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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Prieto, Ana
dc.contributor.authorApiñaniz Fernández de Larrinoa, Estibaliz
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 23 : 17-27 (2010)
dc.description.abstractAzken urteotan, nanopartikula magnetikoak garrantzia hartzen ari dira medikuntza arloan. Nanometrikoak izateagatik, partikula magnetiko horiek galdu egiten dute oroimen magnetikoa, eta ondorioz ez dute aglomeraturik sortzen eta odol-zir kuituan ibiltzeko gai dira. Partikula horiek aplikazio asko dituzte, besteak beste eskualde finko bateko tenperatura igotzeko (hipertermia) edo kanpo eremu magnetikoak erabiliz, farmakoak xede-ehunetara garraiatzeko. Magnetic particles at the nanoscale have two interesting features that make them attractive for biomedical applications: firstly, they have a large magnetic susceptibility, which makes them be easily attracted by magnets, and secondly, they do not re- tain magnetic memory, which means that once the magnetic force is off they disperse and do not form aggregates, minimizing the risk of obstructing the blood stream. Currently magnetic nanoparticles are commonly used as contrast agents for magnetic res- onance imaging of certain organs, especially the liver. In this article we will examine two of the applications that are being most widely studied in the last years. On the one hand is the localized magnetic hyperthermia , which consists on attaching magnetic nanoparticles to tumour cells and apply an alternating magnetic field. This field heats up the particles and the cells they are attached to. On the other hand, magnetic nanoparticles may be used as drug carriers that can be directed to the damaged tissue by external magnetic fields, avoiding the drug spreading to healthy tissues. We will overview the properties and current status of both techniques and the drawbacks to overcome before they can be of clinical use
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleNanopartikula magnetikoak: zenbait aplikazio medikutzan
dc.rights.holder© 2010, Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua

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