Collections in this community
(2003) Volumen 18. Número 1
Logic, Language and Information -
(2003) Volumen 18. Número 2
On M. Gómez-Torrente's; Forma lógica y modalidad -
(2003) Volumen 18. Número 3
Darwinism and Social Science -
(2004) Volumen 19. Número 2
Normativity in four different angles and disciplines -
(2004) Volumen 19. Número 3
Dispositions, Causes and Propensities in Science -
(2005) Volumen 20. Número 3
Language and thought: empirical and conceptual viewpoints -
(2006) Volumen 21. Número 1
Scientific Representation -
(2006) Volumen 21. Número 2
Knowledge, Memory and Perception -
(2007) Volumen 22. Número 1
On Richard Moran's; Authority and Estrangement -
(2007) Volumen 22. Número 3
On Atocha Aliseda's; Abductive Reasoning -
(2008) Volumen 23. Número 1
Testimony and Trust in Contemporary Epistemology -
(2009) Volumen 24. Número 2
Construction and Reduction: New Essays in Honour of Nelson Goodman -
(2010) Volumen 25. Número 2
XIIth Taller d'Investigació en Filosofia -
(2011) Volumen 26. Número 3
On L. Bermejo-Luque, Giving Reasons -
(2012) Volumen 27. Número 2
Causality and Explanation in the Sciences -
(2012) Volumen 27. Número 3
Rethinking The Structure of Scientific Revolutions -
(2013) Volumen 28. Número 2
I Lullius Lectures -
(2013) Volumen 28. Número 3
Ruth Barcan Marcus (1921-2012) -
(2014) Volumen 29. Número 1
Explanation, Causality, and Unification -
(2015) Volumen 30. Número 1
Unification and Coherence -
(2015) Volumen 30. Número 2
What Makes a Good Experiment? -
(2015) Volumen 30. Número 3
History and Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics -
(2016) Volumen 31. Número 3
Propaganda and Ideology -
(2018) Volumen 33. Número 2
Updating indispensabilities: Putnam in memoriam; From basic cognition to mathematical practice -
(2018) Volumen 33. Número 3
Delia Graff Fara. A celebration of her life and career -
(2019) Volumen 34. Número 2
Questions about science -
(2019) Volumen 34. Número 3
Innovation in/through science -
(2020) Volumen 35. Número 1
The Philosophical Legacy of Jerry Fodor -
(2021) Volumen 36. Número 2
Evidence and mechanisms -
(2022) Volumen 37. Número 1
James Woodward: Causal and explanatory asymmetries -
(2023) Volumen 38. Número 3
Sandra Mitchell’s Lullius Lectures. Sandra Mitchell’s contribution to philosophy of science
Recent Submissions
A way to see the interplay between theory and reality with a look at the quantum case
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2024)The purpose of this paper is to argue that neither mathematics nor logic can be applied ‘directly’ to reality, but to our rational representations (or reconstructions) of it, and this is extended to scientic theories in ... -
The miracles argument meets quantum mechanics: toward a locavore philosophy of physics
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2024)It’s a mistake to afflict upon on our best theories a single, uniform interpretation meant to apply in all circumstance. It’s a mistake because it impedes the capacity of those theories to function as science. To refrain ... -
Remarks on quantum mechanics and non-reflexive logic
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2024)In this paper, we discuss and outline a version of non-relativistic quantum mechanics based on a new non-reflexive logic, where the basic entities (elementary particles) lack identity condi-tions. Some relationships with ... -
Quantum ontology de-naturalized: what we can’t learn from quantum mechanics
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2024)Los filósofos de la ciencia suelen conectar ontología y ciencia, afirmando que estas dos disciplinas mantienen una relación en dos direcciones: por un lado, podemos extraer ontología de las teorías científicas; por otro ...