccianaga, M.; Camarero, J.J.; Cherubini, P.; Coyea, M.R.; Cufar, K.; Das, A.J.; Davi, H.; Gea-Izquierdo, G.; Gillner, S.; Haavik, L.J.; Hartmann, H.; Heres, Ana María; Hultine, K.R.; Janda, P.; Kane, J.M.; Kharuk, V.I.; Kitzberger, T.; Klein, T.; Levanic, T.; Linares, J. C.; Lombardi, F.; Mäkinen, H.; Mészáros, I.; Metsaranta, J. M.; Oberhuber, W.; Papadopoulos, A.; Petritan, A. M.; Rohner, B.; Sangüesa-Barreda, G.; Smith, J. M.; Stan, A. B.; Stojanovic, D. B.; Suarez, M. L.; Svoboda, M.; Trotsiuk, V.; Villalba, R.; Westwood, A. R.; Wyckoff, P. H.; Martínez-Vilalta, J. (Frontiers, 2019)
      Tree mortality is a key driver of forest dynamics and its occurrence is projected to increase in the future due to climate change. Despite recent advances in our understanding of the physiological mechanisms leading to ...
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      Eating local and in-season fruits and vegetables: Carbon-water-employment trade-offs and synergies 

      López, L. A.; Tobarra, M. A.; Cadarso, M. A.; Gómez, N.; Cazcarro, I. (Ecological Economics, 2022-02-01)
      What would the effect on the employment and environmental footprint be if Spanish households substituted imported fresh fruits and vegetables with local production? Are the impacts similar over the entire year? Is it ...
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      Ecological economics in the age of fear 

      Muradian, R; Pascual, U. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Far right political movements are rising and seizing power in many influential countries, affecting not only the governance of democratic regimes but also the science-policy relationship and the global environmental agenda. ...
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      Ecological network complexity scales with area 

      Galiana, N.; Lurgi, M.; Bastazini, V. A. G.; Bosch, Jaime; Cagnolo, L.; Cazelles, K.; Claramunt-López, B.; Emer, C.; Fortin, M. J.; Grass, I.; Hernández-Castellano, C.; Jauker, F.; Leroux, S. J.; McCann, K.; McLeod, A. M.; Montoya, D.; Mulder, C.; Osorio-Canadas, S.; Reverté, S.; Rodrigo, A.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Traveset, A.; Valverde, S.; Vázquez, D. P.; Wood, S. A.; Gravel, D.; Roslin, T.; Thuiller, W.; Montoya, J. M. (Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2022-03-01)
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      Economic Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Services Losses: Cost of Policy Inaction 

      Chiabai, Aline; Travisi, Chiara; Markandya, Anil; Nunes, Paulo A. L. D.; Ding, Helen (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2010-09-13)
      This paper presents a bottom-up methodological framework for estimating some of the key ecosystem services provided by forests biomes worldwide. We consider the provision of wood and non-wood forest products, recreation ...