Lan Dokumentuak eta Txosten Teknikoak;;Documentos de Trabajo e Informes Técnicos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 17-20 of 461
Elikagaien Erosketa Jasangarrirako Estrategia Osakidetzako Ospitaleetan: Euskal Osasun Sisteman elikadura sistema jasangarria sustatzeko hazi bat
(2023-10)UPV/EHU buru duen RENASCENCE proiektuak euskal osasun-sisteman elikadura-sistema iraunkorrak garatzeko beharrezkoak diren erronkei buruzko gogoeta egiten du. Elikagaien erosketa publikoa funtsezko tresnatzat jotzen da ... -
Estudio de 7 situaciones sinópticas durante el año 2002 unidas a galernas o probabilidad de ocurrencia de las mismas
(2003-01-28)The analysis of the generation and development of a series of galernas has shown the presence of intense winds from the SW at relatively low altitudes, some hours before the triggering of a typical summer galerna. It is ... -
Analisis y diagnóstico de episodios de meteorología severa en el País Vasco
(2002-12-29)The atmospheric processes prior to and during the outbreak of 2 galernas (July 25, 1995 and May 30, 1996) are analyzed. Data from surface stations, meteorological satellites, the Punta Galea wind profiler radar and numerical ... -
Mujeres constructoras de paz
(Mugarik Gabe, 2020-12-31)Final document of the reflection process "Mujeres constructoras de paz" hold by Mugarik Gabe in Euskalherria, between 2017, 1st December and 2020, 3rd December, with the participation of more than 25 women from international ...