Lan Dokumentuak eta Txosten Teknikoak;;Documentos de Trabajo e Informes Técnicos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 73-76 of 462
Determinación de compuestos orgánicos potencialmente alérgenos en equipos textiles de protección individual (EPIs) mediante analisis directo por pirólisis acoplado a cromatografía de gases espectrometría de masas (Py-GC/MS).
(2016-03-11)Nowadays different cases of allergy in different clothes have been observed due to organic components used in industrial preparation of garments. Mainly, these compounds are usually dyes although it is also possible to ... -
An update of the J48Consolidated WEKA’s class: CTC algorithm enhanced with the notion of coverage
(2016-02-12)This document aims to describe an update of the implementation of the J48Consolidated class within WEKA platform. The J48Consolidated class implements the CTC algorithm [2][3] which builds a unique decision tree based on ... -
J48Consolidated: an implementation of CTC algorithm for WEKA
(2016-02-12)The CTC algorithm, Consolidated Tree Construction algorithm, is a machine learning paradigm that was designed to solve a class imbalance problem, a fraud detection problem in the area of car insurance [1] where, besides, ... -
Euskarazko denbora-egiturak etiketatzeko gidalerroak v2.0
(2016-02-11)[EN]To interpret the temporal information on texts, a mark-up language that will code that information is needed, in order to make that information automatically reachable. The most used mark-up language is TimeML (Pustejovsky ...